Gametype: Duel
Map: N/A
Mod: Challenge ProMode Arena
Viewpoint: nobap
Version info: 1.32
How to play back Q3 demos
can't get enough of that sweet ASUS Spring action! =)
another three-in-one demo; good old nobap meets rising q4 star Cypher in the Quarters.
maps played: ztn, nodm9, dm6.
after a onesided ztn (which starts promising tho), things only get better, with a thrilling last map on dm6. watch out for those airrockets on nodm9!
and the best thing: I put it in a .rar file. ain't the world great?
Map: N/A
Mod: Challenge ProMode Arena
Viewpoint: nobap
Version info: 1.32
How to play back Q3 demos
>> 55555-nobap(POV)-vs-fnatic.Cypher-ztn3tourney.rar <<
(4030KB, 472 DLs)
(4030KB, 472 DLs)
can't get enough of that sweet ASUS Spring action! =)
another three-in-one demo; good old nobap meets rising q4 star Cypher in the Quarters.
maps played: ztn, nodm9, dm6.
after a onesided ztn (which starts promising tho), things only get better, with a thrilling last map on dm6. watch out for those airrockets on nodm9!
and the best thing: I put it in a .rar file. ain't the world great?
10268 Hits