
I've already set a timelimit on my router for the ip of my computer for 2 hours, this is also functioning fine, but the problem is I find myself going to my parent's computer and continue surfing there then I exceeded it ...

I have also Internet at University Terminals ...
but there it is not so bad ...
I only use it there If I do not have to do anything else ...

The problem is somehow you need to be online nowadays ...
here and there I have to download something, check e-mails,
read some news ... download some materials for uni ...
but the problem is I can't control myself ...
maybe only 5 % of the time I am on the net has a purpose ...
the rest of time I am just purely wasting ...
I really want to fight this ... does anyone have tips for me?
Well maybe this is not the right place to ask this ...
but I am really in despair :-(