Updated: 07.09.08
Most here have been playing
1.4.2 for a longer period of time now but no pure 1.4.2 bug, issues and wish thread is made (except for the first impression/bugs list, which got 90% Q4Max issues in it). So I though I'd start one containing everything the majority have taken up and mostly agreed on.
SyncError asked for feedback on his mail in a former thread:
If anyone has an opinion on the matter email me, syncerror@idsoftware.com.
but i think most players just write replies here on this forum instead of actually mailing issues, bugs or wishes to him. Since SyncError reads these threads it might be a good idea to list all issues, bugs and wishes about
VANILLA Q4 that might need fixing/alteration/changing. And discuss things where no conclution is made.
So please keep this thread to
VANILLA Q4 issues/bugs, wishes and
NOT mod related issues (got tons of those already)
Here is a sum-up of the issues, bugs and gameplay wishes reported (spread over a couple of dosen threads) where most players agree.
- Stuck sounds (LG mostly)
Overbounce speedup
- Blank nicknames in scoreboard (Nothing gets shown)
- Corpse repeat death sound. (Here people die twice)
- Server browser. Auto-refresh clears all sorting, filtersettings etc if you can't connect to a server
- Serverbrowser filter must be set
after you queried the servers, else it doesn't work
- fix memory leak of .gui's on dedicated servers
- fix engine segfault/AV in download server
- fix "zombie" clients when bots are present at map change
- func_damagable binded to func_door doesn't work properly (not moving with doors) on a dedicated server
- Grenade not exploading when hitting directly at enemy (Grenade just get swallowed)
Open AL Sound Bug
- Q4TV CTF shows wrong flag color for the flag carrier.
- Powerup lights only showed up on listen servers.
"dmg should be "damage" in the editor
- Fix the bug, whole sentence behind a coloured nick gets displayed in the same colour. When not "closed" with a ^0.
- Fix the "^" bug in the console
Broken lighting on patches
- Annoying wooshing sound after every rail shot.
- g_playerlean over 5 looks a bit off (Should probably be locked at 0-2)
- F1 and F2 should be above or under the yes/no votes (Easier for some to see what to push)
- Missing jumppad sounds (Happens often and reported a couple of times)
- Ability to scale the size of the death messages, how # are listed and how long they stay up. (They disapear very fast when many get killed at the same time)
- Pummel range (Mentioned at couple of times)
- Ability to totaly turn of the effects on jumppads, teleports, lanterns, rocket-nail-gl-rail trails etc. from menu (special effects that aren't needed except for perfect visualisation).
- Ability to totaly remove dead bodies, ragdolls etc.
- Fix the issue with ""client <clientid> disconnected", display a name instead of that. Frustrating to ask around for who just left.
- Ability to show who connects to a server, atm no indication is given. Players just apear out of nowhere.
- In the creating server menu, originize by map-name instead of filename. (Hard to find maps)
- Write certain characters like " % and other explicit characters in the chat. Often used when talking and replaced with . as it cannot display the right character.
- Ability to have more then 128 .pk4 files
- Addon.conf
- Possible to jump down rampjumps (like in 1.3)
- Flag landing on player head and not returning flag issue.
- More colorfull skins could be added, so for those who still don't use a mod can actually see their enemies clearer/better.
- Team-overlay for vanilla q4
- Faster weaponswitch
- 1.3 shaft and 1.3 movement (Mentioned in tons of threads)
- Brighter granades or atleast easier to see, now they are in most cases one with the background and the floor.
- Low ammo warning or sound
- Directional Gibs / More gibs (Requested alot by alot of former q3 players)
- Tone down rampjumps to 1.3 behaviour.(Mentioned a couple of times)
- Optimized original hud/scoreboard/ingame-tab would also help those playing vanilla q4 alot when it comes to smoothness and performance.
- Include a quick demo teaching basically how to circle-jump/strafe-jump/crouch-slide
- Slightly modify the existing maps so they equal the item placement and what not of the TMP mappack. (TDM)
- Sound when crouchsliding
- Dual layer crosshairs
- Timer count (Up / Down)
- Weaponlist staying on screen (
Workaround Q4MP Hud)
- Add more things to the menues (
Many console commands should be in the menu)
- Invisible a bit more invisible
- Scaleable explotions/projectiles
- Increase Gauntlet range.
- Reduce the nailgun delay a minor bit.
- Remove Punkbuster shipping with patch installer