Event: EC XV
Winner:Spart1e to win, Odds: 70% (1.4:1)
Bets placed: E$49819, betting open: 01:16 CDT 23 May 2007 to 13:00 CDT 27 May 2007
Loser:sajruz to win, Odds: 29% (3.3:1)
Bets placed: E$23660, betting open: 01:16 CDT 23 May 2007 to 13:00 CDT 27 May 2007
Schedule: Passed
Spart1e versus sajruz (prozac)
Match Date :: Sunday 27 May @ 12:00 CST
Spart1e wins from sajruz with 2 to 1 maps (Demos)
EC Match Page
Edited by ESR|Nicky at 04:32 CDT, 28 May 2007 - 8493 Hits