Event: ESWC'08

They are a lot of changes in the eSports market. For example World of Warcraft is pushing into the scene while Warcraft 3 is heading more and more towards the Chinese market. How do you react on those developments?
Dallon: We are very happy that big studios like Blizzard define their strategy over eSports – that's a good step. We expect a lot of Starcraft 2, more than from World of Warcraft but that's our personal opinion. Nevertheless we often follow this opinion since we are independent and a company of gamers. We do what we like that's why we do Quake 3 and keep Counter-Strike 1.6.
Read the full interview on fragster.de
Edited by Badb0y at 09:15 CDT, 15 July 2008 - 13510 Hits