[16:23] <daryl`> SUp
[16:23] <daryl`> Daryl is ~Daryl@s207-216-241-198.bc.hsia.telus.net * Daryl
[16:23] <daryl`> oh god
[16:24] <daryl`> another retard
[16:24] <bryan> haha
[16:24] <daryl`> Server load is temporarily too heavy. Please wait a while and try again.
[16:24] <daryl`> Server load is temporarily too heavy. Please wait a while and try again.
[16:24] <daryl`> Server load is temporarily too heavy. Please wait a while and try again.
[16:24] <daryl`> Server load is temporarily too heavy. Please wait a while and try again.
[16:24] <daryl`> Server load is temporarily too heavy. Please wait a while and try again.
[16:24] <daryl`> Server load is temporarily too heavy. Please wait a while and try again.
[16:24] <bryan> you admitted to being a retard
[16:24] <bryan> 'bout time!
[16:24] <bryan> _ _
[16:24] <bryan> _ __ ___| |_ __ _ _ __ __| |
[16:24] <bryan> | '__/ _ __/ _` | '__/ _` |
[16:24] <bryan> | | | __/ || (_| | | | (_| |
[16:24] <bryan> |_| ___|____,_|_| __,_|
[16:24] <bryan>
[16:25] <daryl`> i'm not switching to a shitty font just to read that
[16:25] <bryan> ___ ____
[16:25] <bryan> ( _ ) _____ _____ _____ _____| _
[16:25] <bryan> / _ |_____|_____|_____|_____| | | |
[16:25] <bryan> | (_) |_____|_____|_____|_____| |_| |
[16:25] <bryan> ___/ |____/
[16:25] <bryan>
[16:25] <daryl`> worst guitar ever
[16:26] <bryan> it's a penis
[16:27] <daryl`> what's a penis
[16:30] <bryan> ...
[16:30] <bryan> __
[16:30] <bryan> _ _ _ __ __ _ / _| __ _ __ _
[16:30] <bryan> | | | | | '__| / _` | | |_ / _` |/ _` |
[16:30] <bryan> | |_| | | | | (_| | | _| (_| | (_| |
[16:30] <bryan> __,_| |_| __,_| |_| __,_|__, |
[16:30] <bryan> |___/
[16:35] * Disconnected
[16:35] * Attempting to rejoin channel #raccoon
[16:35] * Rejoined channel #raccoon
[16:35] * Topic is 'RIP Former President, Saddam Hussein, 1937-2006 | http://www.bushflash.com/thanks.html'
[16:35] * Set by Raccoon!bismuth@67-42-131-27.albq.qwest.net on Sat Dec 30 19:12:31
[16:35] * daryl` (leapyear@68-114-161-175.dhcp.kgpt.tn.charter.com) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[16:35] <daryl_> hey bryan
[16:35] <daryl_> what's up man
[16:35] <bryan> welcome back ;)
[16:35] <daryl_> huh
[16:36] <daryl_> http://slashdot.org/pollBooth.pl?qid=1378&aid=-1
[16:36] <daryl_> finally
[16:36] <bryan> can't argue with that
[16:36] <daryl_> i can
[16:36] <daryl_> donatello is a FAGGOT
[16:37] <daryl_> he uses his bo staff
[16:37] <daryl_> for phallic pleasure
[16:37] <daryl_> wow
[16:37] <daryl_> what a faggot
[16:37] <daryl_> fuck you donatello
[16:38] <daryl_> raphael is red
[16:38] <daryl_> he uses shitty sais
[16:38] <daryl_> and he's named after a fucking talk show host
[16:38] <daryl_> wow gross
[16:41] * Maverick (uber@chevy.z71.us) has joined #raccoon
[16:42] <daryl_> hey maverick why don't you shut the hell up
[16:42] * Maverick (uber@chevy.z71.us) has left #raccoon
[16:42] <daryl_> thanks
[16:42] * Maverick (uber@chevy.z71.us) has joined #raccoon
[16:42] <Maverick> Idiot.
[16:42] <daryl_> sup maverick
[16:42] * Maverick (uber@chevy.z71.us) has left #raccoon
[16:43] <daryl_> lol cooey
[16:43] <daryl_> D:
[16:47] <daryl_> bryan
[16:47] <daryl_> what's the biggest penis you've ever had inside of you
[16:48] <bryan> never had a penis inside of me
[16:48] <daryl_> now you're just lying
[16:49] <bryan> I did hookup with 2 girls on new years
[16:49] <daryl_> wow congratulations
[16:49] <daryl_> guess what
[16:49] <bryan> you're a virgin
[16:49] <bryan> I know
[16:49] <daryl_> so anyway
[16:49] <bryan> it's ok
[16:49] <bryan> I don't judge
[16:49] <daryl_> sure
[16:49] <daryl_> i had a penis inside of me
[16:49] <daryl_> up until i was about 7 months old
[16:49] <daryl_> that's crazy isn't it
[16:49] <bryan> hot
[16:50] <daryl_> as a fetus
[16:50] <daryl_> that is
[16:50] <daryl_> dude
[16:50] <daryl_> you're 22
[16:50] <daryl_> will you ever be as smart as i am?
[16:50] <daryl_> i'm thinking maybe when you're 65
[16:50] <daryl_> i can't believe you still make crappy gay jokes
[16:50] <daryl_> is it just because you're retarded
[16:50] <bryan> lol
[16:50] <bryan> you got issues :)
[16:50] <daryl_> no
[16:50] <daryl_> i'm pretty sure you do
[16:51] <daryl_> hey bryan
[16:51] <daryl_> what's up dude
[16:51] <bryan> heh
[16:51] <daryl_> k eating
[16:51] <bryan> you do know you made the gay joke first?
[16:51] <daryl_> no
[16:51] <daryl_> what's that mean
[16:52] <bryan> ...
[16:56] <daryl_> did you learn that at sdsu
[16:57] <daryl_> the ellipsis has many uses
[16:57] <daryl_> although
[16:58] …
[16:58] <daryl_> i'm pretty sure you want $chr(0133)
[16:58] <bryan> sorry, I don't use mirk
[16:58] <daryl_> no, you use irssi
[16:58] <daryl_> that's right
[16:58] <daryl_> you're too advanced for a client with a modicum of scripting capability
[16:58] <daryl_> or wait!
[16:58] <daryl_> irssi could have that too!
[16:58] <daryl_> wow!
[16:58] <daryl_> what an innovation
[16:59] <bryan> I don't use windows
[16:59] <daryl_> wow
[16:59] <daryl_> that's like saying
[16:59] <daryl_> i'm not a republican
[16:59] <daryl_> do you even hear yourself talking
[16:59] <daryl_> look at you bryan
[16:59] <daryl_> what a rebel
[17:00] <bryan> I am republican
[17:00] <daryl_> well that explains why you're stupid
[17:00] <daryl_> but it doesn't explain what you have against gays
[17:00] <daryl_> o wait
[17:00] <bryan> I have nothing against gays
[17:00] <daryl_> so you're gay?
[17:00] <bryan> one of my best friends is gay
[17:00] <bryan> no
[17:00] <daryl_> you just said your best friend is gay
[17:00] <daryl_> you're definitely gay
[17:00] <bryan> so what do you have against gays
[17:00] <bryan> ?
[17:00] <daryl_> they stink
[17:02] <bryan> mIRc is too limited
[17:02] <bryan> the variable length is what, 999?
[17:02] <bryan> the inability to represent spaces from server text
[17:04] <daryl_> i don't understand why so many people have problems with adjectives and adverbs
[17:04] <daryl_> or just basically descriptions in general
[17:04] <daryl_> how can i look amazing
[17:04] <bryan> ok?
[17:04] <daryl_> i don't understand
[17:04] <daryl_> what does that even mean bryan
[17:04] <daryl_> does that mean i have a look in my eyes that says i'm in awe
[17:04] <bryan> well, if you actually used the scripting interface, you would know what I am talking about
[17:04] <daryl_> and of course i'm doing good
[17:05] <daryl_> bryan
[17:05] <daryl_> i'm not a villain
[17:05] <daryl_> bryan
[17:05] <daryl_> if you actually had an iq of above 95
[17:05] <daryl_> you would
[17:05] <daryl_> uh
[17:05] <daryl_> something
[17:06] <bryan> ...
[17:07] <daryl_> there you go again
[17:07] <daryl_> thank god you aren't a mathematician
[17:07] <daryl_> you believe in god right bryan
[17:07] <bryan> mathematicians use ...
[17:07] <bryan> no
[17:07] <daryl_> and you're republican?
[17:07] <bryan> yes
[17:07] <daryl_> wow
[17:07] <daryl_> we have a winner
[17:08] <bryan> I'm for gay marriage, I'm for abortions, etc..
[17:08] <daryl_> why are you for gay marriage and abortion
[17:09] <bryan> because the whole gay marriage thing is a repeat of blacks not having equal rights
[17:09] <daryl_> i am against gay marriage but for abortion
[17:09] <bryan> and there is no reason someone should tell a woman what she can and can't do with her body
[17:09] <daryl_> actually i'm not
[17:09] <daryl_> sorry
[17:09] <daryl_> it's not ok to kill fags
[17:09] <daryl_> but fuck
[17:09] <daryl_> let's kill some babies
[17:09] <daryl_> i am very supportive of post partum abortion
[17:10] <daryl_> ok then you should be against lots of laws
[17:10] <bryan> I am
[17:10] <daryl_> drinking and driving
[17:10] <daryl_> suicide
[17:11] <bryan> suicide should be legal
[17:11] <daryl_> so it's ok to kill babies
[17:11] <daryl_> but it's ok to kill adults
[17:11] <bryan> drinking and driving is endangering others, I am all for the protections on it
[17:11] <daryl_> you have no sense of morality
[17:11] <daryl_> yeah but a woman should be able to do what she wants with her body
[17:11] <bryan> when did I say it was ok to kill adults?
[17:11] <daryl_> i mean you totally have no right to tell her she cannot drive that automobile
[17:11] <bryan> I was almost aborted, and yet I still feel this way
[17:12] <daryl_> almost?
[17:12] <daryl_> how do you know this
[17:13] <bryan> I really don't care what you think or have to say, you obviously would be a slave owner if you could have your way.
[17:13] <daryl_> you're right
[17:13] <daryl_> i want me some slaves
[17:13] <daryl_> do you actually expect me to till my own garden?
[17:13] <daryl_> ha!
[17:13] <daryl_> i am white
[17:13] <daryl_> are you insane?
[16:23] <daryl`> Daryl is ~Daryl@s207-216-241-198.bc.hsia.telus.net * Daryl
[16:23] <daryl`> oh god
[16:24] <daryl`> another retard
[16:24] <bryan> haha
[16:24] <daryl`> Server load is temporarily too heavy. Please wait a while and try again.
[16:24] <daryl`> Server load is temporarily too heavy. Please wait a while and try again.
[16:24] <daryl`> Server load is temporarily too heavy. Please wait a while and try again.
[16:24] <daryl`> Server load is temporarily too heavy. Please wait a while and try again.
[16:24] <daryl`> Server load is temporarily too heavy. Please wait a while and try again.
[16:24] <daryl`> Server load is temporarily too heavy. Please wait a while and try again.
[16:24] <bryan> you admitted to being a retard
[16:24] <bryan> 'bout time!
[16:24] <bryan> _ _
[16:24] <bryan> _ __ ___| |_ __ _ _ __ __| |
[16:24] <bryan> | '__/ _ __/ _` | '__/ _` |
[16:24] <bryan> | | | __/ || (_| | | | (_| |
[16:24] <bryan> |_| ___|____,_|_| __,_|
[16:24] <bryan>
[16:25] <daryl`> i'm not switching to a shitty font just to read that
[16:25] <bryan> ___ ____
[16:25] <bryan> ( _ ) _____ _____ _____ _____| _
[16:25] <bryan> / _ |_____|_____|_____|_____| | | |
[16:25] <bryan> | (_) |_____|_____|_____|_____| |_| |
[16:25] <bryan> ___/ |____/
[16:25] <bryan>
[16:25] <daryl`> worst guitar ever
[16:26] <bryan> it's a penis
[16:27] <daryl`> what's a penis
[16:30] <bryan> ...
[16:30] <bryan> __
[16:30] <bryan> _ _ _ __ __ _ / _| __ _ __ _
[16:30] <bryan> | | | | | '__| / _` | | |_ / _` |/ _` |
[16:30] <bryan> | |_| | | | | (_| | | _| (_| | (_| |
[16:30] <bryan> __,_| |_| __,_| |_| __,_|__, |
[16:30] <bryan> |___/
[16:35] * Disconnected
[16:35] * Attempting to rejoin channel #raccoon
[16:35] * Rejoined channel #raccoon
[16:35] * Topic is 'RIP Former President, Saddam Hussein, 1937-2006 | http://www.bushflash.com/thanks.html'
[16:35] * Set by Raccoon!bismuth@67-42-131-27.albq.qwest.net on Sat Dec 30 19:12:31
[16:35] * daryl` (leapyear@68-114-161-175.dhcp.kgpt.tn.charter.com) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[16:35] <daryl_> hey bryan
[16:35] <daryl_> what's up man
[16:35] <bryan> welcome back ;)
[16:35] <daryl_> huh
[16:36] <daryl_> http://slashdot.org/pollBooth.pl?qid=1378&aid=-1
[16:36] <daryl_> finally
[16:36] <bryan> can't argue with that
[16:36] <daryl_> i can
[16:36] <daryl_> donatello is a FAGGOT
[16:37] <daryl_> he uses his bo staff
[16:37] <daryl_> for phallic pleasure
[16:37] <daryl_> wow
[16:37] <daryl_> what a faggot
[16:37] <daryl_> fuck you donatello
[16:38] <daryl_> raphael is red
[16:38] <daryl_> he uses shitty sais
[16:38] <daryl_> and he's named after a fucking talk show host
[16:38] <daryl_> wow gross
[16:41] * Maverick (uber@chevy.z71.us) has joined #raccoon
[16:42] <daryl_> hey maverick why don't you shut the hell up
[16:42] * Maverick (uber@chevy.z71.us) has left #raccoon
[16:42] <daryl_> thanks
[16:42] * Maverick (uber@chevy.z71.us) has joined #raccoon
[16:42] <Maverick> Idiot.
[16:42] <daryl_> sup maverick
[16:42] * Maverick (uber@chevy.z71.us) has left #raccoon
[16:43] <daryl_> lol cooey
[16:43] <daryl_> D:
[16:47] <daryl_> bryan
[16:47] <daryl_> what's the biggest penis you've ever had inside of you
[16:48] <bryan> never had a penis inside of me
[16:48] <daryl_> now you're just lying
[16:49] <bryan> I did hookup with 2 girls on new years
[16:49] <daryl_> wow congratulations
[16:49] <daryl_> guess what
[16:49] <bryan> you're a virgin
[16:49] <bryan> I know
[16:49] <daryl_> so anyway
[16:49] <bryan> it's ok
[16:49] <bryan> I don't judge
[16:49] <daryl_> sure
[16:49] <daryl_> i had a penis inside of me
[16:49] <daryl_> up until i was about 7 months old
[16:49] <daryl_> that's crazy isn't it
[16:49] <bryan> hot
[16:50] <daryl_> as a fetus
[16:50] <daryl_> that is
[16:50] <daryl_> dude
[16:50] <daryl_> you're 22
[16:50] <daryl_> will you ever be as smart as i am?
[16:50] <daryl_> i'm thinking maybe when you're 65
[16:50] <daryl_> i can't believe you still make crappy gay jokes
[16:50] <daryl_> is it just because you're retarded
[16:50] <bryan> lol
[16:50] <bryan> you got issues :)
[16:50] <daryl_> no
[16:50] <daryl_> i'm pretty sure you do
[16:51] <daryl_> hey bryan
[16:51] <daryl_> what's up dude
[16:51] <bryan> heh
[16:51] <daryl_> k eating
[16:51] <bryan> you do know you made the gay joke first?
[16:51] <daryl_> no
[16:51] <daryl_> what's that mean
[16:52] <bryan> ...
[16:56] <daryl_> did you learn that at sdsu
[16:57] <daryl_> the ellipsis has many uses
[16:57] <daryl_> although
[16:58] …
[16:58] <daryl_> i'm pretty sure you want $chr(0133)
[16:58] <bryan> sorry, I don't use mirk
[16:58] <daryl_> no, you use irssi
[16:58] <daryl_> that's right
[16:58] <daryl_> you're too advanced for a client with a modicum of scripting capability
[16:58] <daryl_> or wait!
[16:58] <daryl_> irssi could have that too!
[16:58] <daryl_> wow!
[16:58] <daryl_> what an innovation
[16:59] <bryan> I don't use windows
[16:59] <daryl_> wow
[16:59] <daryl_> that's like saying
[16:59] <daryl_> i'm not a republican
[16:59] <daryl_> do you even hear yourself talking
[16:59] <daryl_> look at you bryan
[16:59] <daryl_> what a rebel
[17:00] <bryan> I am republican
[17:00] <daryl_> well that explains why you're stupid
[17:00] <daryl_> but it doesn't explain what you have against gays
[17:00] <daryl_> o wait
[17:00] <bryan> I have nothing against gays
[17:00] <daryl_> so you're gay?
[17:00] <bryan> one of my best friends is gay
[17:00] <bryan> no
[17:00] <daryl_> you just said your best friend is gay
[17:00] <daryl_> you're definitely gay
[17:00] <bryan> so what do you have against gays
[17:00] <bryan> ?
[17:00] <daryl_> they stink
[17:02] <bryan> mIRc is too limited
[17:02] <bryan> the variable length is what, 999?
[17:02] <bryan> the inability to represent spaces from server text
[17:04] <daryl_> i don't understand why so many people have problems with adjectives and adverbs
[17:04] <daryl_> or just basically descriptions in general
[17:04] <daryl_> how can i look amazing
[17:04] <bryan> ok?
[17:04] <daryl_> i don't understand
[17:04] <daryl_> what does that even mean bryan
[17:04] <daryl_> does that mean i have a look in my eyes that says i'm in awe
[17:04] <bryan> well, if you actually used the scripting interface, you would know what I am talking about
[17:04] <daryl_> and of course i'm doing good
[17:05] <daryl_> bryan
[17:05] <daryl_> i'm not a villain
[17:05] <daryl_> bryan
[17:05] <daryl_> if you actually had an iq of above 95
[17:05] <daryl_> you would
[17:05] <daryl_> uh
[17:05] <daryl_> something
[17:06] <bryan> ...
[17:07] <daryl_> there you go again
[17:07] <daryl_> thank god you aren't a mathematician
[17:07] <daryl_> you believe in god right bryan
[17:07] <bryan> mathematicians use ...
[17:07] <bryan> no
[17:07] <daryl_> and you're republican?
[17:07] <bryan> yes
[17:07] <daryl_> wow
[17:07] <daryl_> we have a winner
[17:08] <bryan> I'm for gay marriage, I'm for abortions, etc..
[17:08] <daryl_> why are you for gay marriage and abortion
[17:09] <bryan> because the whole gay marriage thing is a repeat of blacks not having equal rights
[17:09] <daryl_> i am against gay marriage but for abortion
[17:09] <bryan> and there is no reason someone should tell a woman what she can and can't do with her body
[17:09] <daryl_> actually i'm not
[17:09] <daryl_> sorry
[17:09] <daryl_> it's not ok to kill fags
[17:09] <daryl_> but fuck
[17:09] <daryl_> let's kill some babies
[17:09] <daryl_> i am very supportive of post partum abortion
[17:10] <daryl_> ok then you should be against lots of laws
[17:10] <bryan> I am
[17:10] <daryl_> drinking and driving
[17:10] <daryl_> suicide
[17:11] <bryan> suicide should be legal
[17:11] <daryl_> so it's ok to kill babies
[17:11] <daryl_> but it's ok to kill adults
[17:11] <bryan> drinking and driving is endangering others, I am all for the protections on it
[17:11] <daryl_> you have no sense of morality
[17:11] <daryl_> yeah but a woman should be able to do what she wants with her body
[17:11] <bryan> when did I say it was ok to kill adults?
[17:11] <daryl_> i mean you totally have no right to tell her she cannot drive that automobile
[17:11] <bryan> I was almost aborted, and yet I still feel this way
[17:12] <daryl_> almost?
[17:12] <daryl_> how do you know this
[17:13] <bryan> I really don't care what you think or have to say, you obviously would be a slave owner if you could have your way.
[17:13] <daryl_> you're right
[17:13] <daryl_> i want me some slaves
[17:13] <daryl_> do you actually expect me to till my own garden?
[17:13] <daryl_> ha!
[17:13] <daryl_> i am white
[17:13] <daryl_> are you insane?
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