Name: G.I. Jonesy
Posts: 2441
Without an intelligent, properly educated populace, neither a democracy nor republic can survive. How could they survive when the voters are so stupid they vote for all the wrong people and all the wrong things? Certainly, if the democracy and/or republic falls, so does freedom.

Politicians are adept at mind-control. Since the beginning of civilization, aristocrats educated themselves and their off-spring, while they kept the general public stupid and ignorant. This is because, the dumber the people are, the easier they are to control. Politicians do everything they can to make you dumb and keep you dumb; and in voting countries, to keep you from voting or at least voting intelligently. It is a practice as old as politics itself.

The solution? Thomas Jefferson devised the public education system. Its sole purpose was to properly educate the entire nation of voters and future voters. Proper education means giving the people what they need to be good voters - what they need to remain free. This purpose has been warped by the authoritarian element within the nation. They have changed the education system, deliberately failing to adequately inform students of the system's actual purpose and to prepare students for the reality of sustaining a free society. The system is so poor now, students hate one of the main things keeping them free. The majority of students are so stupid and spoiled, they will likely live in a joyful fantasy world until the very moment reality becomes impossible to ignore.

While proper education is crucial, and absolutely necessary for sustaining freedom, it does not cure stupidity itself. In fact, proper education mostly cures ignorance. What then is the solution to stupidity?

Clearly, the main solution is good breeding. Throughout history, people have been deluded into thinking pure-breeding is good and mix-breeding is bad. This is the complete opposite of true. It has been learned, pure-breeding actually = in-breeding, while mix-breeding effectively produces the opposite of in-breeding. This means, if you are white, you should breed with someone who isn't white. If you look at the United States voting population, all of the small-town people are poorly educated and in-bred (small-town = small gene-pool). The largest part of the Republican party constituency comes from small-town America (which is comprised almost exclusively of one ethnicity - white). The average IQ of Republicans is roughly 30 points lower than Democrats (who are overwhelming made up of all types of diverse ethnicities and come mostly from large cities, a.k.a. large gene-pools). It should come as no surprise how the lower IQ, in-bred Republican constituency is also the religious constituency.

There are other ways of curing stupidity, such as exercising your brain, keeping your brain healthy, and spending your life in intellectual pursuit (these help additionally through evolution). The gains may well be minor though. Any methods other than good-breeding and proper education would likely require greater incentive, or the general public would resist utilizing them voluntarily.

Maybe someday, when stupidity and ignorance are gone, Republicans will stop thinking conservatism + libertarianism = conservatism (as if 1+1 = 1). Maybe then, freedom can be assured, while democracies and republics can thrive.