The Energy Drink Girl!
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Event: ESWC'07
This girl was a legend.She was at the event with an energy drink company, and was handing out a load of free samples throughout the tournament.
When we were in the 1.6 hall, the place was SO PACKED and people had moved chairs in such a way that was probably broke many fire-hazards, that this girl took to throwing cans of energy drink to people on request when they called out.
Although what she was doing could have been considered dangerous, everyone was made aware of flying cans in their direction and she actually had a great arm, so every single can hit their target.
As she threw out more drinks, the entire crowd began to cheer her as she threw batch after batch. Then, the fun stopped as an ESWC organiser came over and told her to stop :(
I think she also pretty much saved the Polish fans on the left of where I was sitting, who were putting in so much effort to their support that some of them looked like they were gonna pass out. She made sure that they got some liquid energy back in their systems.
Energy drink girl, we salute you!
Edited by Sureshot at 18:33 CDT, 8 July 2007 - 3517 Hits