Posted by Loekino @ 15:24 CDT, 12 July 2008 - iMsg
Since i am not that active in css i just wonder if people here are in for some mixes time to time \o/ my skills isnt rly good and i get flashed 5 times per round, add me on steam or spam smth here >_>
fake: because i was searching around da intarwebs and i foudn this cool site and i saw !!! css!! so i just thought with my superskills i can find fo sho some high skilled clan
real: i am banned from and i am bored to death so i need to do smth
believe me, if you go on any css server and say anything about quake, it's an all flame-fest that ends up in you being banned. just for saying quake owns css. :D true story.
omg! as i said in the post i dont really play it just sometimes like once per week since i am bored with ET/q3 >:E and css is just funny since you need to aim at the feets to kill :D
The key to NOT getting flashed, TURN AROUND REALLY QUICK, then turn back. Should take like 80% of the flash time, and intensity away unless the flash pops about 2 body lenghts above you, but asmost scrubs don't know how to flash properly that shouldn't happen. Also, ad cl_interp .01 to your cfg for better registry. Other than that, DM to improve aim, and don't bother with CS_ANY maps as they are not used in league play and are home to the crappiest pubstars known to man. also when running STOP to shoot, and ALWAYS tap the opposite direction key right before you fire. You may not get your shot off first, but your shot will hit, and someone who is running won't. UNLESS they are using the m4 strafe trick. which is basically only strafe (no forwards or backwards) and aim in the opposite direction you are strafing, and slightly below where you want your spray to go and voila. I mean if you wanna know how to spray just stand near a wall, empty a clip, and look at the pattern. M4 for example is about a backwards P, so aim and pull down to the right slowly. Small things like this make a huge diff.