This movie was released some time ago (four months) but its author
Conm had some software problems and asked me to add it to ESReality now. Enjoy.
Movie Stats
Length: 13:03
Resolution: 800x600
Size: 354 MB
Video codec: XviD
FPS rate: 29.97

Evil Inside includes frags of PolishQuake 2 players. High speed, nice frags with every single shot synchronized to the music and the "dark side" in the end. Have Fun.
Movie Stats
Length: 13:03
Resolution: 800x600
Size: 354 MB
Video codec: XviD
FPS rate: 29.97
- Movie File (Evil Inside by Conm) 354MB
- mirrormaid.yi.or (direct link) (524 clicks)
- own-age (340 clicks)
- own3D Download + Stream (233 clicks)
- (direct link) (225 clicks)
Edited by Yeltsin at 20:41 CDT, 14 July 2007 - 45264 Hits
post fucking links to actual download mirrors, not to (which doesn't even work atm)