Name: G.I. Jonesy
Posts: 2441
Why are men 'dogs'? Is it really such a mystery? Are men evil? In truth, the matter is simple - survival.

Look closely at the human reproductive system:


1. Can only reproduce once every 9 months, if even.
2. Can only have one child at a time, except on rare occasions.
3. Can only reproduce for around 30 years (ages 10-40).


1. Can almost constantly impregnate women.
2. Are mostly limited by the amount of women they can impregnate.
3. Can reproduce from puberty until the day they die.

In nature, roughly 80% of infants died. As you all know, impregnation does not occur every time sex occurs. This means, men had to have as much sex with as many women as possible, for the survival of the species.

In nature, the human life-span was only 40 years. The male sexual peak is 18. The female peak is 30. This is obviously because female's cannot reproduce after around 40 and male's needed to reproduce throughout their entire lives, starting as quickly as reasonable.

Is it really a mystery why, as they age, women get 'uglier' and men get 'better-looking'? Women get uglier when they can no longer reproduce, so that men will look to the women who can reproduce. The men get better-looking so the women who can reproduce will be more willing to reproduce with older men (the one's who will sooner be dead and can no longer contribute reproductively).

It is perfectly clear what is actually going on. Some men are primitive idiots (no offense), who are controlled by their reproductive systems (which are now obsolete, unnecessary and quite possibly detrimental). The solution - men should stop being slaves to their primitive instincts. These days, over-population is the concern rather than the reason our system functions the way it does - under-population. We don't even need sex anymore for reproduction. Through artificial insemination, we could never have sex and still survive.

Maybe it is time to evolve? Enjoy exploiting your reproductive system, but do it with only one person - the person you have children with. As creatures of intellect, knowledge can aid our future by helping replace our outdated primitive impulses.