Hi everyone,
I work for Logitech on gaming mice, and I've been keeping a low profile, reading the forums quite frequently here to keep aprised of the feedback you have on mice. There's been quite a lot of discussion (to say the least) on the optical vs. laser debate.
I unofficially wanted to post for the first time to solicit feedback from the gaming community on this issue. Specifically, we'd like to hear your opinions and answers for the following questions:
(We hope you'll take this inquiry seriously, as we're sincere in wanting to hear gamers' feedback directly. I appreciate your honest and thoughtful comments. And I'll try to answer any questions you might have after this thread has run for a bit.)
1) What type of mouse (manufacturer + model) do you use to game with? What have you used in the past?
2) What current settings do you use on the mouse (sensitivity, button assignments, report rate, etc)? If you could post a screen shot of your control panels, even better.
3) What mousing surface do you use? Mousepad name or description is fine. Even better -- a close-up photo of the surface.
a) Why do you favor that mousing surface? For better gliding? Better tracking performance? Size? Aesthetic?
4) How do you hold it (e.g. fingertip grip, palm it)?
5) Describe how you typically move your mouse when gaming (e.g. how fast/slow, long movements/short movements, high sens/low sens, flicking, skating, etc.). Did this movement behavior cause a mouse failure or disappointment? Videos showcasing failing behavior would be great to see.
6) About how high do you typically lift your mouse when gaming? Do you ever see an issue with tracking when you lift your mouse (if so, please explain)? Does this differ for you depending on the mouse and the surface?
7) Do you prefer optical or laser mice? Please explain. Are there specific situations you prefer one over the other?
8) Anything else you want Logitech to know?
Thank you for your responses. We appreciate you taking the time to give us important feedback to help improve our mice for gaming.
I work for Logitech on gaming mice, and I've been keeping a low profile, reading the forums quite frequently here to keep aprised of the feedback you have on mice. There's been quite a lot of discussion (to say the least) on the optical vs. laser debate.
I unofficially wanted to post for the first time to solicit feedback from the gaming community on this issue. Specifically, we'd like to hear your opinions and answers for the following questions:
(We hope you'll take this inquiry seriously, as we're sincere in wanting to hear gamers' feedback directly. I appreciate your honest and thoughtful comments. And I'll try to answer any questions you might have after this thread has run for a bit.)
1) What type of mouse (manufacturer + model) do you use to game with? What have you used in the past?
2) What current settings do you use on the mouse (sensitivity, button assignments, report rate, etc)? If you could post a screen shot of your control panels, even better.
3) What mousing surface do you use? Mousepad name or description is fine. Even better -- a close-up photo of the surface.
a) Why do you favor that mousing surface? For better gliding? Better tracking performance? Size? Aesthetic?
4) How do you hold it (e.g. fingertip grip, palm it)?
5) Describe how you typically move your mouse when gaming (e.g. how fast/slow, long movements/short movements, high sens/low sens, flicking, skating, etc.). Did this movement behavior cause a mouse failure or disappointment? Videos showcasing failing behavior would be great to see.
6) About how high do you typically lift your mouse when gaming? Do you ever see an issue with tracking when you lift your mouse (if so, please explain)? Does this differ for you depending on the mouse and the surface?
7) Do you prefer optical or laser mice? Please explain. Are there specific situations you prefer one over the other?
8) Anything else you want Logitech to know?
Thank you for your responses. We appreciate you taking the time to give us important feedback to help improve our mice for gaming.
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