Minutes ago our own
fusie uploaded the movie he has been working on for longer than I could possibly remember.
The movie is about Clan Macloud and is a frag highlight movie that is very pretty to the eye.
The rest is Fusion's own words:
clan #macloud: aldur,
bamse, bob,
fusie`, iop, jbr, joe, kankipappa, messa,
misslava, moon / farac, noonio / plop, orchild, pepsi, petillan,
quadman, reanimator, t4ckle, vou|on.
The Unreal Tournament '99 clan M4CLOUD already excists for over 7 years and is well known in the UT community, only not because of our high skills. The clan had alot of members coming and going, and used to be the most active clan in the 2v2 and 4v4 clanbase ladders. Although this clan has not actually won any awards (yet) it was my proposal to give us a little tribute in the form of a clanmovie. Few attempts already have been made, unsuccessfully. January this year I learned for the first time (after getting a decent laptop) how to make a proper UT clip. I started on my first movie Bust or Break which I cancelled after I started working on the M4CLOUD movie. And yes, it is still cancelled and will never be realised. The M4CLOUD movie started really promising and I think i captured 70% of all the footage within 2 weeks. I worked on it for 2 months and after that, the project went dead. I had own things to deal with and my interest was not there any more. I picked it up again last week and finished it in 1 day; since the intro was all that was left to do. In my eyes, it is visible I rushed it, since I had bigger plans for it. Still, the movie is a success in my opinion and I know my clanmembers will agree. For those who I made curious on the way, sorry if the result is somehow disappointing. This is also my (and orchild's) goodbye towards the scene since I've had it with UT.
In short, I present you the movie #macloud; Endgame, named after one of the Highlanders movies. My first and last movie, have fun with it :), #macloud greets you all.

Unreal Tournament
Type: Frag Highlights
Length: 10m39s
Size: 410 Megs
Resolution: 720x540
- Movie File (macloud_the_movie_by_fusie.rar) 410MB