Team Infinite Trajectory has come back from the dead temporarily to release a new team trick jumping video. Much of this movie's content is quite old (most demos are from 2004) and the project was passed between a couple editors before landing here.
Some team tricking aspects were pioneered here, such as linear vector rocket propulsion. Long time it's been, eh? Team iT has been dead for about a year now, but the project needed completion!
Some team tricking aspects were pioneered here, such as linear vector rocket propulsion. Long time it's been, eh? Team iT has been dead for about a year now, but the project needed completion!
- Movie File ( 221MB
- Google Video (233 clicks)
- Levitation (241 clicks)
- (Download & Flash) (761 clicks)
Edited by RogeR1 at 08:50 CST, 12 February 2007 - 47588 Hits