SK Gaming has interviewed the player about his current shape, the ESWC Masters of Paris and Quake 3 in general. Here is a mandatory snippet:
Pro-gaming is a pipe dream, and the Quake scene is very far away from anything like that. I really doubt that Quake will ever become big. It just isn't dumbed down enough for mainstream, which to me is a good thing. I read a trip report from someone who went to a competition and spectated Quake. He wrote that he stood there for a few minutes, spectating Quake 4 before going elsewhere. It was just too fast and hard to keep up with what was going on. When there are other alternatives, Quake will have a tough time to compete for the spotlight.The rest of the interview with this fascinating individual can be found right here.
Edited by Carmac at 17:23 CDT, 22 June 2008 - 66720 Hits
for that sentence u just become my swedish idol <3