i personally found this demo contained some dodgy moments, where it looked like possible wallhack use. first time ive seen it tbh. If anybody asks ill watch the demo again and point out what times im thinking of. it might also just be that i dont play vq3 and was watching in higher timescale...
Er ? He's just using a known behaviour of the vQ3 engine, and showcasing his knowledge of a 10 years-old map - excepting that instead of copying what others did before him, he made himself new paths thanks to thoughtful use of the vQ3 physics.
Just because you haven't seen it before doesn't mean it's "possible wallhack"... Seriously, have you been playing Q3 for more than the last two weeks ?
what i meant by 'havent seen it before' is that i havent really seen any WH moments with walter before. but im also happy to admit that i may very well be wrong (and no, i dont play vq3)
Even if you only played CPM you should know about it. :/
I can very well remember that speedcapture CPM CTF trailer (it had some Within Temptation in the soundtrack iirc) where they used that a lot for their speed captures, so it works, or used to work, with the CPM physics aswell.
And if you only ever played War§ow (yes, I finally remembered where I knew your nickname from), then you're entitled to keep your cheating suspicions based on a poor knowledge of the Q3 engine to yourself, just in case you were bringing unnecessary suspicion on what is, in my opinion, a clean - and impressive - player.
Side note : what do you even care if you're not even playing vQ3 ?
TBH that is a pretty brilliant demo.
Awesome moves, nice use of the vQ3 physics - didn't know there were so many straight lines in dm6, good aim and excellent thinking/reacting to what goes on.
That's definitely talent, I hadn't enjoyed vQ3 1on1 that much for ages.