It's 3am and I'm bored, so I'll leave you to laugh at the epitome of idiocy that is Gillz (aka SK-Xodius) while I make some popcorn to feast on while I witness the inevitable flamefest.
[12:13:am] <SK-Xodius> talking shit
[12:13:am] <SK-Xodius> jesuschrist
[12:13:am] <SK-Xodius> youre dumb
[12:13:am] <SK-Xodius> im one of the top rated ESR users
[12:13:am] <12adventTM> I never said I wasn't
[12:13:am] <ka> SK-Xodius add up
[12:14:am] <SK-Xodius> cause people LIKE ME
[12:14:am] <ban`happy> lol
[12:14:am] <SK-Xodius> fucking retard
[12:14:am] <ban`happy> top rated esr users
[12:14:am] <12adventTM> LOL
[12:14:am] <ban`happy> who the fuck cares.
[12:14:am] <12adventTM> dude
[12:14:am] <12adventTM> you know what
[12:14:am] <12adventTM> I have 120 friends on facebook
[12:14:am] <SK-Xodius> ban stay out of this
[12:14:am] <WAP-Avocado> my god
[12:14:am] <12adventTM> and they all ike me
[12:14:am] <ka> SK-Xodius> im one of the top rated ESR users
[12:14:am] <12adventTM> *like
[12:14:am] <ka> haha
[12:14:am] <ka> hahahah
[12:14:am] <ban`happy> no shit right
[12:14:am] <ban`happy> ahah
[12:14:am] <12adventTM> I don't even know some of them
[12:14:am] <12adventTM> and they're still FRIENDS with me
[12:14:am] <ka> tahts fucking funny
[12:14:am] <12adventTM> I'm SO popular
[12:14:am] <ka> !promote
[12:14:am] -echbot1:#truecarnage- 5Please !add up in10 #truecarnage !!!5 1 more person needed!
[12:14:am] <ilikeayall> howhahahahow
[12:14:am] <SK-Xodius> now you're acting like a fool
[12:14:am] <SK-Xodius> lololo
[12:14:am] <12adventTM> no
[12:15:am] <12adventTM> I'm making a point
[12:15:am] <DX-Chain> ONE MORE FAG FOR CTF PLZ
[12:15:am] <SK-Xodius> a point you have friends on facebook you dont know?
[12:15:am] <12adventTM> ...
[12:15:am] <SK-Xodius> what an amazing point
[12:15:am] <12adventTM> oh my fucking god
[12:15:am] <SK-Xodius> LOL
[12:15:am] <12adventTM> someone please spoon-feed this poor toddler
[11:36:pm] <SK-Xodius> oh my god
[11:36:pm] <WAP-Avocado> lol
[11:36:pm] <SK-Xodius> notice how everytime there's a fight in here
[11:36:pm] <ban`the1andonly> I say come you say cum
[11:36:pm] <12adventTM> uh, typical european labelling of americans here
[11:36:pm] <SK-Xodius> advent is always the one in it
[11:36:pm] <12adventTM> this is a fight?
[11:36:pm] <WAP-Avocado> there's no fight
[11:36:pm] <rockz> but im right
[11:37:pm] <12adventTM> this is more like a massacre
[11:37:pm] <WAP-Avocado> [01:35:49 AM, 20/07/2008] <ban`the1andonly> fuckin fairy
[11:37:pm] <WAP-Avocado> wtf was that? lol
[11:37:pm] <12adventTM> what?
[11:37:pm] <ban`the1andonly> you sayin your caress your bitch tits
[11:37:pm] <ban`the1andonly> at night
[11:37:pm] <ban`the1andonly> *you caress
[11:37:pm] <SK-Xodius> lololol
[11:37:pm] <SK-Xodius> advent
[11:37:pm] <12adventTM> bob
[11:37:pm] <WAP-Avocado> lol
[11:37:pm] <SK-Xodius> duel
[11:37:pm] <SK-Xodius> q3
[11:37:pm] <SK-Xodius> lets go
[11:37:pm] <12adventTM> bob has bitch tits
[11:37:pm] <SK-Xodius> youthink you can beat ,e?
[11:37:pm] <SK-Xodius> me?
[11:37:pm] <WAP-Avocado> what does a fairy have to do with it?
[11:37:pm] <SK-Xodius> come on
[11:37:pm] <judge-`> what do europeans talk about..smoking fags and the size of their bonnets and boots
[11:37:pm] <SK-Xodius> PLAY ME BITCH
[11:37:pm] <SK-Xodius> PLAY ME BITCH
[11:37:pm] <SK-Xodius> PLAY ME BITCH
[11:37:pm] <ban`the1andonly> sigh
[11:37:pm] <ban`the1andonly> advent he wants you to play with his pussy
[11:37:pm] <ban`the1andonly> in quake 3
[11:37:pm] <12adventTM> <rockz> but im right
[11:37:pm] <WAP-Avocado> lol
[11:38:pm] <12adventTM> no, youre just a snob
[11:38:pm] <12adventTM> pussy?
[11:38:pm] <12adventTM> I'm there!
[11:38:pm] <ban`the1andonly> lolz.
[11:38:pm] <ban`the1andonly> 15,13 02:43 11+SK-Xodius 14• PLAY WITH ME BITCH
[11:38:pm] <SK-Xodius> lolool
[11:38:pm] <12adventTM> seriously girl, I've been holding back forever now, I'm glad you've invited me
[11:38:pm] <ban`the1andonly> haha
[11:38:pm] <ban`the1andonly> :)
[11:39:pm] <12adventTM> I'm gonna nut inside so hard
[11:39:pm] <12adventTM> you'll have octuplets
[11:39:pm] <ban`the1andonly> WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW
[11:39:pm] <12adventTM> ahahaha
[11:39:pm] <SK-Xodius> LOl
[11:39:pm] <SK-Xodius>
[11:39:pm] <12adventTM> AND THE CROWD GOES WIIIIILD
[11:39:pm] <magnum_> !add
[11:39:pm] * echbot1 changes topic to '09,01Next Game: 06br1an/DX-Chain/WAP-Avocado/rage`gizer/adventTM/magnum_/?/? 4@ pw = truecarnage.com08,01 || 04,01 TC DRAFT TOURNEY FINALS SUNDAY!!!! BiP vs WaP!!!'
[11:39:pm] <12adventTM> since when were you on vent
[11:39:pm] <12adventTM> tell me
[11:39:pm] <ban`the1andonly> LOL SK-Xodius
[11:39:pm] <12adventTM> whats the IP to this vent?
[11:39:pm] <12adventTM> this vent you speak of?
[11:40:pm] <SK-Xodius>
[11:40:pm] <SK-Xodius> 3999
[11:40:pm] <SK-Xodius> bitch
[11:40:pm] <12adventTM> you fail
[11:40:pm] <12adventTM> sorry
[11:40:pm] <SK-Xodius> LOL
[11:40:pm] <SK-Xodius> pretty sure I'm right
[11:40:pm] <SK-Xodius> actually
[11:40:pm] <SK-Xodius> I know I'm right
[11:40:pm] <12adventTM> umm
[11:41:pm] <12adventTM> I know you're wrong
[11:41:pm] <12adventTM> because I was only on one vent all day yesterday
[11:41:pm] <SK-Xodius> WAIT
[11:41:pm] <SK-Xodius>
[11:41:pm] <SK-Xodius> 3020
[11:41:pm] <12adventTM> let alone in the past month
[11:41:pm] <12adventTM> lol
[11:41:pm] <12adventTM> you fail so hard
[11:41:pm] <SK-Xodius> then tell me the IP then
[11:41:pm] * judge-` ( Quit (Read error: EOF from client)
[11:41:pm] <12adventTM> thats the right IP
[11:41:pm] <ban`the1andonly> why would he do that if you knew.
[11:41:pm] <12adventTM> but I know youre lying out your ass
[11:41:pm] <SK-Xodius> LOL
[11:41:pm] <SK-Xodius> im not lying
[11:41:pm] <ban`the1andonly> how much sense do you make rofl
[11:41:pm] <12adventTM> yes you are
[11:41:pm] <SK-Xodius> I know the IP and I know you were there
[11:41:pm] <SK-Xodius> and I listened to you listen to that song
[11:41:pm] <SK-Xodius> why would I lie
[11:41:pm] <SK-Xodius> lololol
[11:41:pm] <12adventTM> you didn't know either one of those
[11:42:pm] <12adventTM> nt
[11:42:pm] <12adventTM> I'd tap that btw
[11:42:pm] <shlt>
[11:42:pm] <SK-Xodius> I know both of them obviously
[11:42:pm] <12adventTM> hello there, air man
[11:42:pm] <SK-Xodius> since I HAVE THE GODDAMN IP's
[11:42:pm] <12adventTM> how be the air control?
[11:42:pm] <12adventTM> no
[11:42:pm] <12adventTM> you JUST got the right IP
[11:42:pm] <ilikeayall> tinyurl isfor people profitizing from link
[11:42:pm] <12adventTM> lol
[11:42:pm] <12adventTM> bri
[11:42:pm] <SK-Xodius> my saved names were fucked up
[11:42:pm] <SK-Xodius> lololol
[11:43:pm] <WAP-Avocado>
[11:43:pm] <WAP-Avocado> ban
[11:43:pm] <WAP-Avocado> watch that
[11:43:pm] <WAP-Avocado> and wtf is this shit about vent
[11:43:pm] <WAP-Avocado> nvmd ban, you don't have sound
[11:43:pm] <ban`the1andonly> aye.
[11:43:pm] <ban`the1andonly> :<
[11:43:pm] <WAP-Avocado> :/
[11:43:pm] <12adventTM> sure, xod
[11:43:pm] <WAP-Avocado> dude
[11:43:pm] <WAP-Avocado> I don't get it
[11:43:pm] <WAP-Avocado> this time
[11:43:pm] <WAP-Avocado> advent didn't start shit
[11:43:pm] <WAP-Avocado> and xodius was complaining about him always fighting
[11:43:pm] <12adventTM> lol
[11:43:pm] <rage`gizer> !remove
[11:43:pm] * echbot1 changes topic to '09,01Next Game: 06br1an/DX-Chain/WAP-Avocado/adventTM/magnum_/?/?/? 4@ pw = truecarnage.com08,01 || 04,01 TC DRAFT TOURNEY FINALS SUNDAY!!!! BiP vs WaP!!!'
[11:43:pm] <12adventTM> thats because xodius is a biiiitch
[11:43:pm] <DX-Chain> $$$
[11:44:pm] <WAP-Avocado> the bitch right now is gmoney
[11:44:pm] <WAP-Avocado> get back in here!
[11:44:pm] <ban`the1andonly> 15,13 02:43 11+SK-Xodius 14• PLAY WITH ME BITCH
[11:44:pm] <SK-Xodius> <+adventTM> thats because xodius is a biiiitch
[11:44:pm] <SK-Xodius> ahahahaha
[11:44:pm] <SK-Xodius> you're the biggest
[11:44:pm] <SK-Xodius> troll
[11:44:pm] <12adventTM> gizer is also a biiiitch
[11:44:pm] <SK-Xodius> here
[11:44:pm] <SK-Xodius> loloolol
[11:44:pm] <12adventTM> thats something a bitch would say
[11:44:pm] <ban`the1andonly> oh man...
[11:44:pm] <WAP-Avocado> lol
[11:44:pm] <ban`the1andonly> i'd pay to see this shit live at an event
[11:44:pm] <12adventTM> lol
[11:44:pm] <ban`the1andonly> im tellin youo
[11:44:pm] <WAP-Avocado> lol
[11:44:pm] <ban`the1andonly> that would be priceless.
[11:45:pm] <SK-Xodius> wowwwwwwwwwwwwwww
[11:45:pm] <SK-Xodius> duel?
[11:45:pm] <SK-Xodius> come on
[11:45:pm] <12adventTM> are you hot?
[11:45:pm] <SK-Xodius> q3
[11:45:pm] <SK-Xodius> lets go
[11:45:pm] <SK-Xodius> q3 duel
[11:45:pm] <SK-Xodius> gogogo
[11:45:pm] <12adventTM> I'll make you go qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq
[11:45:pm] <ban`the1andonly> btw.........quakelive is in sure you have an invite
[11:45:pm] <SK-Xodius> then lets go
[11:45:pm] <12adventTM> until I finish up
[11:45:pm] <12adventTM> but wait
[11:45:pm] <12adventTM> you're hot, right?
[11:45:pm] <12adventTM> ahaha
[11:46:pm] <12adventTM> avo
[11:46:pm] <ban`the1andonly> god...
[11:46:pm] <WAP-Avocado> hm?
[11:46:pm] <12adventTM> your video
[11:46:pm] <WAP-Avocado> lol
[11:46:pm] <WAP-Avocado> 'dirty over 30'
[11:46:pm] <ban`the1andonly> avo is probably one handed typing so he can caress himself.
[11:46:pm] <WAP-Avocado> PFFT!
[11:46:pm] <ban`the1andonly> caress himself to sleepz
[11:46:pm] <12adventTM> jon's assistant though is definitely shemale
[11:46:pm] <12adventTM> you into shemales, avo?
[11:46:pm] <WAP-Avocado> I'm lactating a little, ban...I know you'll be thinking about that while you jerk off
[11:46:pm] <WAP-Avocado> nay, I am not
[11:46:pm] <ban`the1andonly> nah
[11:46:pm] <12adventTM> <WAP-Avocado> I'm lactating
[11:46:pm] <12adventTM> ...
[11:47:pm] <12adventTM> ...
[11:47:pm] <magnum_> !remove
[11:47:pm] * echbot1 changes topic to '09,01Next Game: 06br1an/DX-Chain/WAP-Avocado/adventTM/?/?/?/? 4@ pw = truecarnage.com08,01 || 04,01 TC DRAFT TOURNEY FINALS SUNDAY!!!! BiP vs WaP!!!'
[11:47:pm] <12adventTM> ...
[11:47:pm] <WAP-Avocado> lol
[11:47:pm] <ban`the1andonly> man boobs don't turn me on
[11:47:pm] <ban`the1andonly> im not euro
[11:47:pm] <12adventTM> <WAP-Avocado> I'm lactating
[11:47:pm] <12adventTM> someone !topic this
[11:47:pm] <12adventTM> wheres dave when you need him?
[11:47:pm] <WAP-Avocado> lol
[11:47:pm] <ban`the1andonly> fuckin
[11:47:pm] <SK-Xodius> come on bitch
[11:47:pm] <12adventTM> fucking son of a bitch...
[11:47:pm] <SK-Xodius>
[11:47:pm] <SK-Xodius>
[11:47:pm] <SK-Xodius> gogogo
[11:47:pm] <12adventTM> you're hot, right?
[11:48:pm] <12adventTM> 'cause if you are, I'll come alright
[11:48:pm] <ban`the1andonly> new quit msg btw
[11:48:pm] <ban`the1andonly> haha
[11:48:pm] <SK-Xodius> yes im hot
[11:48:pm] <12adventTM> ahaha
[11:48:pm] <SK-Xodius> q3 duel
[11:48:pm] <SK-Xodius> lets go advent
[11:48:pm] <SK-Xodius>
[11:48:pm] <12adventTM> lies
[11:48:pm] <12adventTM> I want pics
[11:48:pm] * ban`the1andonly (bandros@ Quit (Quit: 15,1302:52 15,1302:52 11+adventTM 14• someone !topic this 11+adventTM 14• <WAP-Avocado> I'm lactating 15,13 02:52 11+adventTM 14• wh)
[11:49:pm] <WAP-Avocado> lol
[11:49:pm] <12adventTM> rofl
[11:49:pm] * ban`happy ( has joined #truecarnage
[11:49:pm] * PUG-Bot sets mode: +v ban`happy
[11:49:pm] <12adventTM> your clock is off
[11:49:pm] <12adventTM> btw
[11:49:pm] <ban`happy> um no?
[11:49:pm] <ban`happy> im 3 hours ahead of you ididot.
[11:49:pm] <SK-Xodius> timezones idiot
[11:49:pm] <SK-Xodius> jesus christ
[11:49:pm] <12adventTM> what?
[11:49:pm] <SK-Xodius> you're fucking dumb
[11:49:pm] <SK-Xodius>
[11:49:pm] <SK-Xodius> play me
[11:49:pm] <SK-Xodius> you faggot
[11:49:pm] <SK-Xodius> lets go
[11:49:pm] <12adventTM> thats not what I meant
[11:49:pm] <SK-Xodius> think you can beat me?
[11:49:pm] <SK-Xodius> lets go
[11:49:pm] <SK-Xodius>
[11:50:pm] <12adventTM> [11:46:pm] <WAP-Avocado> I'm lactating a little, ban...I know you'll be thinking about that while you jerk off
[11:50:pm] <12adventTM> note the minutes
[11:50:pm] <12adventTM> his clock is off
[11:50:pm] <12adventTM> jeez, you people
[11:50:pm] <SK-Xodius> that was taken at a DIFFERENT TIME
[11:50:pm] <SK-Xodius> fucking
[11:50:pm] <SK-Xodius> twat
[11:50:pm] <SK-Xodius>
[11:50:pm] <SK-Xodius> lets go
[11:50:pm] <12adventTM> if youre hot, you can beat me all you want babe
[11:50:pm] <SK-Xodius> advent
[11:50:pm] <SK-Xodius> backing out?
[11:50:pm] <SK-Xodius>
[11:50:pm] <SK-Xodius> pussy
[11:50:pm] <SK-Xodius> lets go
[11:50:pm] <SK-Xodius>
[11:50:pm] <12adventTM> I'll back out
[11:50:pm] <SK-Xodius> play me
[11:50:pm] <SK-Xodius>
[11:50:pm] <12adventTM> and thrust right back in
[11:50:pm] <ban`happy> is SK-Xodius gillz?
[11:51:pm] <WAP-Avocado> wow
[11:51:pm] <SK-Xodius> cause you fucking suck thats why
[11:51:pm] <12adventTM> rinse and repeat til I'm done
[11:51:pm] <SK-Xodius>
[11:51:pm] <WAP-Avocado> I have no idea
[11:51:pm] <WAP-Avocado> but this is dumb
[11:51:pm] <SK-Xodius>
[11:51:pm] <ilikeayall> 'babe' is a generalized statement
[11:51:pm] <ilikeayall> he makes
[11:51:pm] <ban`happy> here comes the methictionary
[11:51:pm] <ilikeayall> to boy OR girl!
[11:51:pm] <12adventTM> I'm also just fucking with this guy in case you haven't peaked yet
[11:51:pm] <ban`happy> its more like
[11:51:pm] <SK-Xodius> you're not ni the server yet
[11:51:pm] <SK-Xodius>
[11:51:pm] <ban`happy> who's fucking with who
[11:51:pm] <ban`happy> lol
[11:51:pm] <WAP-Avocado> lol
[11:52:pm] <12adventTM> I'm amusing myself, I highly doubt I'm the one getting fucked with
[11:52:pm] <12adventTM> :>
[11:52:pm] * sp0nger ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[11:52:pm] <ban`happy> SK-Xodius reminds me of forever blowing up for some reason
[11:52:pm] <ilikeayall> what whut in the but ___'happywithit
[11:52:pm] <ilikeayall> ?
[11:52:pm] <12adventTM> FUCK AWAY WITH THE CAMERA
[11:52:pm] <ban`happy> LOLZ
[11:52:pm] <12adventTM> STUPID MUDDERFUCKERRRR
[11:53:pm] <12adventTM> man
[11:53:pm] <12adventTM> I am making a remix of that
[11:53:pm] <12adventTM> I could listen to it all day
[11:53:pm] <SK-Xodius>
[11:53:pm] <SK-Xodius> you're still not in the server
[11:53:pm] <ban`happy> dahang was just crackin up
[11:53:pm] <12adventTM> is that the safe word?
[11:53:pm] <12adventTM> ahaha
[11:53:pm] <12adventTM> who can blame him?
[11:53:pm] <12adventTM> He wants to be a nice guy but he can't help himself
[11:53:pm] <12adventTM> :P
[11:53:pm] <ban`happy> shit I would have if i was htere
[11:53:pm] <ban`happy> ahhaha
[11:54:pm] <DX-Chain> !promote
[11:54:pm] -echbot1:#truecarnage- 5Please !add up in10 #truecarnage !!!5 4 more people needed!
[11:54:pm] <ban`happy> then you got ermac
[11:54:pm] <ban`happy> in the background
[11:54:pm] <ban`happy> wearing pink
[11:54:pm] <ban`happy> haha
[11:54:pm] <12adventTM> he reminds me of my friend riley
[11:54:pm] <SK-Xodius>
[11:54:pm] <SK-Xodius> lets go
[11:54:pm] <ban`happy> james in pink was hilarious for sure :)
[11:54:pm] <SK-Xodius> come on
[11:54:pm] <12adventTM> riley is a douchefag though
[11:54:pm] <12adventTM> whats that?
[11:54:pm] <12adventTM> <SK-Xodius> lets get it on
[11:54:pm] <12adventTM> ohhhh yeah
[11:54:pm] <ban`happy> open wide and mind the gap
[11:55:pm] <ban`happy> o/
[11:55:pm] <12adventTM> ahaha
[11:55:pm] <12adventTM> TURBOPUNS
[11:55:pm] <ilikeayall> 'my name is Sxodius...'
[11:55:pm] <12adventTM> change your name to failhard
[11:55:pm] <ilikeayall> 'I lib on the second flooor..'
[11:55:pm] <12adventTM> before you go kill yourself
[11:55:pm] <ilikeayall> 'I take it whhutwhut inthebutt'
[11:55:pm] <ilikeayall> 'and i always ask fo-morrree..'
[11:56:pm] <ilikeayall> jk
[11:56:pm] SK-Xodius is * michael
[11:56:pm] SK-Xodius on +#truecarnage +#purepwnage
[11:56:pm] SK-Xodius using * QuakeNet IRC Server
[11:56:pm] SK-Xodius End of /WHOIS list.
[11:56:pm] <12adventTM> SK-Xodius on +#truecarnage +#purepwnage
[11:56:pm] <12adventTM> caught ya, gillz
[11:58:pm] <SK-Xodius> [22:47] <+adventTM> and I can still beat gillz easily
[11:58:pm] <SK-Xodius> then lets go
[11:58:pm] <SK-Xodius>
[11:58:pm] <SK-Xodius>
[11:58:pm] <12adventTM> is that the safe word?
[11:58:pm] <ts1gotroy> !add
[11:58:pm] * echbot1 changes topic to '09,01Next Game: 06br1an/DX-Chain/WAP-Avocado/adventTM/ts1gotroy/?/?/? 4@ pw = truecarnage.com08,01 || 04,01 TC DRAFT TOURNEY FINALS SUNDAY!!!! BiP vs WaP!!!'
[11:58:pm] <ban`happy> how does quake skill relate to skill in real life.
[11:58:pm] <ban`happy> ask yourselves that
[11:58:pm] <ban`happy> fuckin tards
[11:58:pm] <12adventTM> Quake skill = no IRL skill
[11:59:pm] <ts1gotroy> hah
[11:59:pm] <ilikeayall> only a mofo whos into S&M would come to mind first, a safe word
[11:59:pm] <12adventTM> basically
[11:59:pm] <SK-Xodius> dude hes trolling in a fucking irc channel getting drunk
[11:59:pm] <ilikeayall> just sayin'
[11:59:pm] <SK-Xodius> pretty sure thats low
[11:59:pm] <12adventTM> thats how its related
[11:59:pm] <12adventTM> lol
[11:59:pm] <12adventTM> I haven't touched a drop of rum yet
[11:59:pm] <ts1gotroy> i could argue with that ban
[11:59:pm] <SK-Xodius>
[11:59:pm] <SK-Xodius>
[11:59:pm] <12adventTM> you're just amusing me
[11:59:pm] <SK-Xodius>
[11:59:pm] <12adventTM> with your nerdrage
[11:59:pm] <SK-Xodius> you're not in there
[11:59:pm] <SK-Xodius>
[11:59:pm] <ban`happy> lol...
[11:59:pm] <12adventTM> your "cleverly" disguised nerdrage
[11:59:pm] <SK-Xodius> im the one who's raped you ever and over
[11:59:pm] <ban`happy> im not going to listen to it ts1gotroy
[11:59:pm] <SK-Xodius> you're the one saying you can beat me
[11:59:pm] <SK-Xodius> so
[11:59:pm] <12adventTM> <SK-Xodius> im the one who's camped you ever and over
[11:59:pm] <SK-Xodius> lets see it
[11:59:pm] <SK-Xodius>
[11:59:pm] <12adventTM> fyp
[11:59:pm] <SK-Xodius>
[11:59:pm] <SK-Xodius>
[11:59:pm] <SK-Xodius> LOL
[11:59:pm] <ts1gotroy> good cause i didnt really want to argue it
[11:59:pm] <ban`happy> cause ones opinion do not change my beliefs and opinions :)
[12:00:am] <SK-Xodius> okay want me to upload demos with those screenshots?
[12:00:am] <SK-Xodius>
[12:00:am] <12adventTM> I'll change that, brian
[12:00:am] <ban`happy> pfffft lol
[12:00:am] <12adventTM> people will care about as much as they care about arktik's demos tbh
[12:00:am] <12adventTM> actually
[12:00:am] <12adventTM> less than that
[12:00:am] <SK-Xodius> because you're in it
[12:00:am] <SK-Xodius> thats why
[12:00:am] <ban`happy> who THE FUCK CARES
[12:00:am] <SK-Xodius> lol
[12:00:am] <SK-Xodius>
[12:00:am] <ban`happy> anyway
[12:00:am] <SK-Xodius>
[12:00:am] <12adventTM> well yeah
[12:00:am] <12adventTM> thats the point
[12:00:am] <ban`happy> go to school
[12:00:am] <ban`happy> make a god damn life for yourself
[12:00:am] <12adventTM> I'd be silly to assume that ESRtards care about my existence
[12:00:am] <ban`happy> instead of
[12:00:am] <ban`happy> OMG
[12:00:am] <ban`happy> IM THE NEXT COOLLER
[12:00:am] <ban`happy> or czm
[12:00:am] <12adventTM> lol
[12:00:am] <ban`happy> or some fucked up shit
[12:00:am] <12adventTM> no shit right
[12:00:am] <SK-Xodius> ban, im in college
[12:01:am] <SK-Xodius> so
[12:01:am] <ilikeayall> i am try
[12:01:am] <SK-Xodius> shut it
[12:01:am] <ban`happy> i dont give a fuck
[12:01:am] <ban`happy> you act like an idiot
[12:01:am] <SK-Xodius> act like an idiot/
[12:01:am] <12adventTM> <ban`happy> you act like an idiot
[12:01:am] <SK-Xodius> im defending myself
[12:01:am] <SK-Xodius>
[12:01:am] <12adventTM> truest thing I've heard all day
[12:01:am] <ilikeayall> if you have nerdy friends who dont like an idiot when inebriated
[12:01:am] <SK-Xodius>
[12:01:am] <SK-Xodius>
[12:01:am] <12adventTM> actually, if anything you're only confirming his point
[12:01:am] <SK-Xodius> get in advent
[12:01:am] <ban`happy> defending yourself over some stupid ass shit
[12:01:am] <SK-Xodius> stupid = opinion
[12:01:am] <12adventTM> why would I play when I don't want to?
[12:01:am] <ilikeayall> then you leisure time hangout friends are not optimus prime ok?
[12:01:am] <12adventTM> that's something you'd do I guess
[12:01:am] <12adventTM> but unlike you, I don't nerdrage
[12:02:am] <SK-Xodius> because you talk shit all day
[12:02:am] <SK-Xodius> ALL DAY FUCKER
[12:02:am] <12adventTM> I tell it like it is
[12:02:am] <SK-Xodius> ive NEVER lost to you
[12:02:am] <SK-Xodius> yet
[12:02:am] <ilikeayall> Bro this is the first time ive had a drink in 3 weeks
[12:02:am] <SK-Xodius> you tell everyone you can beat me
[12:02:am] <12adventTM> if it happens to be harsh, so be it
[12:02:am] <12adventTM> I can
[12:02:am] <SK-Xodius> guess what fucker
[12:02:am] <ilikeayall> and i see at least 3 haters
[12:02:am] <SK-Xodius> you suck
[12:02:am] <SK-Xodius> I win
[12:02:am] <SK-Xodius> every game against you
[12:02:am] <12adventTM> do I really need to prove it to people?
[12:02:am] <SK-Xodius> lol
[12:02:am] <12adventTM> no
[12:02:am] <ban`happy> 15,1303:07 11+SK-Xodius 14• every game against you
[12:02:am] <SK-Xodius> it will stop you from talking shit
[12:02:am] <ban`happy> even in quake 4?
[12:02:am] <ban`happy> lol
[12:02:am] <SK-Xodius> yes even in q4
[12:02:am] <12adventTM> because I don't care what other people say
[12:02:am] <SK-Xodius> lol
[12:02:am] <SK-Xodius>
[12:02:am] <SK-Xodius> lets go
[12:02:am] <ilikeayall> pft
[12:02:am] <SK-Xodius>
[12:02:am] <12adventTM> LOL
[12:02:am] <SK-Xodius>
[12:02:am] <12adventTM> now that's just flat-out delusion
[12:02:am] <12adventTM> I've raped you every Q4 game
[12:02:am] <ban`happy> no shit eh
[12:03:am] <12adventTM> but that's beside the point
[12:03:am] <12adventTM> the point is
[12:03:am] <DX-Chain> !promote
[12:03:am] -echbot1:#truecarnage- 5Please !add up in10 #truecarnage !!!5 3 more people needed!
[12:03:am] <ban`happy> why defend yourself by posting a server ip
[12:03:am] <ban`happy> sigh
[12:03:am] <12adventTM> even if I lost at Q3
[12:03:am] <12adventTM> a game I've barely touched in the past two months anyways
[12:03:am] <SK-Xodius> lololol
[12:03:am] <12adventTM> I think I've won IRL
[12:03:am] <ban`happy> OMG I MUST FIGHT FOR MY E RIGHTS
[12:03:am] <SK-Xodius> then why talk shit about a game you suck at
[12:03:am] <SK-Xodius> idiot
[12:03:am] <12adventTM> never said I suck at it
[12:03:am] <12adventTM> but ooook
[12:03:am] <12adventTM> you go ahead and keep nerdraging
[12:03:am] <ilikeayall> SeXodius is an little known Ranch in Nevada
[12:03:am] <12adventTM> I, on the other hand, will keep laughing
[12:04:am] <ban`happy> ight you both have fun with an arguement that will go on until a q3 lan hits
[12:04:am] <12adventTM> yeah I know
[12:04:am] <SK-Xodius>
[12:04:am] <ban`happy> and that you BOTH will show up at
[12:04:am] <12adventTM> seriously gillz
[12:04:am] <SK-Xodius> im waiiiiiting
[12:04:am] <ban`happy> until then
[12:04:am] <ban`happy> who the fuck cares.
[12:04:am] <12adventTM> I was going to apologize for anything bad I've said to you at vanlan
[12:04:am] <SK-Xodius> LOL
[12:04:am] <SK-Xodius> SURE
[12:04:am] <SK-Xodius> YEAH
[12:04:am] <SK-Xodius> OKAY
[12:04:am] <SK-Xodius> stop talking
[12:04:am] <SK-Xodius> now
[12:04:am] <12adventTM> and try to start over because you seem like you might have been an okay guy
[12:04:am] <12adventTM> but I change my mind
[12:04:am] <12adventTM> hey, don't believe me if you don't wanna
[12:04:am] <12adventTM> but I'm done
[12:04:am] <SK-Xodius> I can read the lies from a mile away
[12:04:am] <SK-Xodius> idiot
[12:04:am] <SK-Xodius> dont try to patronize me
[12:04:am] <SK-Xodius> jesus christ
[12:04:am] <ban`happy> btw gillz
[12:04:am] <ban`happy> why are you aliased?
[12:04:am] <12adventTM> you need reading glasses then
[12:04:am] <SK-Xodius> dumber then you look
[12:05:am] <SK-Xodius> my other irc account
[12:05:am] <12adventTM> why would I say such a thing as a lie?
[12:05:am] <SK-Xodius> this idiot
[12:05:am] <SK-Xodius> ignored me on mIRC
[12:05:am] <SK-Xodius> and cant figure out how to UNIGNORE
[12:05:am] <SK-Xodius> LOL
[12:05:am] <SK-Xodius> so I just conect as a different name
[12:05:am] <SK-Xodius> and he can see what I say
[12:05:am] <SK-Xodius> oh
[12:05:am] <SK-Xodius> and
[12:05:am] <SK-Xodius>
[12:05:am] <ban`happy> or you just have to troll him cause he doesn't want to put up with a 21 year old who's acting like hes in grade school
[12:05:am] <SK-Xodius> whos 21
[12:06:am] <SK-Xodius> advent?
[12:06:am] <12adventTM> <SK-Xodius> and cant figure out how to UNIGNORE
[12:06:am] <ban`happy> no im just giving a rough estimate of your age
[12:06:am] <ban`happy> but its far from 21
[12:06:am] * x3o|MavLP ( Quit (Signed off)
[12:06:am] <ban`happy> its more like 7.
[12:06:am] <WAP-Avocado> lol
[12:06:am] <ilikeayall> banhappy+Xodius sexual tension=fully apparent yall
[12:06:am] <12adventTM> try unignoring yourself on my own computer at vanlan
[12:06:am] <12adventTM> its not going to work
[12:06:am] <12adventTM> I can show you that it doesnt unignore you
[12:06:am] <ban`happy> yo
[12:06:am] <SK-Xodius> yawwwwn
[12:06:am] <ilikeayall> the funny thing about that bunhappy is
[12:06:am] <SK-Xodius>
[12:06:am] <ban`happy> you know what would be hilarious
[12:07:am] <12adventTM> bawwwwwwwwwww
[12:07:am] <ilikeayall> youre soon to age too to 27 bish :)
[12:07:am] <ban`happy> seeing this skinny ass candaian gillz vs a half samoan half canadian troy
[12:07:am] <12adventTM> fuck yeah, samoan pride
[12:07:am] <12adventTM> :>
[12:07:am] <12adventTM> I'm ashamed to call myself a canadian with people like gillz in my country
[12:07:am] <12adventTM> :(
[12:07:am] <ban`happy> lol
[12:07:am] <12adventTM> so fuck it
[12:07:am] <12adventTM> from now on, I'm samoan
[12:07:am] <ban`happy> hah
[12:08:am] <12adventTM> I'll sing "blame canada" with you at lan
[12:08:am] <12adventTM> bri
[12:08:am] <12adventTM> come to WF
[12:08:am] <ban`happy> hehe
[12:08:am] <12adventTM> we'll get drunk and have a good ol sing-along
[12:08:am] <ban`happy> blame canada
[12:08:am] <12adventTM> :D
[12:08:am] <ban`happy> rofl
[12:08:am] <br1an> ?
[12:08:am] <ban`happy> btw
[12:08:am] <br1an> !prmote
[12:08:am] <br1an> !promote
[12:08:am] -echbot1:#truecarnage- 5Please !add up in10 #truecarnage !!!5 3 more people needed!
[12:08:am] <ban`happy> why exactly is the canadian flag of a maple leaf.
[12:08:am] <ban`happy> heh
[12:08:am] <12adventTM> thats a good question
[12:08:am] <ilikeayall> because
[12:08:am] * TheMafia ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[12:08:am] <ban`happy> never really got educated in that aspect.
[12:08:am] <12adventTM> I know exactly what the american flag means
[12:08:am] <Leena> remind me to roll a grenade between you during that performance, advent
[12:08:am] <12adventTM> but the canadian flag?
[12:08:am] <12adventTM> lol
[12:09:am] <SK-Xodius> wait, whats that?
[12:09:am] <ban`happy> haha leena with the nutbuster :)
[12:09:am] <12adventTM> remind me to buy you a voice box when you arrive
[12:09:am] <ilikeayall> Canada means Big Village in
[12:09:am] <ilikeayall> Native
[12:09:am] <12adventTM> :D
[12:09:am] <SK-Xodius> advent saying he can beat gillz? Advent talking shit?
[12:09:am] <SK-Xodius>
[12:09:am] <SK-Xodius> get in there
[12:09:am] <SK-Xodius> lol
[12:09:am] <SK-Xodius> lets go
[12:09:am] <SK-Xodius> tired of waiting
[12:09:am] <ilikeayall> and the Maple leaf was the most populous tree in said Village.
[12:09:am] <ban`happy> get
[12:09:am] <ban`happy> a
[12:09:am] <ban`happy> life
[12:09:am] <ban`happy> plz
[12:09:am] <ban`happy> thx
[12:09:am] <WAP-Avocado> MY GOD
[12:09:am] <12adventTM> <SK-Xodius> advent knowing he can beat gillz?
[12:09:am] <WAP-Avocado> shut up
[12:09:am] <WAP-Avocado> honestly
[12:09:am] <br1an> why
[12:09:am] <ilikeayall> ban happy
[12:09:am] <12adventTM> fyp
[12:09:am] <br1an> are
[12:09:am] <WAP-Avocado> you sat here
[12:09:am] <12adventTM> :>
[12:09:am] <br1an> we
[12:09:am] <br1an> doing
[12:09:am] <br1an> this
[12:09:am] <ilikeayall> one with multiple nicks
[12:09:am] <br1an> ?
[12:09:am] <WAP-Avocado> saying advent start's shit all the time
[12:09:am] <ilikeayall> hiding from his uncleness
[12:09:am] <WAP-Avocado> starts**
[12:09:am] <ilikeayall> is one to talk eh?
[12:09:am] <12adventTM> if you haven't realized by now that all i care about right now is amusing myself
[12:09:am] <WAP-Avocado> and look at how you're acting
[12:09:am] <12adventTM> plz go kill yourself
[12:09:am] <ka> !add
[12:09:am] * echbot1 changes topic to '09,01Next Game: 06br1an/DX-Chain/WAP-Avocado/adventTM/ts1gotroy/ka/?/? 4@ pw = truecarnage.com08,01 || 04,01 TC DRAFT TOURNEY FINALS SUNDAY!!!! BiP vs WaP!!!'
[12:10:am] <ilikeayall> nm South Park Blame Canada song
[12:10:am] <SK-Xodius> <+adventTM> if you haven't realized by now that all i care about right now is amusing myself
[12:10:am] <SK-Xodius> LOL
[12:10:am] <Leena> that movie was lame anyway
[12:10:am] <SK-Xodius> kind of sad, yeah?
[12:10:am] <12adventTM> <SK-Xodius> CAUSE YOU CANT AMUSE OTHERS?
[12:10:am] <ban`happy> ilikeyall you are now blacklisted and ignored :)
[12:10:am] <ilikeayall> you missing out if you havnet watched Trailer Park Boys Streaming Episodes
[12:10:am] <ilikeayall> ban happy
[12:10:am] <12adventTM> am I trying to amuse others?
[12:10:am] <12adventTM> jeez, I didn't know that!
[12:10:am] <ilikeayall> and you are a Male Pseudohemaphrodite
[12:10:am] <DX-Chain> !promote
[12:10:am] -echbot1:#truecarnage- 5Please !add up in10 #truecarnage !!!5 2 more people needed!
[12:10:am] <ilikeayall> with multiple nicks
[12:10:am] <Leena> i wanna play, but i'm getting sleepy
[12:10:am] <WAP-Avocado> you know what's a fucked up movie?
[12:10:am] <WAP-Avocado> ken park
[12:10:am] <WAP-Avocado> I watched it thinking it would be some normal flick
[12:10:am] <WAP-Avocado> but NO
[12:11:am] <ilikeayall> how's it feel to have ambiguous Genitalia?
[12:11:am] <12adventTM> thx for tellin me gillz, for a second there, I was afraid I might make someone else laugh
[12:11:am] <12adventTM> thatd have been tragic
[12:11:am] <Leena> !add
[12:11:am] * echbot1 changes topic to '09,01Next Game: 06br1an/DX-Chain/WAP-Avocado/adventTM/ts1gotroy/ka/Leena/? 4@ pw = truecarnage.com08,01 || 04,01 TC DRAFT TOURNEY FINALS SUNDAY!!!! BiP vs WaP!!!'
[12:11:am] <ilikeayall> [the Movie does not epitomize the Series btw]
[12:11:am] <12adventTM> !promote
[12:11:am] -echbot1- Only one promote every two minutes! :p
[12:11:am] <SK-Xodius> it already is tradgic
[12:11:am] <ban`happy> I can honestly see now why esl doesn't have quake in ESL north america
[12:11:am] <12adventTM> me too
[12:11:am] <12adventTM> or anywhere for that fact
[12:12:am] <12adventTM> you look at ESR and you realize that gillz is the anchovy in a sea full of mud sharks
[12:12:am] <ka> !promote
[12:12:am] <ka> !promote
[12:12:am] <ka> !promote
[12:12:am] <ka> !promote
[12:12:am] <DX-Chain> one more
[12:12:am] <ka> !promote
[12:12:am] <ka> !promote
[12:12:am] <ka> !promote
[12:12:am] <ka> !promote
[12:12:am] <ka> !promote
[12:12:am] -echbot1:#truecarnage- 5Please !add up in10 #truecarnage !!!5 1 more person needed!
[12:12:am] <Leena> nah, he's a remora
[12:12:am] <12adventTM> remora?
[12:12:am] <12adventTM> this is new to me.
[12:12:am] <Leena> symbiotic suckerfish
[12:12:am] <ban`happy> well its rather the fact that everyone has too much whine and organizers could care less
[12:12:am] <12adventTM> oh yeah right
[12:13:am] <Leena> latches on to sharks and nibbles on their food
[12:13:am] <12adventTM> never knew what those were called
[12:13:am] <ban`happy> makes the community look rather weak.
[12:13:am] <ilikeayall> Leena (ltns btw) is the oppositionally defiant teen
[12:13:am] <12adventTM> gillz is a symbol of the community
[12:13:am] <Leena> ltns?
[12:13:am] <12adventTM> aka a chatty BIIIIITCH
[12:13:am] <ilikeayall> tis totally wikipediable string btw
[12:13:am] <ka> ban add up
[12:13:am] <12adventTM> ttue
[12:13:am] <SK-Xodius> <+adventTM> aka a chatty BIIIIITCH
[12:13:am] <ban`happy> I can't ka
[12:13:am] <SK-Xodius> lol
[12:13:am] <12adventTM> *true
[12:13:am] <SK-Xodius> there you go
[12:13:am] <ban`happy> otherwise I would have long ago
[12:13:am] <SK-Xodius> talking shit
[12:13:am] <SK-Xodius> jesuschrist
[12:13:am] <SK-Xodius> youre dumb
[12:13:am] <SK-Xodius> im one of the top rated ESR users
[12:13:am] <12adventTM> I never said I wasn't
[12:13:am] <ka> SK-Xodius add up
[12:14:am] <SK-Xodius> cause people LIKE ME
[12:14:am] <ban`happy> lol
[12:14:am] <SK-Xodius> fucking retard
[12:14:am] <ban`happy> top rated esr users
[12:14:am] <12adventTM> LOL
[12:14:am] <ban`happy> who the fuck cares.
[12:14:am] <12adventTM> dude
[12:14:am] <12adventTM> you know what
[12:14:am] <12adventTM> I have 120 friends on facebook
[12:14:am] <SK-Xodius> ban stay out of this
[12:14:am] <WAP-Avocado> my god
[12:14:am] <12adventTM> and they all ike me
[12:14:am] <ka> SK-Xodius> im one of the top rated ESR users
[12:14:am] <12adventTM> *like
[12:14:am] <ka> haha
[12:14:am] <ka> hahahah
[12:14:am] <ban`happy> no shit right
[12:14:am] <ban`happy> ahah
[12:14:am] <12adventTM> I don't even know some of them
[12:14:am] <12adventTM> and they're still FRIENDS with me
[12:14:am] <ka> tahts fucking funny
[12:14:am] <12adventTM> I'm SO popular
[12:14:am] <ka> !promote
[12:14:am] -echbot1:#truecarnage- 5Please !add up in10 #truecarnage !!!5 1 more person needed!
[12:14:am] <ilikeayall> howhahahahow
[12:14:am] <SK-Xodius> now you're acting like a fool
[12:14:am] <SK-Xodius> lololo
[12:14:am] <12adventTM> no
[12:15:am] <12adventTM> I'm making a point
[12:15:am] <DX-Chain> ONE MORE FAG FOR CTF PLZ
[12:15:am] <SK-Xodius> a point you have friends on facebook you dont know?
[12:15:am] <12adventTM> ...
[12:15:am] <SK-Xodius> what an amazing point
[12:15:am] <12adventTM> oh my fucking god
[12:15:am] <SK-Xodius> LOL
[12:15:am] <12adventTM> someone please spoon-feed this poor toddler
[12:15:am] <SK-Xodius> LETS HEARIT
[12:15:am] <SK-Xodius> COME ON
[12:15:am] <SK-Xodius> BRING THE INSULTS
[12:15:am] <WAP-Avocado> *sighs*
[12:15:am] <12adventTM> I'm too lazy to
[12:15:am] <SK-Xodius> ITS ALL YOU GOT
[12:15:am] <ilikeayall> SodiusL You have somethin to say to Me?
[12:15:am] <WAP-Avocado> SHUT UP YOU FUCKER
[12:15:am] <12adventTM> ahahaha
[12:15:am] <ban`happy> if i spoon fed him i'd have to use a slingshot.
[12:15:am] <WAP-Avocado> MY GOD
[12:15:am] <12adventTM> LOL
[12:15:am] <12adventTM> bri
[12:15:am] <12adventTM> ok brian
[12:15:am] <12adventTM> er
[12:15:am] <12adventTM> bryan
[12:15:am] <DX-Chain> i love innernets e-penis contests
[12:15:am] <12adventTM> sry, bri
[12:15:am] <12adventTM> but anywho, bryan
[12:16:am] <WAP-Avocado> chain
[12:16:am] <12adventTM> the point of that whole comment
[12:16:am] <WAP-Avocado> I love you
[12:16:am] <WAP-Avocado> k
[12:16:am] <12adventTM> has nothing to even DO with facebook
[12:16:am] <SK-Xodius> <3
[12:16:am] <ka> !promote
[12:16:am] <DX-Chain> :x
[12:16:am] <12adventTM> theres your first hint
[12:16:am] <SK-Xodius> then why bring it up?
[12:16:am] <12adventTM> if you need a second hint
[12:16:am] <12adventTM> buy a noose first
[12:16:am] * lovelesss ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[12:16:am] <12adventTM> and show it to me
[12:16:am] <WAP-Avocado> my hint
[12:16:am] <WAP-Avocado> is that
[12:16:am] <WAP-Avocado> you both
[12:16:am] <ban`happy> oh and the quake community......too many chiefs not so many indians.
[12:16:am] <WAP-Avocado> should stfu
[12:16:am] <SK-Xodius> I'll but a noose when you buy a brain
[12:16:am] <SK-Xodius> SOUND LIKE A DEAL?
[12:16:am] <SK-Xodius> LOL
[12:16:am] <ka> !promote
[12:16:am] -echbot1:#truecarnage- 5Please !add up in10 #truecarnage !!!5 1 more person needed!
[12:16:am] <WAP-Avocado> IT'S A SUBTLE HINT FOLKS
[12:16:am] <12adventTM> dun dun dun
[12:16:am] <WAP-Avocado> DID YOU PICK UP ON IT?!
[12:17:am] <12adventTM> man
[12:17:am] <12adventTM> wizard of oz is some good shit
[12:17:am] * Retrieving #truecarnage info...
[12:17:am] <12adventTM> <ban`happy> oh and the quake community......too many chiefs not so many indians.
[12:17:am] <12adventTM> wow
[12:17:am] <12adventTM> nice description
[12:17:am] <12adventTM> :o
[12:17:am] <ban`happy> someone moderate the fucking channel plz
[12:17:am] <12adventTM> true
[12:17:am] <WAP-Avocado> lol
[12:17:am] <12adventTM> actually, not true
[12:17:am] <SK-Xodius> lol
[12:17:am] <12adventTM> I'm still amused
[12:17:am] <SK-Xodius> why
[12:17:am] <DX-Chain> someone !ADD
[12:17:am] <12adventTM> by the activity in this channel
[12:17:am] <SK-Xodius> this doesnt need moderation!
[12:18:am] <12adventTM> mainly by gillz
[12:18:am] <Leena> too many fuhrers not so many gestapo you mean
[12:18:am] <WAP-Avocado> lol leena
[12:18:am] <ilikeayall> ban happy: Why, you need a Kindergarten Teacher?
[12:18:am] <12adventTM> too many cocks not so many cunts imo
[12:18:am] <ilikeayall> SodiusL: He's a bitch ass ___A
[12:18:am] <Leena> you can do mangina
[12:18:am] <12adventTM> fuck mangina
[12:18:am] <12adventTM> mangina is for closet homos
[12:18:am] <WAP-Avocado> lol
[12:19:am] <WAP-Avocado> SodiusL:
[12:19:am] <WAP-Avocado> wtf
[12:19:am] <WAP-Avocado> is sodius?
[12:19:am] <ilikeayall> Leena can make amiguously wild comments like someone with IQ<69
[12:19:am] <WAP-Avocado> xodius?
[12:19:am] <WAP-Avocado> you can't even copy paste correctly?
[12:19:am] <12adventTM> copypasta
[12:19:am] <SK-Xodius> lolololol
[12:19:am] <12adventTM> mmm
[12:19:am] <SK-Xodius> gb/2/4chan
[12:19:am] <SK-Xodius> faggot
[12:19:am] <SK-Xodius> lololool
[12:19:am] * lovelesss (~suicidefo@ has joined #truecarnage
[12:19:am] * PUG-Bot sets mode: +v lovelesss
[12:19:am] <12adventTM> epic fail.
[12:19:am] <WAP-Avocado> dude
[12:19:am] <12adventTM> theres no /2/ in 4chan
[12:19:am] <WAP-Avocado> I'm playing rail-only DM
[12:19:am] <WAP-Avocado> that's how bored I am :(
[12:20:am] <DX-Chain> !promote
[12:20:am] -echbot1:#truecarnage- 5Please !add up in10 #truecarnage !!!5 1 more person needed!
[12:20:am] <DX-Chain> 1 more
[12:20:am] <12adventTM> why don't you /r/ some good suicide methods?
[12:20:am] <12adventTM> or take your bitchin to /v/
[12:20:am] <SK-Xodius> when you /r/ a brain
[12:20:am] <12adventTM> I told you man
[12:20:am] <12adventTM> I'm on the yellow brick road as we speak
[12:20:am] <ban`happy> 15,1303:07 11+SK-Xodius 14• every game against you
[12:20:am] <ban`happy> [03:25] switchback: gillz and walter are like the esr douchebags
[12:20:am] <ban`happy> [03:26] switchback: with dumbass blogs
[12:20:am] <ban`happy> LOL
[12:20:am] <12adventTM>
[12:21:am] <SK-Xodius> ban
[12:21:am] <walter> wanna fight
[12:21:am] <SK-Xodius> just stop
[12:21:am] <walter> illl smash fae
[12:21:am] <SK-Xodius> I dont care
[12:21:am] <SK-Xodius> lol
[12:21:am] <walter> face
[12:21:am] <SK-Xodius> you tell me to get a life
[12:21:am] <SK-Xodius> when you're right here
[12:21:am] <SK-Xodius> arguing WITH US
[12:21:am] <ban`happy> im amused.
[12:21:am] <SK-Xodius> hypocrisy ftw.
[12:21:am] <ban`happy> what can I say
[12:21:am] <walter> WAESOME
[12:21:am] <walter> ARGUMENT ELMME WATCH
[12:21:am] <SK-Xodius> I have a life, its HOW I LIVE IT
[12:21:am] <12adventTM> walter
[12:21:am] <12adventTM> make me some popcorn
[12:21:am] <12adventTM> NOW
[12:22:am] <12adventTM> <SK-Xodius> I have a life
[12:22:am] <12adventTM> and you spend it representing your e-penis with a railgun
[12:22:am] <SK-Xodius> opinion fucker
[12:22:am] <SK-Xodius> YOU HAVE IT
[12:22:am] <12adventTM> sure do
[12:22:am] <12adventTM> wanna party?
[12:23:am] <SK-Xodius> ILL ARGUE HARDER
[12:23:am] <12adventTM> lets party.
[12:23:am] <SK-Xodius> WANT THAT?
[12:23:am] <ban`happy> lolz night ladies.
[12:23:am] * ban`happy ( has left #truecarnage
[12:23:am] <12adventTM>
[12:23:am] * bLt ( has joined #truecarnage
[12:23:am] * PUG-Bot sets mode: +v bLt
[12:23:am] <12adventTM> yeah, I'm bored now
[11:36:pm] <WAP-Avocado> lol
[11:36:pm] <SK-Xodius> notice how everytime there's a fight in here
[11:36:pm] <ban`the1andonly> I say come you say cum
[11:36:pm] <12adventTM> uh, typical european labelling of americans here
[11:36:pm] <SK-Xodius> advent is always the one in it
[11:36:pm] <12adventTM> this is a fight?
[11:36:pm] <WAP-Avocado> there's no fight
[11:36:pm] <rockz> but im right
[11:37:pm] <12adventTM> this is more like a massacre
[11:37:pm] <WAP-Avocado> [01:35:49 AM, 20/07/2008] <ban`the1andonly> fuckin fairy
[11:37:pm] <WAP-Avocado> wtf was that? lol
[11:37:pm] <12adventTM> what?
[11:37:pm] <ban`the1andonly> you sayin your caress your bitch tits
[11:37:pm] <ban`the1andonly> at night
[11:37:pm] <ban`the1andonly> *you caress
[11:37:pm] <SK-Xodius> lololol
[11:37:pm] <SK-Xodius> advent
[11:37:pm] <12adventTM> bob
[11:37:pm] <WAP-Avocado> lol
[11:37:pm] <SK-Xodius> duel
[11:37:pm] <SK-Xodius> q3
[11:37:pm] <SK-Xodius> lets go
[11:37:pm] <12adventTM> bob has bitch tits
[11:37:pm] <SK-Xodius> youthink you can beat ,e?
[11:37:pm] <SK-Xodius> me?
[11:37:pm] <WAP-Avocado> what does a fairy have to do with it?
[11:37:pm] <SK-Xodius> come on
[11:37:pm] <judge-`> what do europeans talk about..smoking fags and the size of their bonnets and boots
[11:37:pm] <SK-Xodius> PLAY ME BITCH
[11:37:pm] <SK-Xodius> PLAY ME BITCH
[11:37:pm] <SK-Xodius> PLAY ME BITCH
[11:37:pm] <ban`the1andonly> sigh
[11:37:pm] <ban`the1andonly> advent he wants you to play with his pussy
[11:37:pm] <ban`the1andonly> in quake 3
[11:37:pm] <12adventTM> <rockz> but im right
[11:37:pm] <WAP-Avocado> lol
[11:38:pm] <12adventTM> no, youre just a snob
[11:38:pm] <12adventTM> pussy?
[11:38:pm] <12adventTM> I'm there!
[11:38:pm] <ban`the1andonly> lolz.
[11:38:pm] <ban`the1andonly> 15,13 02:43 11+SK-Xodius 14• PLAY WITH ME BITCH
[11:38:pm] <SK-Xodius> lolool
[11:38:pm] <12adventTM> seriously girl, I've been holding back forever now, I'm glad you've invited me
[11:38:pm] <ban`the1andonly> haha
[11:38:pm] <ban`the1andonly> :)
[11:39:pm] <12adventTM> I'm gonna nut inside so hard
[11:39:pm] <12adventTM> you'll have octuplets
[11:39:pm] <ban`the1andonly> WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW
[11:39:pm] <12adventTM> ahahaha
[11:39:pm] <SK-Xodius> LOl
[11:39:pm] <SK-Xodius>
[11:39:pm] <12adventTM> AND THE CROWD GOES WIIIIILD
[11:39:pm] <magnum_> !add
[11:39:pm] * echbot1 changes topic to '09,01Next Game: 06br1an/DX-Chain/WAP-Avocado/rage`gizer/adventTM/magnum_/?/? 4@ pw = truecarnage.com08,01 || 04,01 TC DRAFT TOURNEY FINALS SUNDAY!!!! BiP vs WaP!!!'
[11:39:pm] <12adventTM> since when were you on vent
[11:39:pm] <12adventTM> tell me
[11:39:pm] <ban`the1andonly> LOL SK-Xodius
[11:39:pm] <12adventTM> whats the IP to this vent?
[11:39:pm] <12adventTM> this vent you speak of?
[11:40:pm] <SK-Xodius>
[11:40:pm] <SK-Xodius> 3999
[11:40:pm] <SK-Xodius> bitch
[11:40:pm] <12adventTM> you fail
[11:40:pm] <12adventTM> sorry
[11:40:pm] <SK-Xodius> LOL
[11:40:pm] <SK-Xodius> pretty sure I'm right
[11:40:pm] <SK-Xodius> actually
[11:40:pm] <SK-Xodius> I know I'm right
[11:40:pm] <12adventTM> umm
[11:41:pm] <12adventTM> I know you're wrong
[11:41:pm] <12adventTM> because I was only on one vent all day yesterday
[11:41:pm] <SK-Xodius> WAIT
[11:41:pm] <SK-Xodius>
[11:41:pm] <SK-Xodius> 3020
[11:41:pm] <12adventTM> let alone in the past month
[11:41:pm] <12adventTM> lol
[11:41:pm] <12adventTM> you fail so hard
[11:41:pm] <SK-Xodius> then tell me the IP then
[11:41:pm] * judge-` ( Quit (Read error: EOF from client)
[11:41:pm] <12adventTM> thats the right IP
[11:41:pm] <ban`the1andonly> why would he do that if you knew.
[11:41:pm] <12adventTM> but I know youre lying out your ass
[11:41:pm] <SK-Xodius> LOL
[11:41:pm] <SK-Xodius> im not lying
[11:41:pm] <ban`the1andonly> how much sense do you make rofl
[11:41:pm] <12adventTM> yes you are
[11:41:pm] <SK-Xodius> I know the IP and I know you were there
[11:41:pm] <SK-Xodius> and I listened to you listen to that song
[11:41:pm] <SK-Xodius> why would I lie
[11:41:pm] <SK-Xodius> lololol
[11:41:pm] <12adventTM> you didn't know either one of those
[11:42:pm] <12adventTM> nt
[11:42:pm] <12adventTM> I'd tap that btw
[11:42:pm] <shlt>
[11:42:pm] <SK-Xodius> I know both of them obviously
[11:42:pm] <12adventTM> hello there, air man
[11:42:pm] <SK-Xodius> since I HAVE THE GODDAMN IP's
[11:42:pm] <12adventTM> how be the air control?
[11:42:pm] <12adventTM> no
[11:42:pm] <12adventTM> you JUST got the right IP
[11:42:pm] <ilikeayall> tinyurl isfor people profitizing from link
[11:42:pm] <12adventTM> lol
[11:42:pm] <12adventTM> bri
[11:42:pm] <SK-Xodius> my saved names were fucked up
[11:42:pm] <SK-Xodius> lololol
[11:43:pm] <WAP-Avocado>
[11:43:pm] <WAP-Avocado> ban
[11:43:pm] <WAP-Avocado> watch that
[11:43:pm] <WAP-Avocado> and wtf is this shit about vent
[11:43:pm] <WAP-Avocado> nvmd ban, you don't have sound
[11:43:pm] <ban`the1andonly> aye.
[11:43:pm] <ban`the1andonly> :<
[11:43:pm] <WAP-Avocado> :/
[11:43:pm] <12adventTM> sure, xod
[11:43:pm] <WAP-Avocado> dude
[11:43:pm] <WAP-Avocado> I don't get it
[11:43:pm] <WAP-Avocado> this time
[11:43:pm] <WAP-Avocado> advent didn't start shit
[11:43:pm] <WAP-Avocado> and xodius was complaining about him always fighting
[11:43:pm] <12adventTM> lol
[11:43:pm] <rage`gizer> !remove
[11:43:pm] * echbot1 changes topic to '09,01Next Game: 06br1an/DX-Chain/WAP-Avocado/adventTM/magnum_/?/?/? 4@ pw = truecarnage.com08,01 || 04,01 TC DRAFT TOURNEY FINALS SUNDAY!!!! BiP vs WaP!!!'
[11:43:pm] <12adventTM> thats because xodius is a biiiitch
[11:43:pm] <DX-Chain> $$$
[11:44:pm] <WAP-Avocado> the bitch right now is gmoney
[11:44:pm] <WAP-Avocado> get back in here!
[11:44:pm] <ban`the1andonly> 15,13 02:43 11+SK-Xodius 14• PLAY WITH ME BITCH
[11:44:pm] <SK-Xodius> <+adventTM> thats because xodius is a biiiitch
[11:44:pm] <SK-Xodius> ahahahaha
[11:44:pm] <SK-Xodius> you're the biggest
[11:44:pm] <SK-Xodius> troll
[11:44:pm] <12adventTM> gizer is also a biiiitch
[11:44:pm] <SK-Xodius> here
[11:44:pm] <SK-Xodius> loloolol
[11:44:pm] <12adventTM> thats something a bitch would say
[11:44:pm] <ban`the1andonly> oh man...
[11:44:pm] <WAP-Avocado> lol
[11:44:pm] <ban`the1andonly> i'd pay to see this shit live at an event
[11:44:pm] <12adventTM> lol
[11:44:pm] <ban`the1andonly> im tellin youo
[11:44:pm] <WAP-Avocado> lol
[11:44:pm] <ban`the1andonly> that would be priceless.
[11:45:pm] <SK-Xodius> wowwwwwwwwwwwwwww
[11:45:pm] <SK-Xodius> duel?
[11:45:pm] <SK-Xodius> come on
[11:45:pm] <12adventTM> are you hot?
[11:45:pm] <SK-Xodius> q3
[11:45:pm] <SK-Xodius> lets go
[11:45:pm] <SK-Xodius> q3 duel
[11:45:pm] <SK-Xodius> gogogo
[11:45:pm] <12adventTM> I'll make you go qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq
[11:45:pm] <ban`the1andonly> btw.........quakelive is in sure you have an invite
[11:45:pm] <SK-Xodius> then lets go
[11:45:pm] <12adventTM> until I finish up
[11:45:pm] <12adventTM> but wait
[11:45:pm] <12adventTM> you're hot, right?
[11:45:pm] <12adventTM> ahaha
[11:46:pm] <12adventTM> avo
[11:46:pm] <ban`the1andonly> god...
[11:46:pm] <WAP-Avocado> hm?
[11:46:pm] <12adventTM> your video
[11:46:pm] <WAP-Avocado> lol
[11:46:pm] <WAP-Avocado> 'dirty over 30'
[11:46:pm] <ban`the1andonly> avo is probably one handed typing so he can caress himself.
[11:46:pm] <WAP-Avocado> PFFT!
[11:46:pm] <ban`the1andonly> caress himself to sleepz
[11:46:pm] <12adventTM> jon's assistant though is definitely shemale
[11:46:pm] <12adventTM> you into shemales, avo?
[11:46:pm] <WAP-Avocado> I'm lactating a little, ban...I know you'll be thinking about that while you jerk off
[11:46:pm] <WAP-Avocado> nay, I am not
[11:46:pm] <ban`the1andonly> nah
[11:46:pm] <12adventTM> <WAP-Avocado> I'm lactating
[11:46:pm] <12adventTM> ...
[11:47:pm] <12adventTM> ...
[11:47:pm] <magnum_> !remove
[11:47:pm] * echbot1 changes topic to '09,01Next Game: 06br1an/DX-Chain/WAP-Avocado/adventTM/?/?/?/? 4@ pw = truecarnage.com08,01 || 04,01 TC DRAFT TOURNEY FINALS SUNDAY!!!! BiP vs WaP!!!'
[11:47:pm] <12adventTM> ...
[11:47:pm] <WAP-Avocado> lol
[11:47:pm] <ban`the1andonly> man boobs don't turn me on
[11:47:pm] <ban`the1andonly> im not euro
[11:47:pm] <12adventTM> <WAP-Avocado> I'm lactating
[11:47:pm] <12adventTM> someone !topic this
[11:47:pm] <12adventTM> wheres dave when you need him?
[11:47:pm] <WAP-Avocado> lol
[11:47:pm] <ban`the1andonly> fuckin
[11:47:pm] <SK-Xodius> come on bitch
[11:47:pm] <12adventTM> fucking son of a bitch...
[11:47:pm] <SK-Xodius>
[11:47:pm] <SK-Xodius>
[11:47:pm] <SK-Xodius> gogogo
[11:47:pm] <12adventTM> you're hot, right?
[11:48:pm] <12adventTM> 'cause if you are, I'll come alright
[11:48:pm] <ban`the1andonly> new quit msg btw
[11:48:pm] <ban`the1andonly> haha
[11:48:pm] <SK-Xodius> yes im hot
[11:48:pm] <12adventTM> ahaha
[11:48:pm] <SK-Xodius> q3 duel
[11:48:pm] <SK-Xodius> lets go advent
[11:48:pm] <SK-Xodius>
[11:48:pm] <12adventTM> lies
[11:48:pm] <12adventTM> I want pics
[11:48:pm] * ban`the1andonly (bandros@ Quit (Quit: 15,1302:52 15,1302:52 11+adventTM 14• someone !topic this 11+adventTM 14• <WAP-Avocado> I'm lactating 15,13 02:52 11+adventTM 14• wh)
[11:49:pm] <WAP-Avocado> lol
[11:49:pm] <12adventTM> rofl
[11:49:pm] * ban`happy ( has joined #truecarnage
[11:49:pm] * PUG-Bot sets mode: +v ban`happy
[11:49:pm] <12adventTM> your clock is off
[11:49:pm] <12adventTM> btw
[11:49:pm] <ban`happy> um no?
[11:49:pm] <ban`happy> im 3 hours ahead of you ididot.
[11:49:pm] <SK-Xodius> timezones idiot
[11:49:pm] <SK-Xodius> jesus christ
[11:49:pm] <12adventTM> what?
[11:49:pm] <SK-Xodius> you're fucking dumb
[11:49:pm] <SK-Xodius>
[11:49:pm] <SK-Xodius> play me
[11:49:pm] <SK-Xodius> you faggot
[11:49:pm] <SK-Xodius> lets go
[11:49:pm] <12adventTM> thats not what I meant
[11:49:pm] <SK-Xodius> think you can beat me?
[11:49:pm] <SK-Xodius> lets go
[11:49:pm] <SK-Xodius>
[11:50:pm] <12adventTM> [11:46:pm] <WAP-Avocado> I'm lactating a little, ban...I know you'll be thinking about that while you jerk off
[11:50:pm] <12adventTM> note the minutes
[11:50:pm] <12adventTM> his clock is off
[11:50:pm] <12adventTM> jeez, you people
[11:50:pm] <SK-Xodius> that was taken at a DIFFERENT TIME
[11:50:pm] <SK-Xodius> fucking
[11:50:pm] <SK-Xodius> twat
[11:50:pm] <SK-Xodius>
[11:50:pm] <SK-Xodius> lets go
[11:50:pm] <12adventTM> if youre hot, you can beat me all you want babe
[11:50:pm] <SK-Xodius> advent
[11:50:pm] <SK-Xodius> backing out?
[11:50:pm] <SK-Xodius>
[11:50:pm] <SK-Xodius> pussy
[11:50:pm] <SK-Xodius> lets go
[11:50:pm] <SK-Xodius>
[11:50:pm] <12adventTM> I'll back out
[11:50:pm] <SK-Xodius> play me
[11:50:pm] <SK-Xodius>
[11:50:pm] <12adventTM> and thrust right back in
[11:50:pm] <ban`happy> is SK-Xodius gillz?
[11:51:pm] <WAP-Avocado> wow
[11:51:pm] <SK-Xodius> cause you fucking suck thats why
[11:51:pm] <12adventTM> rinse and repeat til I'm done
[11:51:pm] <SK-Xodius>
[11:51:pm] <WAP-Avocado> I have no idea
[11:51:pm] <WAP-Avocado> but this is dumb
[11:51:pm] <SK-Xodius>
[11:51:pm] <ilikeayall> 'babe' is a generalized statement
[11:51:pm] <ilikeayall> he makes
[11:51:pm] <ban`happy> here comes the methictionary
[11:51:pm] <ilikeayall> to boy OR girl!
[11:51:pm] <12adventTM> I'm also just fucking with this guy in case you haven't peaked yet
[11:51:pm] <ban`happy> its more like
[11:51:pm] <SK-Xodius> you're not ni the server yet
[11:51:pm] <SK-Xodius>
[11:51:pm] <ban`happy> who's fucking with who
[11:51:pm] <ban`happy> lol
[11:51:pm] <WAP-Avocado> lol
[11:52:pm] <12adventTM> I'm amusing myself, I highly doubt I'm the one getting fucked with
[11:52:pm] <12adventTM> :>
[11:52:pm] * sp0nger ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[11:52:pm] <ban`happy> SK-Xodius reminds me of forever blowing up for some reason
[11:52:pm] <ilikeayall> what whut in the but ___'happywithit
[11:52:pm] <ilikeayall> ?
[11:52:pm] <12adventTM> FUCK AWAY WITH THE CAMERA
[11:52:pm] <ban`happy> LOLZ
[11:52:pm] <12adventTM> STUPID MUDDERFUCKERRRR
[11:53:pm] <12adventTM> man
[11:53:pm] <12adventTM> I am making a remix of that
[11:53:pm] <12adventTM> I could listen to it all day
[11:53:pm] <SK-Xodius>
[11:53:pm] <SK-Xodius> you're still not in the server
[11:53:pm] <ban`happy> dahang was just crackin up
[11:53:pm] <12adventTM> is that the safe word?
[11:53:pm] <12adventTM> ahaha
[11:53:pm] <12adventTM> who can blame him?
[11:53:pm] <12adventTM> He wants to be a nice guy but he can't help himself
[11:53:pm] <12adventTM> :P
[11:53:pm] <ban`happy> shit I would have if i was htere
[11:53:pm] <ban`happy> ahhaha
[11:54:pm] <DX-Chain> !promote
[11:54:pm] -echbot1:#truecarnage- 5Please !add up in10 #truecarnage !!!5 4 more people needed!
[11:54:pm] <ban`happy> then you got ermac
[11:54:pm] <ban`happy> in the background
[11:54:pm] <ban`happy> wearing pink
[11:54:pm] <ban`happy> haha
[11:54:pm] <12adventTM> he reminds me of my friend riley
[11:54:pm] <SK-Xodius>
[11:54:pm] <SK-Xodius> lets go
[11:54:pm] <ban`happy> james in pink was hilarious for sure :)
[11:54:pm] <SK-Xodius> come on
[11:54:pm] <12adventTM> riley is a douchefag though
[11:54:pm] <12adventTM> whats that?
[11:54:pm] <12adventTM> <SK-Xodius> lets get it on
[11:54:pm] <12adventTM> ohhhh yeah
[11:54:pm] <ban`happy> open wide and mind the gap
[11:55:pm] <ban`happy> o/
[11:55:pm] <12adventTM> ahaha
[11:55:pm] <12adventTM> TURBOPUNS
[11:55:pm] <ilikeayall> 'my name is Sxodius...'
[11:55:pm] <12adventTM> change your name to failhard
[11:55:pm] <ilikeayall> 'I lib on the second flooor..'
[11:55:pm] <12adventTM> before you go kill yourself
[11:55:pm] <ilikeayall> 'I take it whhutwhut inthebutt'
[11:55:pm] <ilikeayall> 'and i always ask fo-morrree..'
[11:56:pm] <ilikeayall> jk
[11:56:pm] SK-Xodius is * michael
[11:56:pm] SK-Xodius on +#truecarnage +#purepwnage
[11:56:pm] SK-Xodius using * QuakeNet IRC Server
[11:56:pm] SK-Xodius End of /WHOIS list.
[11:56:pm] <12adventTM> SK-Xodius on +#truecarnage +#purepwnage
[11:56:pm] <12adventTM> caught ya, gillz
[11:58:pm] <SK-Xodius> [22:47] <+adventTM> and I can still beat gillz easily
[11:58:pm] <SK-Xodius> then lets go
[11:58:pm] <SK-Xodius>
[11:58:pm] <SK-Xodius>
[11:58:pm] <12adventTM> is that the safe word?
[11:58:pm] <ts1gotroy> !add
[11:58:pm] * echbot1 changes topic to '09,01Next Game: 06br1an/DX-Chain/WAP-Avocado/adventTM/ts1gotroy/?/?/? 4@ pw = truecarnage.com08,01 || 04,01 TC DRAFT TOURNEY FINALS SUNDAY!!!! BiP vs WaP!!!'
[11:58:pm] <ban`happy> how does quake skill relate to skill in real life.
[11:58:pm] <ban`happy> ask yourselves that
[11:58:pm] <ban`happy> fuckin tards
[11:58:pm] <12adventTM> Quake skill = no IRL skill
[11:59:pm] <ts1gotroy> hah
[11:59:pm] <ilikeayall> only a mofo whos into S&M would come to mind first, a safe word
[11:59:pm] <12adventTM> basically
[11:59:pm] <SK-Xodius> dude hes trolling in a fucking irc channel getting drunk
[11:59:pm] <ilikeayall> just sayin'
[11:59:pm] <SK-Xodius> pretty sure thats low
[11:59:pm] <12adventTM> thats how its related
[11:59:pm] <12adventTM> lol
[11:59:pm] <12adventTM> I haven't touched a drop of rum yet
[11:59:pm] <ts1gotroy> i could argue with that ban
[11:59:pm] <SK-Xodius>
[11:59:pm] <SK-Xodius>
[11:59:pm] <12adventTM> you're just amusing me
[11:59:pm] <SK-Xodius>
[11:59:pm] <12adventTM> with your nerdrage
[11:59:pm] <SK-Xodius> you're not in there
[11:59:pm] <SK-Xodius>
[11:59:pm] <ban`happy> lol...
[11:59:pm] <12adventTM> your "cleverly" disguised nerdrage
[11:59:pm] <SK-Xodius> im the one who's raped you ever and over
[11:59:pm] <ban`happy> im not going to listen to it ts1gotroy
[11:59:pm] <SK-Xodius> you're the one saying you can beat me
[11:59:pm] <SK-Xodius> so
[11:59:pm] <12adventTM> <SK-Xodius> im the one who's camped you ever and over
[11:59:pm] <SK-Xodius> lets see it
[11:59:pm] <SK-Xodius>
[11:59:pm] <12adventTM> fyp
[11:59:pm] <SK-Xodius>
[11:59:pm] <SK-Xodius>
[11:59:pm] <SK-Xodius> LOL
[11:59:pm] <ts1gotroy> good cause i didnt really want to argue it
[11:59:pm] <ban`happy> cause ones opinion do not change my beliefs and opinions :)
[12:00:am] <SK-Xodius> okay want me to upload demos with those screenshots?
[12:00:am] <SK-Xodius>
[12:00:am] <12adventTM> I'll change that, brian
[12:00:am] <ban`happy> pfffft lol
[12:00:am] <12adventTM> people will care about as much as they care about arktik's demos tbh
[12:00:am] <12adventTM> actually
[12:00:am] <12adventTM> less than that
[12:00:am] <SK-Xodius> because you're in it
[12:00:am] <SK-Xodius> thats why
[12:00:am] <ban`happy> who THE FUCK CARES
[12:00:am] <SK-Xodius> lol
[12:00:am] <SK-Xodius>
[12:00:am] <ban`happy> anyway
[12:00:am] <SK-Xodius>
[12:00:am] <12adventTM> well yeah
[12:00:am] <12adventTM> thats the point
[12:00:am] <ban`happy> go to school
[12:00:am] <ban`happy> make a god damn life for yourself
[12:00:am] <12adventTM> I'd be silly to assume that ESRtards care about my existence
[12:00:am] <ban`happy> instead of
[12:00:am] <ban`happy> OMG
[12:00:am] <ban`happy> IM THE NEXT COOLLER
[12:00:am] <ban`happy> or czm
[12:00:am] <12adventTM> lol
[12:00:am] <ban`happy> or some fucked up shit
[12:00:am] <12adventTM> no shit right
[12:00:am] <SK-Xodius> ban, im in college
[12:01:am] <SK-Xodius> so
[12:01:am] <ilikeayall> i am try
[12:01:am] <SK-Xodius> shut it
[12:01:am] <ban`happy> i dont give a fuck
[12:01:am] <ban`happy> you act like an idiot
[12:01:am] <SK-Xodius> act like an idiot/
[12:01:am] <12adventTM> <ban`happy> you act like an idiot
[12:01:am] <SK-Xodius> im defending myself
[12:01:am] <SK-Xodius>
[12:01:am] <12adventTM> truest thing I've heard all day
[12:01:am] <ilikeayall> if you have nerdy friends who dont like an idiot when inebriated
[12:01:am] <SK-Xodius>
[12:01:am] <SK-Xodius>
[12:01:am] <12adventTM> actually, if anything you're only confirming his point
[12:01:am] <SK-Xodius> get in advent
[12:01:am] <ban`happy> defending yourself over some stupid ass shit
[12:01:am] <SK-Xodius> stupid = opinion
[12:01:am] <12adventTM> why would I play when I don't want to?
[12:01:am] <ilikeayall> then you leisure time hangout friends are not optimus prime ok?
[12:01:am] <12adventTM> that's something you'd do I guess
[12:01:am] <12adventTM> but unlike you, I don't nerdrage
[12:02:am] <SK-Xodius> because you talk shit all day
[12:02:am] <SK-Xodius> ALL DAY FUCKER
[12:02:am] <12adventTM> I tell it like it is
[12:02:am] <SK-Xodius> ive NEVER lost to you
[12:02:am] <SK-Xodius> yet
[12:02:am] <ilikeayall> Bro this is the first time ive had a drink in 3 weeks
[12:02:am] <SK-Xodius> you tell everyone you can beat me
[12:02:am] <12adventTM> if it happens to be harsh, so be it
[12:02:am] <12adventTM> I can
[12:02:am] <SK-Xodius> guess what fucker
[12:02:am] <ilikeayall> and i see at least 3 haters
[12:02:am] <SK-Xodius> you suck
[12:02:am] <SK-Xodius> I win
[12:02:am] <SK-Xodius> every game against you
[12:02:am] <12adventTM> do I really need to prove it to people?
[12:02:am] <SK-Xodius> lol
[12:02:am] <12adventTM> no
[12:02:am] <ban`happy> 15,1303:07 11+SK-Xodius 14• every game against you
[12:02:am] <SK-Xodius> it will stop you from talking shit
[12:02:am] <ban`happy> even in quake 4?
[12:02:am] <ban`happy> lol
[12:02:am] <SK-Xodius> yes even in q4
[12:02:am] <12adventTM> because I don't care what other people say
[12:02:am] <SK-Xodius> lol
[12:02:am] <SK-Xodius>
[12:02:am] <SK-Xodius> lets go
[12:02:am] <ilikeayall> pft
[12:02:am] <SK-Xodius>
[12:02:am] <12adventTM> LOL
[12:02:am] <SK-Xodius>
[12:02:am] <12adventTM> now that's just flat-out delusion
[12:02:am] <12adventTM> I've raped you every Q4 game
[12:02:am] <ban`happy> no shit eh
[12:03:am] <12adventTM> but that's beside the point
[12:03:am] <12adventTM> the point is
[12:03:am] <DX-Chain> !promote
[12:03:am] -echbot1:#truecarnage- 5Please !add up in10 #truecarnage !!!5 3 more people needed!
[12:03:am] <ban`happy> why defend yourself by posting a server ip
[12:03:am] <ban`happy> sigh
[12:03:am] <12adventTM> even if I lost at Q3
[12:03:am] <12adventTM> a game I've barely touched in the past two months anyways
[12:03:am] <SK-Xodius> lololol
[12:03:am] <12adventTM> I think I've won IRL
[12:03:am] <ban`happy> OMG I MUST FIGHT FOR MY E RIGHTS
[12:03:am] <SK-Xodius> then why talk shit about a game you suck at
[12:03:am] <SK-Xodius> idiot
[12:03:am] <12adventTM> never said I suck at it
[12:03:am] <12adventTM> but ooook
[12:03:am] <12adventTM> you go ahead and keep nerdraging
[12:03:am] <ilikeayall> SeXodius is an little known Ranch in Nevada
[12:03:am] <12adventTM> I, on the other hand, will keep laughing
[12:04:am] <ban`happy> ight you both have fun with an arguement that will go on until a q3 lan hits
[12:04:am] <12adventTM> yeah I know
[12:04:am] <SK-Xodius>
[12:04:am] <ban`happy> and that you BOTH will show up at
[12:04:am] <12adventTM> seriously gillz
[12:04:am] <SK-Xodius> im waiiiiiting
[12:04:am] <ban`happy> until then
[12:04:am] <ban`happy> who the fuck cares.
[12:04:am] <12adventTM> I was going to apologize for anything bad I've said to you at vanlan
[12:04:am] <SK-Xodius> LOL
[12:04:am] <SK-Xodius> SURE
[12:04:am] <SK-Xodius> YEAH
[12:04:am] <SK-Xodius> OKAY
[12:04:am] <SK-Xodius> stop talking
[12:04:am] <SK-Xodius> now
[12:04:am] <12adventTM> and try to start over because you seem like you might have been an okay guy
[12:04:am] <12adventTM> but I change my mind
[12:04:am] <12adventTM> hey, don't believe me if you don't wanna
[12:04:am] <12adventTM> but I'm done
[12:04:am] <SK-Xodius> I can read the lies from a mile away
[12:04:am] <SK-Xodius> idiot
[12:04:am] <SK-Xodius> dont try to patronize me
[12:04:am] <SK-Xodius> jesus christ
[12:04:am] <ban`happy> btw gillz
[12:04:am] <ban`happy> why are you aliased?
[12:04:am] <12adventTM> you need reading glasses then
[12:04:am] <SK-Xodius> dumber then you look
[12:05:am] <SK-Xodius> my other irc account
[12:05:am] <12adventTM> why would I say such a thing as a lie?
[12:05:am] <SK-Xodius> this idiot
[12:05:am] <SK-Xodius> ignored me on mIRC
[12:05:am] <SK-Xodius> and cant figure out how to UNIGNORE
[12:05:am] <SK-Xodius> LOL
[12:05:am] <SK-Xodius> so I just conect as a different name
[12:05:am] <SK-Xodius> and he can see what I say
[12:05:am] <SK-Xodius> oh
[12:05:am] <SK-Xodius> and
[12:05:am] <SK-Xodius>
[12:05:am] <ban`happy> or you just have to troll him cause he doesn't want to put up with a 21 year old who's acting like hes in grade school
[12:05:am] <SK-Xodius> whos 21
[12:06:am] <SK-Xodius> advent?
[12:06:am] <12adventTM> <SK-Xodius> and cant figure out how to UNIGNORE
[12:06:am] <ban`happy> no im just giving a rough estimate of your age
[12:06:am] <ban`happy> but its far from 21
[12:06:am] * x3o|MavLP ( Quit (Signed off)
[12:06:am] <ban`happy> its more like 7.
[12:06:am] <WAP-Avocado> lol
[12:06:am] <ilikeayall> banhappy+Xodius sexual tension=fully apparent yall
[12:06:am] <12adventTM> try unignoring yourself on my own computer at vanlan
[12:06:am] <12adventTM> its not going to work
[12:06:am] <12adventTM> I can show you that it doesnt unignore you
[12:06:am] <ban`happy> yo
[12:06:am] <SK-Xodius> yawwwwn
[12:06:am] <ilikeayall> the funny thing about that bunhappy is
[12:06:am] <SK-Xodius>
[12:06:am] <ban`happy> you know what would be hilarious
[12:07:am] <12adventTM> bawwwwwwwwwww
[12:07:am] <ilikeayall> youre soon to age too to 27 bish :)
[12:07:am] <ban`happy> seeing this skinny ass candaian gillz vs a half samoan half canadian troy
[12:07:am] <12adventTM> fuck yeah, samoan pride
[12:07:am] <12adventTM> :>
[12:07:am] <12adventTM> I'm ashamed to call myself a canadian with people like gillz in my country
[12:07:am] <12adventTM> :(
[12:07:am] <ban`happy> lol
[12:07:am] <12adventTM> so fuck it
[12:07:am] <12adventTM> from now on, I'm samoan
[12:07:am] <ban`happy> hah
[12:08:am] <12adventTM> I'll sing "blame canada" with you at lan
[12:08:am] <12adventTM> bri
[12:08:am] <12adventTM> come to WF
[12:08:am] <ban`happy> hehe
[12:08:am] <12adventTM> we'll get drunk and have a good ol sing-along
[12:08:am] <ban`happy> blame canada
[12:08:am] <12adventTM> :D
[12:08:am] <ban`happy> rofl
[12:08:am] <br1an> ?
[12:08:am] <ban`happy> btw
[12:08:am] <br1an> !prmote
[12:08:am] <br1an> !promote
[12:08:am] -echbot1:#truecarnage- 5Please !add up in10 #truecarnage !!!5 3 more people needed!
[12:08:am] <ban`happy> why exactly is the canadian flag of a maple leaf.
[12:08:am] <ban`happy> heh
[12:08:am] <12adventTM> thats a good question
[12:08:am] <ilikeayall> because
[12:08:am] * TheMafia ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[12:08:am] <ban`happy> never really got educated in that aspect.
[12:08:am] <12adventTM> I know exactly what the american flag means
[12:08:am] <Leena> remind me to roll a grenade between you during that performance, advent
[12:08:am] <12adventTM> but the canadian flag?
[12:08:am] <12adventTM> lol
[12:09:am] <SK-Xodius> wait, whats that?
[12:09:am] <ban`happy> haha leena with the nutbuster :)
[12:09:am] <12adventTM> remind me to buy you a voice box when you arrive
[12:09:am] <ilikeayall> Canada means Big Village in
[12:09:am] <ilikeayall> Native
[12:09:am] <12adventTM> :D
[12:09:am] <SK-Xodius> advent saying he can beat gillz? Advent talking shit?
[12:09:am] <SK-Xodius>
[12:09:am] <SK-Xodius> get in there
[12:09:am] <SK-Xodius> lol
[12:09:am] <SK-Xodius> lets go
[12:09:am] <SK-Xodius> tired of waiting
[12:09:am] <ilikeayall> and the Maple leaf was the most populous tree in said Village.
[12:09:am] <ban`happy> get
[12:09:am] <ban`happy> a
[12:09:am] <ban`happy> life
[12:09:am] <ban`happy> plz
[12:09:am] <ban`happy> thx
[12:09:am] <WAP-Avocado> MY GOD
[12:09:am] <12adventTM> <SK-Xodius> advent knowing he can beat gillz?
[12:09:am] <WAP-Avocado> shut up
[12:09:am] <WAP-Avocado> honestly
[12:09:am] <br1an> why
[12:09:am] <ilikeayall> ban happy
[12:09:am] <12adventTM> fyp
[12:09:am] <br1an> are
[12:09:am] <WAP-Avocado> you sat here
[12:09:am] <12adventTM> :>
[12:09:am] <br1an> we
[12:09:am] <br1an> doing
[12:09:am] <br1an> this
[12:09:am] <ilikeayall> one with multiple nicks
[12:09:am] <br1an> ?
[12:09:am] <WAP-Avocado> saying advent start's shit all the time
[12:09:am] <ilikeayall> hiding from his uncleness
[12:09:am] <WAP-Avocado> starts**
[12:09:am] <ilikeayall> is one to talk eh?
[12:09:am] <12adventTM> if you haven't realized by now that all i care about right now is amusing myself
[12:09:am] <WAP-Avocado> and look at how you're acting
[12:09:am] <12adventTM> plz go kill yourself
[12:09:am] <ka> !add
[12:09:am] * echbot1 changes topic to '09,01Next Game: 06br1an/DX-Chain/WAP-Avocado/adventTM/ts1gotroy/ka/?/? 4@ pw = truecarnage.com08,01 || 04,01 TC DRAFT TOURNEY FINALS SUNDAY!!!! BiP vs WaP!!!'
[12:10:am] <ilikeayall> nm South Park Blame Canada song
[12:10:am] <SK-Xodius> <+adventTM> if you haven't realized by now that all i care about right now is amusing myself
[12:10:am] <SK-Xodius> LOL
[12:10:am] <Leena> that movie was lame anyway
[12:10:am] <SK-Xodius> kind of sad, yeah?
[12:10:am] <12adventTM> <SK-Xodius> CAUSE YOU CANT AMUSE OTHERS?
[12:10:am] <ban`happy> ilikeyall you are now blacklisted and ignored :)
[12:10:am] <ilikeayall> you missing out if you havnet watched Trailer Park Boys Streaming Episodes
[12:10:am] <ilikeayall> ban happy
[12:10:am] <12adventTM> am I trying to amuse others?
[12:10:am] <12adventTM> jeez, I didn't know that!
[12:10:am] <ilikeayall> and you are a Male Pseudohemaphrodite
[12:10:am] <DX-Chain> !promote
[12:10:am] -echbot1:#truecarnage- 5Please !add up in10 #truecarnage !!!5 2 more people needed!
[12:10:am] <ilikeayall> with multiple nicks
[12:10:am] <Leena> i wanna play, but i'm getting sleepy
[12:10:am] <WAP-Avocado> you know what's a fucked up movie?
[12:10:am] <WAP-Avocado> ken park
[12:10:am] <WAP-Avocado> I watched it thinking it would be some normal flick
[12:10:am] <WAP-Avocado> but NO
[12:11:am] <ilikeayall> how's it feel to have ambiguous Genitalia?
[12:11:am] <12adventTM> thx for tellin me gillz, for a second there, I was afraid I might make someone else laugh
[12:11:am] <12adventTM> thatd have been tragic
[12:11:am] <Leena> !add
[12:11:am] * echbot1 changes topic to '09,01Next Game: 06br1an/DX-Chain/WAP-Avocado/adventTM/ts1gotroy/ka/Leena/? 4@ pw = truecarnage.com08,01 || 04,01 TC DRAFT TOURNEY FINALS SUNDAY!!!! BiP vs WaP!!!'
[12:11:am] <ilikeayall> [the Movie does not epitomize the Series btw]
[12:11:am] <12adventTM> !promote
[12:11:am] -echbot1- Only one promote every two minutes! :p
[12:11:am] <SK-Xodius> it already is tradgic
[12:11:am] <ban`happy> I can honestly see now why esl doesn't have quake in ESL north america
[12:11:am] <12adventTM> me too
[12:11:am] <12adventTM> or anywhere for that fact
[12:12:am] <12adventTM> you look at ESR and you realize that gillz is the anchovy in a sea full of mud sharks
[12:12:am] <ka> !promote
[12:12:am] <ka> !promote
[12:12:am] <ka> !promote
[12:12:am] <ka> !promote
[12:12:am] <DX-Chain> one more
[12:12:am] <ka> !promote
[12:12:am] <ka> !promote
[12:12:am] <ka> !promote
[12:12:am] <ka> !promote
[12:12:am] <ka> !promote
[12:12:am] -echbot1:#truecarnage- 5Please !add up in10 #truecarnage !!!5 1 more person needed!
[12:12:am] <Leena> nah, he's a remora
[12:12:am] <12adventTM> remora?
[12:12:am] <12adventTM> this is new to me.
[12:12:am] <Leena> symbiotic suckerfish
[12:12:am] <ban`happy> well its rather the fact that everyone has too much whine and organizers could care less
[12:12:am] <12adventTM> oh yeah right
[12:13:am] <Leena> latches on to sharks and nibbles on their food
[12:13:am] <12adventTM> never knew what those were called
[12:13:am] <ban`happy> makes the community look rather weak.
[12:13:am] <ilikeayall> Leena (ltns btw) is the oppositionally defiant teen
[12:13:am] <12adventTM> gillz is a symbol of the community
[12:13:am] <Leena> ltns?
[12:13:am] <12adventTM> aka a chatty BIIIIITCH
[12:13:am] <ilikeayall> tis totally wikipediable string btw
[12:13:am] <ka> ban add up
[12:13:am] <12adventTM> ttue
[12:13:am] <SK-Xodius> <+adventTM> aka a chatty BIIIIITCH
[12:13:am] <ban`happy> I can't ka
[12:13:am] <SK-Xodius> lol
[12:13:am] <12adventTM> *true
[12:13:am] <SK-Xodius> there you go
[12:13:am] <ban`happy> otherwise I would have long ago
[12:13:am] <SK-Xodius> talking shit
[12:13:am] <SK-Xodius> jesuschrist
[12:13:am] <SK-Xodius> youre dumb
[12:13:am] <SK-Xodius> im one of the top rated ESR users
[12:13:am] <12adventTM> I never said I wasn't
[12:13:am] <ka> SK-Xodius add up
[12:14:am] <SK-Xodius> cause people LIKE ME
[12:14:am] <ban`happy> lol
[12:14:am] <SK-Xodius> fucking retard
[12:14:am] <ban`happy> top rated esr users
[12:14:am] <12adventTM> LOL
[12:14:am] <ban`happy> who the fuck cares.
[12:14:am] <12adventTM> dude
[12:14:am] <12adventTM> you know what
[12:14:am] <12adventTM> I have 120 friends on facebook
[12:14:am] <SK-Xodius> ban stay out of this
[12:14:am] <WAP-Avocado> my god
[12:14:am] <12adventTM> and they all ike me
[12:14:am] <ka> SK-Xodius> im one of the top rated ESR users
[12:14:am] <12adventTM> *like
[12:14:am] <ka> haha
[12:14:am] <ka> hahahah
[12:14:am] <ban`happy> no shit right
[12:14:am] <ban`happy> ahah
[12:14:am] <12adventTM> I don't even know some of them
[12:14:am] <12adventTM> and they're still FRIENDS with me
[12:14:am] <ka> tahts fucking funny
[12:14:am] <12adventTM> I'm SO popular
[12:14:am] <ka> !promote
[12:14:am] -echbot1:#truecarnage- 5Please !add up in10 #truecarnage !!!5 1 more person needed!
[12:14:am] <ilikeayall> howhahahahow
[12:14:am] <SK-Xodius> now you're acting like a fool
[12:14:am] <SK-Xodius> lololo
[12:14:am] <12adventTM> no
[12:15:am] <12adventTM> I'm making a point
[12:15:am] <DX-Chain> ONE MORE FAG FOR CTF PLZ
[12:15:am] <SK-Xodius> a point you have friends on facebook you dont know?
[12:15:am] <12adventTM> ...
[12:15:am] <SK-Xodius> what an amazing point
[12:15:am] <12adventTM> oh my fucking god
[12:15:am] <SK-Xodius> LOL
[12:15:am] <12adventTM> someone please spoon-feed this poor toddler
[12:15:am] <SK-Xodius> LETS HEARIT
[12:15:am] <SK-Xodius> COME ON
[12:15:am] <SK-Xodius> BRING THE INSULTS
[12:15:am] <WAP-Avocado> *sighs*
[12:15:am] <12adventTM> I'm too lazy to
[12:15:am] <SK-Xodius> ITS ALL YOU GOT
[12:15:am] <ilikeayall> SodiusL You have somethin to say to Me?
[12:15:am] <WAP-Avocado> SHUT UP YOU FUCKER
[12:15:am] <12adventTM> ahahaha
[12:15:am] <ban`happy> if i spoon fed him i'd have to use a slingshot.
[12:15:am] <WAP-Avocado> MY GOD
[12:15:am] <12adventTM> LOL
[12:15:am] <12adventTM> bri
[12:15:am] <12adventTM> ok brian
[12:15:am] <12adventTM> er
[12:15:am] <12adventTM> bryan
[12:15:am] <DX-Chain> i love innernets e-penis contests
[12:15:am] <12adventTM> sry, bri
[12:15:am] <12adventTM> but anywho, bryan
[12:16:am] <WAP-Avocado> chain
[12:16:am] <12adventTM> the point of that whole comment
[12:16:am] <WAP-Avocado> I love you
[12:16:am] <WAP-Avocado> k
[12:16:am] <12adventTM> has nothing to even DO with facebook
[12:16:am] <SK-Xodius> <3
[12:16:am] <ka> !promote
[12:16:am] <DX-Chain> :x
[12:16:am] <12adventTM> theres your first hint
[12:16:am] <SK-Xodius> then why bring it up?
[12:16:am] <12adventTM> if you need a second hint
[12:16:am] <12adventTM> buy a noose first
[12:16:am] * lovelesss ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[12:16:am] <12adventTM> and show it to me
[12:16:am] <WAP-Avocado> my hint
[12:16:am] <WAP-Avocado> is that
[12:16:am] <WAP-Avocado> you both
[12:16:am] <ban`happy> oh and the quake community......too many chiefs not so many indians.
[12:16:am] <WAP-Avocado> should stfu
[12:16:am] <SK-Xodius> I'll but a noose when you buy a brain
[12:16:am] <SK-Xodius> SOUND LIKE A DEAL?
[12:16:am] <SK-Xodius> LOL
[12:16:am] <ka> !promote
[12:16:am] -echbot1:#truecarnage- 5Please !add up in10 #truecarnage !!!5 1 more person needed!
[12:16:am] <WAP-Avocado> IT'S A SUBTLE HINT FOLKS
[12:16:am] <12adventTM> dun dun dun
[12:16:am] <WAP-Avocado> DID YOU PICK UP ON IT?!
[12:17:am] <12adventTM> man
[12:17:am] <12adventTM> wizard of oz is some good shit
[12:17:am] * Retrieving #truecarnage info...
[12:17:am] <12adventTM> <ban`happy> oh and the quake community......too many chiefs not so many indians.
[12:17:am] <12adventTM> wow
[12:17:am] <12adventTM> nice description
[12:17:am] <12adventTM> :o
[12:17:am] <ban`happy> someone moderate the fucking channel plz
[12:17:am] <12adventTM> true
[12:17:am] <WAP-Avocado> lol
[12:17:am] <12adventTM> actually, not true
[12:17:am] <SK-Xodius> lol
[12:17:am] <12adventTM> I'm still amused
[12:17:am] <SK-Xodius> why
[12:17:am] <DX-Chain> someone !ADD
[12:17:am] <12adventTM> by the activity in this channel
[12:17:am] <SK-Xodius> this doesnt need moderation!
[12:18:am] <12adventTM> mainly by gillz
[12:18:am] <Leena> too many fuhrers not so many gestapo you mean
[12:18:am] <WAP-Avocado> lol leena
[12:18:am] <ilikeayall> ban happy: Why, you need a Kindergarten Teacher?
[12:18:am] <12adventTM> too many cocks not so many cunts imo
[12:18:am] <ilikeayall> SodiusL: He's a bitch ass ___A
[12:18:am] <Leena> you can do mangina
[12:18:am] <12adventTM> fuck mangina
[12:18:am] <12adventTM> mangina is for closet homos
[12:18:am] <WAP-Avocado> lol
[12:19:am] <WAP-Avocado> SodiusL:
[12:19:am] <WAP-Avocado> wtf
[12:19:am] <WAP-Avocado> is sodius?
[12:19:am] <ilikeayall> Leena can make amiguously wild comments like someone with IQ<69
[12:19:am] <WAP-Avocado> xodius?
[12:19:am] <WAP-Avocado> you can't even copy paste correctly?
[12:19:am] <12adventTM> copypasta
[12:19:am] <SK-Xodius> lolololol
[12:19:am] <12adventTM> mmm
[12:19:am] <SK-Xodius> gb/2/4chan
[12:19:am] <SK-Xodius> faggot
[12:19:am] <SK-Xodius> lololool
[12:19:am] * lovelesss (~suicidefo@ has joined #truecarnage
[12:19:am] * PUG-Bot sets mode: +v lovelesss
[12:19:am] <12adventTM> epic fail.
[12:19:am] <WAP-Avocado> dude
[12:19:am] <12adventTM> theres no /2/ in 4chan
[12:19:am] <WAP-Avocado> I'm playing rail-only DM
[12:19:am] <WAP-Avocado> that's how bored I am :(
[12:20:am] <DX-Chain> !promote
[12:20:am] -echbot1:#truecarnage- 5Please !add up in10 #truecarnage !!!5 1 more person needed!
[12:20:am] <DX-Chain> 1 more
[12:20:am] <12adventTM> why don't you /r/ some good suicide methods?
[12:20:am] <12adventTM> or take your bitchin to /v/
[12:20:am] <SK-Xodius> when you /r/ a brain
[12:20:am] <12adventTM> I told you man
[12:20:am] <12adventTM> I'm on the yellow brick road as we speak
[12:20:am] <ban`happy> 15,1303:07 11+SK-Xodius 14• every game against you
[12:20:am] <ban`happy> [03:25] switchback: gillz and walter are like the esr douchebags
[12:20:am] <ban`happy> [03:26] switchback: with dumbass blogs
[12:20:am] <ban`happy> LOL
[12:20:am] <12adventTM>
[12:21:am] <SK-Xodius> ban
[12:21:am] <walter> wanna fight
[12:21:am] <SK-Xodius> just stop
[12:21:am] <walter> illl smash fae
[12:21:am] <SK-Xodius> I dont care
[12:21:am] <SK-Xodius> lol
[12:21:am] <walter> face
[12:21:am] <SK-Xodius> you tell me to get a life
[12:21:am] <SK-Xodius> when you're right here
[12:21:am] <SK-Xodius> arguing WITH US
[12:21:am] <ban`happy> im amused.
[12:21:am] <SK-Xodius> hypocrisy ftw.
[12:21:am] <ban`happy> what can I say
[12:21:am] <walter> WAESOME
[12:21:am] <walter> ARGUMENT ELMME WATCH
[12:21:am] <SK-Xodius> I have a life, its HOW I LIVE IT
[12:21:am] <12adventTM> walter
[12:21:am] <12adventTM> make me some popcorn
[12:21:am] <12adventTM> NOW
[12:22:am] <12adventTM> <SK-Xodius> I have a life
[12:22:am] <12adventTM> and you spend it representing your e-penis with a railgun
[12:22:am] <SK-Xodius> opinion fucker
[12:22:am] <SK-Xodius> YOU HAVE IT
[12:22:am] <12adventTM> sure do
[12:22:am] <12adventTM> wanna party?
[12:23:am] <SK-Xodius> ILL ARGUE HARDER
[12:23:am] <12adventTM> lets party.
[12:23:am] <SK-Xodius> WANT THAT?
[12:23:am] <ban`happy> lolz night ladies.
[12:23:am] * ban`happy ( has left #truecarnage
[12:23:am] <12adventTM>
[12:23:am] * bLt ( has joined #truecarnage
[12:23:am] * PUG-Bot sets mode: +v bLt
[12:23:am] <12adventTM> yeah, I'm bored now
[12:13:am] <SK-Xodius> talking shit
[12:13:am] <SK-Xodius> jesuschrist
[12:13:am] <SK-Xodius> youre dumb
[12:13:am] <SK-Xodius> im one of the top rated ESR users
[12:13:am] <12adventTM> I never said I wasn't
[12:13:am] <ka> SK-Xodius add up
[12:14:am] <SK-Xodius> cause people LIKE ME
[12:14:am] <ban`happy> lol
[12:14:am] <SK-Xodius> fucking retard
[12:14:am] <ban`happy> top rated esr users
[12:14:am] <12adventTM> LOL
[12:14:am] <ban`happy> who the fuck cares.
[12:14:am] <12adventTM> dude
[12:14:am] <12adventTM> you know what
[12:14:am] <12adventTM> I have 120 friends on facebook
[12:14:am] <SK-Xodius> ban stay out of this
[12:14:am] <WAP-Avocado> my god
[12:14:am] <12adventTM> and they all ike me
[12:14:am] <ka> SK-Xodius> im one of the top rated ESR users
[12:14:am] <12adventTM> *like
[12:14:am] <ka> haha
[12:14:am] <ka> hahahah
[12:14:am] <ban`happy> no shit right
[12:14:am] <ban`happy> ahah
[12:14:am] <12adventTM> I don't even know some of them
[12:14:am] <12adventTM> and they're still FRIENDS with me
[12:14:am] <ka> tahts fucking funny
[12:14:am] <12adventTM> I'm SO popular
[12:14:am] <ka> !promote
[12:14:am] -echbot1:#truecarnage- 5Please !add up in10 #truecarnage !!!5 1 more person needed!
[12:14:am] <ilikeayall> howhahahahow
[12:14:am] <SK-Xodius> now you're acting like a fool
[12:14:am] <SK-Xodius> lololo
[12:14:am] <12adventTM> no
[12:15:am] <12adventTM> I'm making a point
[12:15:am] <DX-Chain> ONE MORE FAG FOR CTF PLZ
[12:15:am] <SK-Xodius> a point you have friends on facebook you dont know?
[12:15:am] <12adventTM> ...
[12:15:am] <SK-Xodius> what an amazing point
[12:15:am] <12adventTM> oh my fucking god
[12:15:am] <SK-Xodius> LOL
[12:15:am] <12adventTM> someone please spoon-feed this poor toddler
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Edited by advent™ at 04:59 CDT, 20 July 2008 - 16839 Hits