in the past big events ztrider always performed very well, so dont blame him fot that match. i'm sure he will show some great and entertaining games at wcg! also his aim was pretty off, as he missed many easy rails. keep on fighting ztrider! <;
maps/mp/wvwq4dm1.proc not found, is it supposed to look for that file? I d/l:ed the placebo .pk4 map and but it in q4base but I can't watch the demo, help please.
Q4Replay 0.4.1 tells me i have everything to play the motherfucker. I have the maps, deleted the q4max folder, unzipped the newest q4max into the quake 4 folder... the demo player launches quake 4 and then it lands in the q4max menus.
First error message is:
pak file c:/program files/...../map_l4dm1.pk4 does not have directory entries ( FS subsystem requires it )
and for a couple of other maps as well... (was playing the phrantic demo from the same set of maps in this instance.)
I wanna watch that one !