Would sound a lot more convincing if you did not have a 100 aliases on this site and could go a week without being on probation for redefining the boundaries of a virtual parasite.
So what are you saying, the net is a place where everyone exerts their split personalities and it's not really real?
Less inhabitions yes, but unless you got mental problems or are a complete and utter fuck up IRL I don't see why anyone would be vastly different to how they are IRL?
its like any pic of my gf will generate about a ridiculous amount of comments, no matter the content, thus increasing esr users chances of getting plussed in hopes of making a sarcastic, witty, or stupid comments :P
R4nger or whatever, why would you put girl? Its not suitable considering "girl" and "chance" are barely in the picture. It should just simply be "gellehsak".
Jigsaw: Hello, Andy. I want to play a game. Up until now, you have spent your life playing video games, piecing together other peoples final moves. You're good at this because, you, like them, are also pro. Pro, with the "claw".