Being our resident crustacean, lob has decided to show us all that you don't need hands to be a wanker! He's gathered frags and demos in secret over the past few months. So here his new project is, with a thumpin' bumpin' hiphop funk soundtrack, editing and cutting like he had scissors for hands(claws actually), and a CLACKCLACKCLACKCLACK -
Here is Claw & Order 2: Bad Juju.
Writeup by voodoochopstiks - be sure to also check out the original Claw & Order in case you haven't already.
Here is Claw & Order 2: Bad Juju.
Writeup by voodoochopstiks - be sure to also check out the original Claw & Order in case you haven't already.
- Movie File (BADJUJU.rar) 388MB
- Levitation (1273 clicks)
- (488 clicks)
- (105 clicks)
- (373 clicks)
- (1606 clicks)
- (197 clicks)
Edited by voodoochopstiks at 19:25 CST, 24 February 2007 - 165600 Hits
Hall of Fame: Hilarious (added to hof by tom)
Hall of Fame: Hilarious (added to hof by tom)
also 30 sec left