I've moved all my stuff from my room at home here to the new 16m^2 apartment, and that seem to have been the point of no return. My brother has fetched some old furniture from my old room, and my mom has made the space her own. So I guess that's it. No return, and most likely no online-fps games for quite some time.
Anyways.. check out this article, about religion vs science. I especially like the beginning. This might be a slightly fictional battle, but there seems to be something going on now that i feel especially relate to the mind-body problem.
We've been lead all the way from making the earth round, to making us not even the center of the universe, to being genetically closer to chimp than chim to monkey.. Cracking the mystery of consciousness seems to me to be the ultimate blow against all normal religions, and all this upheaval seems to be in a way affected by that closing in on us.
In addition it seems like some people from the science community are in a way giving in to this problem; from what i've gathered there seems to be less people who take reductionistic aproaches towards consciousness, it's like they would rather aproach problems in a way that leaves a place for irreduceble phenomena. They are caving in. And in some sense they might be right in doing that. There may and may should be some way of making science more open to the humanities. Of course i do not mean caving in as far as to believe in religion, but cave in a way that could perhaps for some fill the gap religion filled for them.. I don't know.
"Science arose from poetry... when times change the two can meet again on a higher level as friends."
-Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
dawkins interview from youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kfnDdMRxMHY
Any thoughts?
Anyways.. check out this article, about religion vs science. I especially like the beginning. This might be a slightly fictional battle, but there seems to be something going on now that i feel especially relate to the mind-body problem.
We've been lead all the way from making the earth round, to making us not even the center of the universe, to being genetically closer to chimp than chim to monkey.. Cracking the mystery of consciousness seems to me to be the ultimate blow against all normal religions, and all this upheaval seems to be in a way affected by that closing in on us.
In addition it seems like some people from the science community are in a way giving in to this problem; from what i've gathered there seems to be less people who take reductionistic aproaches towards consciousness, it's like they would rather aproach problems in a way that leaves a place for irreduceble phenomena. They are caving in. And in some sense they might be right in doing that. There may and may should be some way of making science more open to the humanities. Of course i do not mean caving in as far as to believe in religion, but cave in a way that could perhaps for some fill the gap religion filled for them.. I don't know.
"Science arose from poetry... when times change the two can meet again on a higher level as friends."
-Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
dawkins interview from youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kfnDdMRxMHY
Any thoughts?
Edited by CPLains at 16:47 CST, 30 October 2006 - 29314 Hits
Utterly disappointed.