Event: ESWC'08
Winner:Chance, Odds: 40% (2.4:1)
Bets placed: E$17237, betting open: 00:28 CDT 22 May 2008 to 20:00 CDT 22 May 2008
Loser:carnage, Odds: 59% (1.6:1)
Bets placed: E$30816, betting open: 00:28 CDT 22 May 2008 to 20:00 CDT 22 May 2008
Brackets - GTV: GTV-Krytie TV (600 slots)
3573 Hits
Carnage had bad games against dkt and should be in the Winners Bracket. Carnage had similar nerves problems in CPL Winter '06, which prevented him from winning the whole thing.
Chance is a god damn retard - him and his little buddy DaHanG are the two biggest geeks on the planet. They do not represent our Quake III Community, nor does the United States accept them as our country's representatives.
We accept Carnage.