Event: ESWC 2006
Following up an already amazing trailer, the French broadcasting team at NoSide.fr has now released a 15mins long outstanding coverage of this year's Electronic Sports World Cup, held in France. Interviews in this movie include the host of the show, MonsieurLam, players from the CS team Clan Seules and various other persons.If you ever wanted to know what it feels like to be at such an event, go ahead and download one of the various high quality versions (50MB up to 1.04GB) at NoSide.fr.
source: post by Anarki320 on the forums
- Movie File - ESWC Reloaded (several versions available) 50MB
- NoSide.fr (614 clicks)
Edited by spyteman at 14:07 CST, 5 December 2006 - 41958 Hits