Name: G.I. Jonesy
Posts: 2441
Some people have A.D.D., some have S.A.D.; now, psychiatrists have ascertained another problem aptly dubbed 'Black Skin Disorder'. Fact is, everyone must have blonde hair and blue eyes, or they will become homeless/prematurely dead. The system is perfect, therefore anyone who is not part of the majority must be imperfect - diseased - disordered - sick - ill - something to be cast aside, ostracized and otherwise killed or kured.

Luckily, for all these ill-people (who were diagnosed by medical professionals having no financial or personal interest on the matter... at all... whatsoever... and are themselves perfect in every way, especially in their diagnosis of disorders), there is a cure for BSD. Your disorder is obviously crippling you, and doing a great deal of harm to others. For a large sum of money, a huge pain in the ass, and a fuck-ton of side-effects, your life can be repaired from its naturally crippled state.

The system of catering only to the majority is not the problem. If the majority of animals are dogs, cats can go fuck themselves. Cats are obviously the problem, because they do not fit into the dog system. Why create a system which effectively caters to both cats and dogs, when you can create a system only for dogs? It is pure ludicrousness.

For more information, contact the National Center for BSD Study - located in the heart of Alabama. There, you will find many helpful people, who can explain in full detail how BSD damages us all; especially those who come in contact with bearers of this terrible plague. They will explain how millions of people suffer from BSD, but not enough millions to prove how the system is the problem. They will insist the majority millions get the full benefit of the system because it is impossible to structure a system for all types of people. Lastly, they will never use the 'N-word', because it is politically incorrect and no medical terminology or theory could ever be politically incorrect or of greater offense.

Here are some actual testimonials:

Jimbo Duggins, Mississippi: "I've had a lot of misfortune in my life. I hypothesized how not everything flourishes in the same environment. Then someone directed me to the National Center for BSD Study, where I learned the actual cause of my difficulties - a handicap I was born with called Black Skin Disorder. I immediately felt better, knowing my life's shortcomings were not my fault. Ever since I opted for therapy, my life has turned around for the better."

Jerome Brown, Georgia: "The therapy is horrible, but not as horrible as the disorder. Now that i'm cured, I can get into some country-clubs instead of none."

Would these fine people lie to you?

Like with depression, there is only one cure for BSD - OUR cure. Be sure to call as soon as conceivably possible, so everyone can be free from this horrible affliction.