Name: HAYEM Etienne
Location: Paris
Posts: 106
Location: Paris
Posts: 106
Event: CPL WS'06

The first day wasn't that interesting, besides the possibility to see the form of our heroes against unknown players, just a quick overview about the form of Cooller, Czm, or viju. Lots of demos are available to see if a 55 -4 against bobby24 is better than a 63 -3 against robby32.
Nothing special until yet, but something, my friend, has been disturbing us during some of these games, its about some players, that are payed to travel around the world, sponsored in fact, to come and loose to that event, or at best make a top 32, you may have recognize the persons I'm speaking about :
god Ms.X, trito, and liefje are sponsored to be top 32 and to travel from event to event during players like spartie, k1ller, St_Germain and many more I just forget are staying at home, watching them loose poorly on GTV.
In Gotfrag's preview, you can see the answer of the girls to the question :
What are your chances at this event?
Therese "god/trito" Andersson: Since I'm out of practice and since I would rather play Quake 4, I will focus on just enjoy playing and having a nice time in game.
Livia "chrome/Liefje" Teernstra: LOL maybe if we fire up some UT :D.
This will be the first CPL event to use group stages prior to a double elimination bracket, are you pleased with this system?
Livia "chrome/Liefje" Teernstra: Sure, I like how you get to play more games in the beginning.
After her 64 to something lose to ectz on Dm6, I'm sure she's happy to be able to play more games before travelling back home since she finished 3rd of her group.
trito finished second of her group and will go into the Double Elimination. I wish her good luck for the following matches because she'll need a lot of.
Ms.X had 2 negative scores against "deanomyte", and finished 4th and last of her group.
I'm not gonna tell the girls can't play, but dude, I mean c'mon, who on earth is payed to place top32? What are they doing in every interview since we already know they will crash up arriving in the real part of the competition.
They are just having vacation and fun (though that is great for her) but that's fully unfair.
That lead me to ask different questions :
- Why are they sponsored?
- What is the interest of VIA in sponsoring them?
- Why don't they choose some better players?
At the first question the answer is really simple :
- they've got that things that we call tits or boobs, and vagina, that make them recognized as girls.
At the second, studying Marketing and being quite involved in a lot of different sponsoring researches, I'd say, the interest of VIA, rather having a quality team, with good results, will try to become known or recognize threw Originality, or like you sometimes present an ecologist project defending the nature, here you have a different representation than the competitiveness. In that way, they take a different position than all the sponsor we know sponsoring the bests players, that will make people speak about them and remember in a quite more easier way. Am I not the one speaking about VIA here? That answers also the third question.
So what's the problem in fact?
The thing that make laugh every gtv spec, that disturb any Quake player that know how to vote yes to a random vote, just feel angry, but why?
I'm not gonna say its bad to develop feminine professional gaming, I am not gonna say what VIA do is a bad thing, because its their choice to put their money wherever they want to, but in a world where wemen want to compete and be equal to men, let me just tell you, because they are nothing from the best, but have that double X chromosomes, they'll earn free trips to each events during our national hopes will stay home, and that, my friend, is weird.
Edited by Lord*Fuck at 22:42 CST, 17 December 2006 - 4199 Hits