For a long time now... about... let's see... how long has it been... hmm... let me think... few seconds more... nevermind. I do it because... let me think... because........ because...... because I love you. Some people would say speaking off-topic in a forum thread is poor forum etiquette. We all know poor forum etiquette is the same as killing six million innocent Jews (a.k.a. people). But maybe there are times when it's good to kill six million innocent Jews... I mean... speak off-topic. But, let's move on to the actual topic.

The topic is.... ... .. . .. video games. And how people in the pro-gaming community always try to change video games into something else. They start by changing the name to esports. Then they try to mimic 'sports' in seemingly every way possible. They do things like put glowing lights on computer desks to try to mask the fact they're computer desks. I'm here to say, enough is enough. Let video games be themselves. Would you want to be a fake bastard only a superficial moron wouldn't see through?

I mean, instead of putting glowing lights on computer desks, just don't show the computer desks at all. Instead of showing the players, don't show them. Mystery and imagination is more interesting than people's faces and their mannerisms. And certainly more interesting than computer desks, no matter how many glowing lights they have or how the lights are positioned. And instead of arranging all these incredibly silly lan tournaments, as they are so-like things other than video games, use video game things like the internet.

With video games more than any other game or sport thing, the show is in the game. The game is in the game. Try spending less time with glowing lights and more time with the game.