Event: ESWC'08
Scheduled: 12:00 CDT, 25 August 2008 to 21:00 CDT, 26 August 2008Schedule: Passed
It's over. Handshake between Cypher and K1llsen. POV demos can be found on the ESWC FTP.
1: srs`Cypher - $12 000
2: k1llsen - $7 000
3: SK-Rapha - $4 000
4: RazerJ
5-8: EG.chance, SK-Zero4, LLL-fox, EG.czm
2: k1llsen - $7 000
3: SK-Rapha - $4 000
4: RazerJ
5-8: EG.chance, SK-Zero4, LLL-fox, EG.czm
zn3tourney1 - Blood Run Tourney
pro-q3dm6 - The Campgrounds II
hub3aeroq3 - Aerowalk
pro-nodm9 - Totally Lost
pro-q3tourney4 - Vertical Vengeance II
pro-q3dm6 - The Campgrounds II
hub3aeroq3 - Aerowalk
pro-nodm9 - Totally Lost
pro-q3tourney4 - Vertical Vengeance II
GTV Listing
gtv.takingbackesports.com:27962 (backup)
gtv.takingbackesports.com:27962 (backup)
#eswc.q3.score1 GTV 1 - ROOM 4
#eswc.q3.score2 GTV 1 - ROOM 6
#eswc.q3.score3 GTV 1 - ROOM 8
#eswc.q3.score4 GTV 1 - ROOM 10
#eswc.q3.score5 GTV 2 - ROOM 4
#eswc.q3.score6 GTV 2 - ROOM 6
#eswc.q3.score7 GTV 2 - ROOM 8
#eswc.q3.score8 GTV 2 - ROOM 10
#eswc.q3.score9 GTV 3 - ROOM 4
#eswc.q3.score10 GTV 3 - ROOM 6
#eswc.q3.score11 GTV 3 - ROOM 8
#eswc.q3.score12 GTV 3 - ROOM 10
#eswc.q3.score2 GTV 1 - ROOM 6
#eswc.q3.score3 GTV 1 - ROOM 8
#eswc.q3.score4 GTV 1 - ROOM 10
#eswc.q3.score5 GTV 2 - ROOM 4
#eswc.q3.score6 GTV 2 - ROOM 6
#eswc.q3.score7 GTV 2 - ROOM 8
#eswc.q3.score8 GTV 2 - ROOM 10
#eswc.q3.score9 GTV 3 - ROOM 4
#eswc.q3.score10 GTV 3 - ROOM 6
#eswc.q3.score11 GTV 3 - ROOM 8
#eswc.q3.score12 GTV 3 - ROOM 10
Group Stage 1
= Top Seed
= High Seed
Group A
EG.czm (W:6 L:0)
RazerJ (W:5 L:1)
Fx|matr0x (W:4 L:2)
if-22 (W:3 L:3)
Hunter (W:2 L:4)
4K^ddk (W:1 L:5)
Bono - did not attend (W:0 L:6)
Group B
SK-Rapha (W:5 L:0)
srs`Cypher (W:4 L:1)
4K^noctis (W:2 L:3)
[M]link1n (W:2 L:3)
LLL`impulse (W:1 L:4)
toxter (W:1 L:4)
Group C
EG.Chance (W:4 L:1)
SK-ZeRo4 (W:4 L:1)
mouz.cooller (W:4 L:1)
fnatic/Vo0 (W:2 L:3)
w1|strenx (W:1 L:4)
Ali I N.A.B (W:0 L:5)
Group D
LLL`fox (W:5 L:0)
k1llsen (W:4 L:1)
EG.griffin (W:2 L:3)
SP Krysa (W:2 L:3)
Destrukt (W:2 L:3)
xgo (W:0 L:5)
= High Seed
Group A
EG.czm (W:6 L:0)
RazerJ (W:5 L:1)
Fx|matr0x (W:4 L:2)
if-22 (W:3 L:3)
Hunter (W:2 L:4)
4K^ddk (W:1 L:5)
Bono - did not attend (W:0 L:6)
Group B
SK-Rapha (W:5 L:0)
srs`Cypher (W:4 L:1)
4K^noctis (W:2 L:3)
[M]link1n (W:2 L:3)
LLL`impulse (W:1 L:4)
toxter (W:1 L:4)
Group C
EG.Chance (W:4 L:1)
SK-ZeRo4 (W:4 L:1)
mouz.cooller (W:4 L:1)
fnatic/Vo0 (W:2 L:3)
w1|strenx (W:1 L:4)
Ali I N.A.B (W:0 L:5)
Group D
LLL`fox (W:5 L:0)
k1llsen (W:4 L:1)
EG.griffin (W:2 L:3)
SP Krysa (W:2 L:3)
Destrukt (W:2 L:3)
xgo (W:0 L:5)
( denotes "Top Seed" matches, Top/High seed matches, High seed matches)
@ 11:00 CST
Group A
Hunter [2:0] ddk (Fixture)
pro-q3tourney4 - [18:16]
pro-q3dm6 - [17:4]
czm [2:1] if-22
ztn3tourney1 - [5:8]
pro-q3tourney4 - [15:6]
pro-nodm9 - [13:3]
Group B
Rapha [2:0] toxter (Fixture)
hub3aeroq3 - [47:1]
pro-q3tourney4 - [30:12]
Impulse [0:2] Linkin (Fixture)
ztn3tourney1 - [18:38]
pro-q3dm6 - [8:39]
Group C
Vo0 [0:2] Chance (Fixture)
pro-nodm9 - [6:7]
ztn3tourney1 - [4:18]
Ali I N.A.B [0:2] Strenx (Fixture)
pro-q3dm6 - [0:63]
ztn3tourney1 - [5:50]
Group D
Griffin [2:0] Destrukt (Fixture)
ztn3tourney1 - [8:7]
hub3aeroq3 - [23:20]
Krysa [2:0] xgo (Fixture)
hub3aeroq3 - [36:9]
ztn3tourney1 - [29:5]
@ 12:00 CST
Group A
czm [2:0] ddk (Fixture)
hub3aeroq3 - [44:1]
pro-q3tourney4 - [43:3]
Matr0x [2:1] Hunter (Fixture)
pro-q3dm6 - [11:15]
ztn3tourney1 - [22:21]
hub3aeroq3 - [22:8]
RazerJ [2:0] if-22
ztn3tourney1 - [13:5]
pro-q3tourney4 - [11:4]
Group B
Noctis [2:1] Linkin (Fixture)
ztn3tourney1 - [11:4]
pro-nodm9 - [6:7]
pro-q3dm6 - [20:10]
Rapha [2:0] Impulse (Fixture)
ztn3tourney1 - [34:11]
pro-q3dm6 - [53:2]
Group C
Cooller [2:0] Ali I N.A.B (Fixture)
hub3aeroq3 - [63:4]
pro-q3dm6 - [50:0]
Strenx [1:2] Vo0 (Fixture)
pro-q3dm6 - [23:9]
hub3aeroq3 - [22:24]
pro-nodm9 - [3:11]
Chance [1:2] ZeRo4 (Fixture)
hub3aeroq3 - [26:23]
ztn3tourney1 - [9:12]
pro-nodm9 - [7:32]
Group D
k1llsen [2:0] xgo (Fixture)
hub3aeroq3 - [27:3]
pro-q3dm6 - [35:4]
Griffin [1:2] Krysa (Fixture)
hub3aeroq3 - [39:22]
ztn3tourney1- [19:21]
pro-q3dm6 - [14:20]
@ 13:00 CST
Group A
RazerJ [0:2] czm (Fixture)
ztn3tourney1 - [12:6]
pro-q3tourney4 - [14:19]
Hunter [0:2] if-22
pro-q3tourney4 - [15:19]
ztn3tourney1 - [5:15]
Group B
Cypher [0:2] Rapha (Fixture)
ztn3tourney1 - [0:7]
pro-nodm9 - [3:7]
Impulse [0:2] Noctis (Fixture)
ztn3tourney1 - [5:31]
pro-q3dm6 - [5:48]
Group C
Cooller [0:2] Chance (Fixture)
hub3aeroq3 - [27:28]
ztn3tourney1 - [8:20]
ZeRo4 [2:1] Vo0 (Fixture)
hub3aeroq3 - [13:26]
pro-nodm9 - [12:9]
ztn3tourney1 - [23:4]
Group D
fox [2:0] Krysa (Fixture)
hub3aeroq3 - [33:12]
ztn3tourney1 - [28:7]
xgo [0:2] Griffin (Fixture)
hub3aeroq3 - [6:42]
ztn3tourney1 - [7:24]
Destrukt [0:2] k1llsen (Fixture)
pro-q3dm6 - [6:20]
ztn3tourney1 - [4:22]
@ 15:30 CST
Group A
RazerJ [2:0] ddk (Fixture)
pro-q3tourney4 - [24:4]
ztn3tourney1 - [23:3]
matr0x [2:0] if-22
pro-nodm9 - [7:2]
ztn3tourney1 - [11:6]
Group B
Cypher [2:0] Noctis (Fixture)
ztn3tourney - [17:5]
pro-q3dm6 - [15:-1]
Linkin [2:0] toxter (Fixture)
ztn3tourney1 - [11:4]
hub3aeroq3 - [44:10]
Group C
Cooller [2:1] Strenx (Fixture)
pro-nodm9 - [28:16]
pro-q3dm6 - [10:22]
pro-q3tourney4 - [32:15]
Chance [2:0] Ali I N.A.B (Fixture)
pro-q3tourney4 - [73:1]
hub3aeroq3 - [80:0]
Group D
fox [2:0] xgo (Fixture)
hub3aeroq - [53:5]
pro-nodm9 - [37:1]
Destrukt [2:0] Krysa (Fixture)
ztn3tourney - [17:6]
hub3aeroq3 - [28:16]
@ 16:30 CST
Group A
RazerJ [2:0] Hunter (Fixture)
pro-q3tourney4 - [25:4]
ztn3tourney1 - [8:0]
ddk [0:2] Matr0x (Fixture)
pro-nodm9 - [7:31]
ztn3tourney1 - [8:25]
Group B
Cypher [2:0] Impulse (Fixture)
pro-q3dm - [46:12]
ztn3tourney1 - [39:17]
Linkin [0:2] Rapha (Fixture)
ztn3tourney1 - [10:16]
hub3aeroq3 - [1:16]
toxter [2:1] Noctis (Fixture)
hub3aeroq3 - [17:50]
pro-q3tourney4 - [10:4]
ztn3tourney1 - [10:7]
Group C
Cooller [2:1] ZeRo4 (Fixture)
hub3aeroq3 - [29:23]
pro-nodm9 - [6:12]
ztn3tourney1 - [13:12]
Strenx [1:2] Chance (Fixture)
pro-q3tourney4 - [18:32]
hub3aeroq3 - [36:18]
pro-nodm9 - [6:20]
Group D
fox [2:1] Destrukt (Fixture)
hub3aeroq3 - [23:11]
pro-nodm9 - [1:15]
ztn3tourney1 - [20:5]
k1llsen [2:1] Griffin (Fixture)
hub3aeroq - [4:24]
pro-q3dm6 - [15:6]
ztn3tourney1 - [18:8]
@ 17:30 CST
Group A
RazerJ [2:1] Matr0x (Fixture)
hub3aeroq3 - [42:9]
ztn3tourney1 - [8:9]
pro-q3dm6 - [25:3]
Hunter -vs- czm (Fixture)
Match Unplayed
Map1 - [xx:xx]
Map2 - [xx:xx]
Map3 - [xx:xx]
Group B
Cypher [2:0] toxter (Fixture)
ztn3tourney1 - [31:7]
pro-q3tourney4 - [24:16]
Noctis -vs- Rapha (Fixture)
Match Unplayed
Map1 - [xx:xx]
Map2 - [xx:xx]
Map3 - [xx:xx]
Group C
Cooller [2:0] Vo0 (Fixture)
pro-q3dm6 - [29:17]
ztn3tourney1 - [24:13]
Ali I N.A.B [0:2] ZeRo4 (Fixture)
ztn3tourney1 - [1:60]
pro-q3tourney4 - [2:66]
Group D
fox [2:0] k1llsen (Fixture)
ztn3tourney1 - [12:10]
pro-nodm9 - [16:7]
xgo [0:2] Destrukt (Fixture)
hub3aeroq3 - [15:43]
ztn3tourney1 - [4:34]
@ 18:30 CST
Group A
czm [2:0] Matr0x (Fixture)
ztn3tourney1 - [25:4]
hub3aeroq3 - [43:19]
if-22 [2:0] ddk
ztn3tourney1 - [17:7]
pro-q3tourney4 - [22:6]
Group B
Cypher [2:1] Linkin (Fixture)
ztn3tourney1- [25:15]
pro-q3dm6 - [6:7]
pro-nodm9 - [17:-2]
toxter [0:2] Impulse (Fixture)
ztn3tourney1 - [5:21]
pro-q3tourney4 - [13:21]
Group C
ZeRo4 [2:0] Strenx (Fixture)
pro-nodm9 - [16:7]
hub3aeroq3 - [27:20]
Vo0 [2:0] Ali I N.A.B (Fixture)
hub3aeroq3 - [71:4]
pro-nodm9 - [47:3]
Group D
fox [2:1] Griffin (Fixture)
hub3aeroq3 - [15:22]
ztn3tourney1 - [38:6]
pro-nodm9 - [20:9]
Krysa [0:2] k1llsen (Fixture)
hub3aeroq3 - [16:20]
ztn3tourney1 - [7:18]
( denotes "Top Seed" matches, Top/High seed matches, High seed matches)
@ 11:00 CST
Group A
Hunter [2:0] ddk (Fixture)
pro-q3tourney4 - [18:16]
pro-q3dm6 - [17:4]
czm [2:1] if-22
ztn3tourney1 - [5:8]
pro-q3tourney4 - [15:6]
pro-nodm9 - [13:3]
Group B
Rapha [2:0] toxter (Fixture)
hub3aeroq3 - [47:1]
pro-q3tourney4 - [30:12]
Impulse [0:2] Linkin (Fixture)
ztn3tourney1 - [18:38]
pro-q3dm6 - [8:39]
Group C
Vo0 [0:2] Chance (Fixture)
pro-nodm9 - [6:7]
ztn3tourney1 - [4:18]
Ali I N.A.B [0:2] Strenx (Fixture)
pro-q3dm6 - [0:63]
ztn3tourney1 - [5:50]
Group D
Griffin [2:0] Destrukt (Fixture)
ztn3tourney1 - [8:7]
hub3aeroq3 - [23:20]
Krysa [2:0] xgo (Fixture)
hub3aeroq3 - [36:9]
ztn3tourney1 - [29:5]
@ 12:00 CST
Group A
czm [2:0] ddk (Fixture)
hub3aeroq3 - [44:1]
pro-q3tourney4 - [43:3]
Matr0x [2:1] Hunter (Fixture)
pro-q3dm6 - [11:15]
ztn3tourney1 - [22:21]
hub3aeroq3 - [22:8]
RazerJ [2:0] if-22
ztn3tourney1 - [13:5]
pro-q3tourney4 - [11:4]
Group B
Noctis [2:1] Linkin (Fixture)
ztn3tourney1 - [11:4]
pro-nodm9 - [6:7]
pro-q3dm6 - [20:10]
Rapha [2:0] Impulse (Fixture)
ztn3tourney1 - [34:11]
pro-q3dm6 - [53:2]
Group C
Cooller [2:0] Ali I N.A.B (Fixture)
hub3aeroq3 - [63:4]
pro-q3dm6 - [50:0]
Strenx [1:2] Vo0 (Fixture)
pro-q3dm6 - [23:9]
hub3aeroq3 - [22:24]
pro-nodm9 - [3:11]
Chance [1:2] ZeRo4 (Fixture)
hub3aeroq3 - [26:23]
ztn3tourney1 - [9:12]
pro-nodm9 - [7:32]
Group D
k1llsen [2:0] xgo (Fixture)
hub3aeroq3 - [27:3]
pro-q3dm6 - [35:4]
Griffin [1:2] Krysa (Fixture)
hub3aeroq3 - [39:22]
ztn3tourney1- [19:21]
pro-q3dm6 - [14:20]
@ 13:00 CST
Group A
RazerJ [0:2] czm (Fixture)
ztn3tourney1 - [12:6]
pro-q3tourney4 - [14:19]
Hunter [0:2] if-22
pro-q3tourney4 - [15:19]
ztn3tourney1 - [5:15]
Group B
Cypher [0:2] Rapha (Fixture)
ztn3tourney1 - [0:7]
pro-nodm9 - [3:7]
Impulse [0:2] Noctis (Fixture)
ztn3tourney1 - [5:31]
pro-q3dm6 - [5:48]
Group C
Cooller [0:2] Chance (Fixture)
hub3aeroq3 - [27:28]
ztn3tourney1 - [8:20]
ZeRo4 [2:1] Vo0 (Fixture)
hub3aeroq3 - [13:26]
pro-nodm9 - [12:9]
ztn3tourney1 - [23:4]
Group D
fox [2:0] Krysa (Fixture)
hub3aeroq3 - [33:12]
ztn3tourney1 - [28:7]
xgo [0:2] Griffin (Fixture)
hub3aeroq3 - [6:42]
ztn3tourney1 - [7:24]
Destrukt [0:2] k1llsen (Fixture)
pro-q3dm6 - [6:20]
ztn3tourney1 - [4:22]
@ 15:30 CST
Group A
RazerJ [2:0] ddk (Fixture)
pro-q3tourney4 - [24:4]
ztn3tourney1 - [23:3]
matr0x [2:0] if-22
pro-nodm9 - [7:2]
ztn3tourney1 - [11:6]
Group B
Cypher [2:0] Noctis (Fixture)
ztn3tourney - [17:5]
pro-q3dm6 - [15:-1]
Linkin [2:0] toxter (Fixture)
ztn3tourney1 - [11:4]
hub3aeroq3 - [44:10]
Group C
Cooller [2:1] Strenx (Fixture)
pro-nodm9 - [28:16]
pro-q3dm6 - [10:22]
pro-q3tourney4 - [32:15]
Chance [2:0] Ali I N.A.B (Fixture)
pro-q3tourney4 - [73:1]
hub3aeroq3 - [80:0]
Group D
fox [2:0] xgo (Fixture)
hub3aeroq - [53:5]
pro-nodm9 - [37:1]
Destrukt [2:0] Krysa (Fixture)
ztn3tourney - [17:6]
hub3aeroq3 - [28:16]
@ 16:30 CST
Group A
RazerJ [2:0] Hunter (Fixture)
pro-q3tourney4 - [25:4]
ztn3tourney1 - [8:0]
ddk [0:2] Matr0x (Fixture)
pro-nodm9 - [7:31]
ztn3tourney1 - [8:25]
Group B
Cypher [2:0] Impulse (Fixture)
pro-q3dm - [46:12]
ztn3tourney1 - [39:17]
Linkin [0:2] Rapha (Fixture)
ztn3tourney1 - [10:16]
hub3aeroq3 - [1:16]
toxter [2:1] Noctis (Fixture)
hub3aeroq3 - [17:50]
pro-q3tourney4 - [10:4]
ztn3tourney1 - [10:7]
Group C
Cooller [2:1] ZeRo4 (Fixture)
hub3aeroq3 - [29:23]
pro-nodm9 - [6:12]
ztn3tourney1 - [13:12]
Strenx [1:2] Chance (Fixture)
pro-q3tourney4 - [18:32]
hub3aeroq3 - [36:18]
pro-nodm9 - [6:20]
Group D
fox [2:1] Destrukt (Fixture)
hub3aeroq3 - [23:11]
pro-nodm9 - [1:15]
ztn3tourney1 - [20:5]
k1llsen [2:1] Griffin (Fixture)
hub3aeroq - [4:24]
pro-q3dm6 - [15:6]
ztn3tourney1 - [18:8]
@ 17:30 CST
Group A
RazerJ [2:1] Matr0x (Fixture)
hub3aeroq3 - [42:9]
ztn3tourney1 - [8:9]
pro-q3dm6 - [25:3]
Hunter -vs- czm (Fixture)
Match Unplayed
Map1 - [xx:xx]
Map2 - [xx:xx]
Map3 - [xx:xx]
Group B
Cypher [2:0] toxter (Fixture)
ztn3tourney1 - [31:7]
pro-q3tourney4 - [24:16]
Noctis -vs- Rapha (Fixture)
Match Unplayed
Map1 - [xx:xx]
Map2 - [xx:xx]
Map3 - [xx:xx]
Group C
Cooller [2:0] Vo0 (Fixture)
pro-q3dm6 - [29:17]
ztn3tourney1 - [24:13]
Ali I N.A.B [0:2] ZeRo4 (Fixture)
ztn3tourney1 - [1:60]
pro-q3tourney4 - [2:66]
Group D
fox [2:0] k1llsen (Fixture)
ztn3tourney1 - [12:10]
pro-nodm9 - [16:7]
xgo [0:2] Destrukt (Fixture)
hub3aeroq3 - [15:43]
ztn3tourney1 - [4:34]
@ 18:30 CST
Group A
czm [2:0] Matr0x (Fixture)
ztn3tourney1 - [25:4]
hub3aeroq3 - [43:19]
if-22 [2:0] ddk
ztn3tourney1 - [17:7]
pro-q3tourney4 - [22:6]
Group B
Cypher [2:1] Linkin (Fixture)
ztn3tourney1- [25:15]
pro-q3dm6 - [6:7]
pro-nodm9 - [17:-2]
toxter [0:2] Impulse (Fixture)
ztn3tourney1 - [5:21]
pro-q3tourney4 - [13:21]
Group C
ZeRo4 [2:0] Strenx (Fixture)
pro-nodm9 - [16:7]
hub3aeroq3 - [27:20]
Vo0 [2:0] Ali I N.A.B (Fixture)
hub3aeroq3 - [71:4]
pro-nodm9 - [47:3]
Group D
fox [2:1] Griffin (Fixture)
hub3aeroq3 - [15:22]
ztn3tourney1 - [38:6]
pro-nodm9 - [20:9]
Krysa [0:2] k1llsen (Fixture)
hub3aeroq3 - [16:20]
ztn3tourney1 - [7:18]
Group Stage 2
Group A
RazerJ (W:3 L:0)
SK-rapha (W:2 L:1)
SK-ZeRo4 (W:1 L:2)
LLL*fox (W:0 L:3)
Group B
srs`Cypher (W:3 L:0)
k1llsen (W:1 L:2)
EG.chance (W:1 L:2)
EG.czm (W:1 L:2)
RazerJ (W:3 L:0)
SK-rapha (W:2 L:1)
SK-ZeRo4 (W:1 L:2)
LLL*fox (W:0 L:3)
Group B
srs`Cypher (W:3 L:0)
k1llsen (W:1 L:2)
EG.chance (W:1 L:2)
EG.czm (W:1 L:2)
@ 21:00 CST
Group A
SK-rapha [2:0] SK-ZeRo4
hub3aeroq3 - [22:11]
pro-nodm9 - [15:10]
RazerJ [2:0] LLL*fox
hub3aeroq3 - [18:17]
ztn3tourney1 - [22:1]
Group B
EG.chance [2:1] k1llsen
pro-q3tourney4 - [18:16]
ztn3tourney1 - [6:36]
hub3aeroq3 - [29:7]
EG.czm [0:2] srs`Cypher
ztn3tourney1 - [1:18]
pro-q3tourney4 - [15:28]
Matches continue on Tuesday 26th August.
@ 11:00 CST
Group A
SK-rapha [1:2] RazerJ (Fixture)
hub3aeroq3 - [23:17]
ztn3tourney1 - [4:10]
pro-q3dm6 - [5:6 OT]
SK.ZeRo4 [2:1] LLL*fox (Fixture)
ztn3tourney - [20:7]
pro-nodm9 - [5:14]
hub3aeroq3 - [52:15]
Group B
EG.chance [1:2] srs`Cypher (Fixture)
pro-q3tourney4 - [21:11]
ztn3tourney1 - [13:20]
pro-nodm9 - [7:15]
k1llsen [2:0] EG.czm (Fixture)
ztn3tourney1 - [11:1]
hub3aeroq3 - [16:12]
@ 12:00 CST
Group A
SK-rapha [2:0] LLL*fox (Fixture)
fox forfeit due to result wouldn't matter.
RazerJ [2:1] SK-ZeRo4 (Fixture)
pro-q3tourney4 - [6:28]
ztn3tourney1 - [6:1]
pro-nodm9 - [3:2]
Group B
EG.chance [0:2] EG.czm (Fixture)
pro-q3tourney4 - [9:28]
ztn3tourney1 - [10:22]
srs`Cypher [2:1] k1llsen (Fixture)
ztn3tourney1 - [1:0]
pro-q3dm6 - [2:21]
pro-q3tourney4 - [15:12]
@ 21:00 CST
Group A
SK-rapha [2:0] SK-ZeRo4
hub3aeroq3 - [22:11]
pro-nodm9 - [15:10]
RazerJ [2:0] LLL*fox
hub3aeroq3 - [18:17]
ztn3tourney1 - [22:1]
Group B
EG.chance [2:1] k1llsen
pro-q3tourney4 - [18:16]
ztn3tourney1 - [6:36]
hub3aeroq3 - [29:7]
EG.czm [0:2] srs`Cypher
ztn3tourney1 - [1:18]
pro-q3tourney4 - [15:28]
Matches continue on Tuesday 26th August.
@ 11:00 CST
Group A
SK-rapha [1:2] RazerJ (Fixture)
hub3aeroq3 - [23:17]
ztn3tourney1 - [4:10]
pro-q3dm6 - [5:6 OT]
SK.ZeRo4 [2:1] LLL*fox (Fixture)
ztn3tourney - [20:7]
pro-nodm9 - [5:14]
hub3aeroq3 - [52:15]
Group B
EG.chance [1:2] srs`Cypher (Fixture)
pro-q3tourney4 - [21:11]
ztn3tourney1 - [13:20]
pro-nodm9 - [7:15]
k1llsen [2:0] EG.czm (Fixture)
ztn3tourney1 - [11:1]
hub3aeroq3 - [16:12]
@ 12:00 CST
Group A
SK-rapha [2:0] LLL*fox (Fixture)
fox forfeit due to result wouldn't matter.
RazerJ [2:1] SK-ZeRo4 (Fixture)
pro-q3tourney4 - [6:28]
ztn3tourney1 - [6:1]
pro-nodm9 - [3:2]
Group B
EG.chance [0:2] EG.czm (Fixture)
pro-q3tourney4 - [9:28]
ztn3tourney1 - [10:22]
srs`Cypher [2:1] k1llsen (Fixture)
ztn3tourney1 - [1:0]
pro-q3dm6 - [2:21]
pro-q3tourney4 - [15:12]
Final Bracket
@ 14:00 CST
srs`Cypher [2:0] SK-rapha
ztn3tourney1 - [11:4]
pro-nodm9 - [7:6]
@ 15:00 CST
k1llsen [2:1] RazerJ
ztn3tourney1 - [7:1]
pro-q3tourney4 - [1:11]
hub3aeroq3 - [10:2]
@ 17:00 CST
Consolation Final
SK-rapha [2:1] RazerJ
pro-q3dm6 - [9:8]
ztn3trouney1 - [1:10]
pro-nodm9 - [9:4]
@ 18:15 CST
Grand Final
srs`Cypher -vs- k1llsen
ztn3tourney1 - [19:7]
pro-q3dm6 - [12:11]
@ 14:00 CST
srs`Cypher [2:0] SK-rapha
ztn3tourney1 - [11:4]
pro-nodm9 - [7:6]
@ 15:00 CST
k1llsen [2:1] RazerJ
ztn3tourney1 - [7:1]
pro-q3tourney4 - [1:11]
hub3aeroq3 - [10:2]
@ 17:00 CST
Consolation Final
SK-rapha [2:1] RazerJ
pro-q3dm6 - [9:8]
ztn3trouney1 - [1:10]
pro-nodm9 - [9:4]
@ 18:15 CST
Grand Final
srs`Cypher -vs- k1llsen
ztn3tourney1 - [19:7]
pro-q3dm6 - [12:11]
Matches played on the Main Stage can be viewed via the LIVE Stream.
Monday, August 25th
15:00 CST Counter-Strike Women - Group Stage 1 - SK Gaming -vs- EHONOR
16:30 CST Quake - Group Stage 2
18:00 CST Warcraft III - Group Stage 2
19:30 CST Counter-Strike - Group Stage 2
21:30 CST Trackmania - Ľ Final WB
22:00 CST Quake - Ľ Final
Tuesday, August 26th
12:00 CST Counter-Strike - Ľ Final
14:30 CST Quake - ˝ Final
16:00 CST Counter-Strike - ˝ Final
18:00 CST Quake - ESWC Final
20:30 CST Warcraft III - ESWC Final
22:00 CST Counter-Strike - ESWC Final
Wednesday, August 27th
10:00 CST Counter-Strike Women - ESWC Final
12:00 CST Trackmania - ESWC Final
13:00 CST Defense of the Ancients (DOTA) - ESWC Final
Monday, August 25th
15:00 CST Counter-Strike Women - Group Stage 1 - SK Gaming -vs- EHONOR
16:30 CST Quake - Group Stage 2
18:00 CST Warcraft III - Group Stage 2
19:30 CST Counter-Strike - Group Stage 2
21:30 CST Trackmania - Ľ Final WB
22:00 CST Quake - Ľ Final
Tuesday, August 26th
12:00 CST Counter-Strike - Ľ Final
14:30 CST Quake - ˝ Final
16:00 CST Counter-Strike - ˝ Final
18:00 CST Quake - ESWC Final
20:30 CST Warcraft III - ESWC Final
22:00 CST Counter-Strike - ESWC Final
Wednesday, August 27th
10:00 CST Counter-Strike Women - ESWC Final
12:00 CST Trackmania - ESWC Final
13:00 CST Defense of the Ancients (DOTA) - ESWC Final
ESWC Finals :: Quake3 Schedule :: LIVE Stream :: Demos
Seedings & Groups :: ESWC 2008 got Dirded
Cooller threatens to punish ZeRo4, Eastern Trio talks
Pre-ESWC talk: chance, rapha, dkt
Slasher interviews czm on losing to Cypher and his Quake 3 career
Slasher interviews griffin on his ESWC performance and the difficult monitors
Carmac interviews Cooller on ZeRo 4 and an unfair system
German coverage at fragster.de
Edited by Nicky at 23:26 CDT, 29 August 2008 - 439917 Hits