The 6th edition of the ESWC. In order to attend to the final in California, all champions will have to qualify through ESWC national selections from January to June 2008.
I really hate when I have to directly attend to a nobody, because that makes me look bad.. but I would own You so keep your mouse pointer off my reply buttons
shit yeah he's a somebody
i don't really know anyone who's cool enough to have his roommate time his items for him
too busy being awesome to keep track of menial things....
I'll reply to this one, because it was the last one.
All my bitches (you guys) fell for it, yet again - and increased my ever growing popularity / my ability to control 5 or 6 posters on ESReality all at once.
I will continue to receive many replies to any thread I shine my light upon, for my slaves are completely obligated to do so - and will receive extreme consequences if they help discontinue my entertainment in any fucking way.
It is easy for all the euros to hate on the American players because they have a much larger playerbase to cultivate their top players from. For every 1 Nomadic we have here, they have 20. We get have more players -- thus more good players, but I think you are really fooling yourself if you think there are just a huge bunch of players above the elite US offerings (Rapha / czm / z4 / dkt) + griffin from usa jr :>. Even players like blt, chance, viju, carnage, and walter would do well at an international lan event IMO.
Lets stop pretending that none of the US players are going to be top 10 at masters or at the Finals. And also remember that peaking super early and posting rape demos all over ESR is not the goal.
i expect the usa players to do well as they normaly do, but can't be arsed to argue with pro-euro posts. i guess we can only wait and see at eswc. still shame no noctis :(
No1 denies zero4 or CZM as world class players, its been proven n they have faught the best and sometimes beaten the best.....
But to put people like Walter n Chance in the same league is just wrong. They might be good in the usa scene now that others have moved on n they stayed behind, but i cant imagine any of them doing well vs the top euros.
quite sad i actually think that chance deserved to win nodm9, i didn't spec hub but there was some retarded shit going on. one fight springs to mind where chance has 100/50 and loses a shaft fight to a freshly spawned rapha and leaves him on like 40hp, just horrible. considering chance was timing items and had almost every mega up until that point in the game, i think had he killed him there the result could have been different, as he would have truly had every item on the map after that frag essentially. that was one out of quite a few situations too. it's a shame that chances aim wasn't up to the task, ggz wp both anyway.
Am I the only one that finds it annoying that the demos get renamed and their timestamp removed?
Honestly why do uploaders keep doing it? If you HAVE to rename the demo files for whatever reason, then at least add map 1, map 2 etc..
Not knowing what order the maps were played in makes is rather dull if you view game 2 first heh... or am I missing some method to get the order? (without reading the match report/screens etc...)
Yeah it's been annoying me too. If you go to the trouble of actually recording and posting a demo, surely you can spend the extra 10 seconds to right the map order also.