Thresh at Red Annihilation (1997): 34% (45)
Cooller at ESWC (2003): 22% (29)
Fatal1ty at CPL World Tour finals (2005): 18% (24)
LeXer making the comeback on cha0ticz : 9.7% (13)
Fatal1ty at Razer CPL (2000): 9% (12)
Lakerman at TGI (1999): 5.2% (7)
cK-czm on cpm9 at KIT East final vs. stx: 1.5% (2)
socrates coming back on Fat (T2-WCG2002): 1.5% (2)
the Quake timeline
Edited by MaJunior at 07:27 CDT, 9 June 2008 - 52590 Hits