please may you host our website for free? we have quite a lot of traffic so we would like a fair amount of bandwidth. you will also be pleased to know we make a minuscule profit from advertising. not only that our visitors will undoubtibly complain about your poor hosting service. sadly the site director is pretty much un-contactable, so if you could just sort any problems that occur by yourself we would be really grateful.
even if u take account of higher than average adblocker users that gamers are, this site should be making quite a bit of money from teh ads if they are doing it right
Neither me or danny have touched the site in about 3 months. If we had the time and/or motivation we would have rewritten it from scratch, but that is a lot of resources. Still, that would be by far more productive than than digging in SujoyPHP. It's horrendously unmaintainable by anyone but Sujoy, so forward any requests to him.
"It does seem to be that when replies are going to the wrong post, they go to consistently the same wrong post."
I tried to reply to that yesterday with something along the line of "Last time I had the bug it would take me to various posts on random, including a couple for which I didn't even have viewing rights".
Alas, I couldn't, because trying to post took me to various posts on random, including a couple for which I didn't even have viewing rights. :)
What really annoys me though is that the reply bug infested my status bar. I have 2 unread replies waiting, which i can't view because clicking on the link takes me not to the actual reply, but ..wait for the this post
Now, onto posting this. *crossesfingers*
SUCCESS. And I didn't even have to sacrifice a chicken
Upon further consideration I have come to the conclusion that the bug you are refering to is different from what i experienced. Oh well, still sucks :).
SUCCESS. And I didn't even have to sacrifice a chicken
10th time's a charm, eh?
I saw the 9 reply notifications and was able to read at least the beginning of your post in the notification page even though the link took me nowhere useful. So I tried to reply too, and my reply didnt get anywhere useful either, so I gave up. :)
My comment was because a number of times I've seen a whole collection of "wrong" replies underneath the same post, and all obviously replying about the same thing, so presumably all replies to that post went to the same place.
Yes, that's something I experienced as well, though not for some time.
Interesting though that you DID get a notification, even though to me it seemed as if nothing was accomplished at all, except being taken to another post (not completely random though, as all post were rather new, no less than 2 days old).
"it works on my machine" doesn't mean "server is bust", it just means you're not able to reproduce the bug, potentially due to some outside influence (different versions of something etc). Your code is likely still the cause, even if the problem "disappears" with a slightly different configuration.
Either way, a fix really needs to be found, its becoming more and more frustrating to use the site, and I wouldn't mind betting on the volume of new posts + comments has dropped significantly.
Considering it is happening "off and on", it pretty obvious you can't conclude there is no bug when it isn't happening.
Also, I think I should mention that the error log is passing by like a train track and the indentation reaches up to 10-12 levels at some points. Oh and there isn't a single "class" or "object".
I use one id for all threads and replies to threads, and this comes from the main table auto_increment. Both the threads and replies are inserted into the same table first, but the replies are copied out to a different table after they have been inserted.
The problem happening on this site is when replies end up having the same id as a thread. I can't figure out how this is possible unless it's a server problem.
im having the same problem at work for one of the clients.
its pretty annoying and ive gone through the code numerous times and i cant see nothing wrong (its oscommerce :( ). all boils down to mysql_insert_id() giving the same id twice or more :(
doesnt happen as often as this site, but it happens on occasion and ive begin to suspect its the server too
It's very unlikely this has anything to do with the sever. It is very clean server running stable packages from the official distributor, running other sites last time I looked.