Here is a short quotation of the review:
You’ll have to download SetPoint 5.0 to set up the G9 and any profiles you may want, but after it’s set up the way you like, you can take the mouse to any PC and just plug it in and go.If you are interested in finding out about the pros and cons of the G9, head on over to GGL Wire.
The drivers let you change everything from X-Y sensitivity and DPI to the actual colour of the running man LED. There are a lot of different colours/shades to choose from, including pink (you guys who use the pink rail trail in Quake 3 might be interested)!
I’ve confirmed that you can set up the DPI levels on a driver-equipped PC and then take the mouse to a random PC and switch through them.

Edited by Nicky at 23:20 CDT, 11 September 2007 - 38817 Hits
that's usefull under 5cm/360° or what ?