Do you really think that avek (after what he has achieved so far) really cares about internet games? :)
I'm not defending him or anything, he acts quite lame in those EDL games (and show match vs noctis), but LAN is a whole different story with money on the line. If he cares, he'll be top5 @ masters for sure.
Again, if he cares (his gaming attitude is a mystery to me, he reminds me of Ztrider and his "i don't care blabla"), he'll do just fine. He's a LAN beast, just like Cooller, ZeRo4 and few others :-)
avek is a very good player, his timing is strong and he plays smart; he definately can do dmg on masters... I can't wait
it's a lame thing that he obviously didn't try @ the qqc games tho.
I can remember watching him on ping 60 on german servers 3 years ago or something, nobody knew him then. I immediately thought, wow this is progamer material. he was just so natural skilled, if you see something like this, you simply know that you can't be that good
better make it notsrs/av3k.
If he would care the slightest -which I hope he will do very shortly- he can do well at eswc's. He has the potential, that's for sure.
just by watching him and comparing his q3 aim to what he had in q4 its obvious that he has a very shitty connection... I bet itd be a different story on lan
ye dont invite forever and avek to next eurocups,because they dont play normal..but in other side killmaster in first 2-3 minutes show very strong game on hub and to av3k it was easier to make view what he played not seriously,because he know what cant do anything with killmasters strong game in hub :)
anyway, will you ban forever and av3k for their lame behaviour?