Cypher is currently the most enjoyable player to watch. Man, his movement is almost flawless, smooth as baby's ass, his aim is hot, and he has guts to do some crazy things in games. Reminds me of Cooller in his 'prime' days. Definitely a top 3 contender for the upcoming ESWC.
a lot of players use xerp and what? why good player with bad ping 60-80-100 cannot use xerp to be like with ping 10-20 like enemy with ping 20.its normal to show good skill.if he doesn`t use xerp with ping 80 he 90% lose to normal player wiht ping 20... its online ,xerp is allowed,if player not stupid ,he uses xerp with ping 60 and more.a lot of good russinas,belarussians or ukraine cannot show good result wiht ping 60-120 and use xerp and show good game like in lan.
Rather than improving it further though, we will limit the good netcode from being fully used due vq3 tradition of having highpingers HAVE to be at a disadvantage
its good enough if you have good internet..a lot of players have ping with lost packets or not stable ping 60-120..and very hard to play with fucking connection :)
you could get stuck at the lg stairs or smth, and some item changes, lots of 50hps -> 25hps and gl <-> sg switched.
(all the item changes in pro-nodm9 are shit)