The 6th edition of the ESWC. In order to attend to the final in California, all champions will have to qualify through ESWC national selections from January to June 2008.
+ I hope killsen can get a decent revenge & to see some upsets from guys like if22, strenx, zik, dtk and nike (!) =).
wow this just can't go wrong can it? <3 ESWC
I didn't really expect CRT monitors in USA. I doubt they have the necessary contacts there to be delivered 300+ CRT monitors : ]
In France, that's another story...
When I'm involved in ESWC, that's mainly to run a tournament. So no, I can't pull any string :p
Believe me that everyone in the ESWC staff know how much players prefer to play on CRT over TFT (that's for CS & Q3). But now that CRTs aren't manufactured anymore, it's getting harder to find a supplier who can provide enough of them. I guess it was the main problem in this case.
I am not even asking for crt displays, but better tft displays. Dell displays are the worst of the worst for gaming, any other display would be better.
that's the point, nike underperformed big time, that's why I want him to go and play at his best. About killsen, you DO know he had mouse problems and forfeited his remaining games do you? Did you actually see the way he controlled vo0 on dm6 like a total noob? Without those problems I think he could've beaten both czm & zero4.
chance of your wont get in many things as good in the wolrd as on q3 ..and the last big event of the game you love would regret just think when youre 100 years old and look back and just wondering would you have won maybe? or lost badly to everyone? or just had a great time wiht great people? but you never find out cause you didtn go ...
your decission
Seriously..get some better monitors. It's like playing with a ball mouse..or shooting pool with a branch broken off a tree or just makes it all pointless.