It's 3am and I'm bored, so I'll leave you to laugh at the epitome of idiocy that is Gillz (aka SK-Xodius) while I make some popcorn to feast on while I witness the inevitable flamefest.


[12:13:am] <SK-Xodius> talking shit
[12:13:am] <SK-Xodius> jesuschrist
[12:13:am] <SK-Xodius> youre dumb
[12:13:am] <SK-Xodius> im one of the top rated ESR users
[12:13:am] <12adventTM> I never said I wasn't
[12:13:am] <ka> SK-Xodius add up
[12:14:am] <SK-Xodius> cause people LIKE ME
[12:14:am] <ban`happy> lol
[12:14:am] <SK-Xodius> fucking retard
[12:14:am] <ban`happy> top rated esr users

[12:14:am] <12adventTM> LOL
[12:14:am] <ban`happy> who the fuck cares.
[12:14:am] <12adventTM> dude
[12:14:am] <12adventTM> you know what
[12:14:am] <12adventTM> I have 120 friends on facebook
[12:14:am] <SK-Xodius> ban stay out of this
[12:14:am] <WAP-Avocado> my god
[12:14:am] <12adventTM> and they all ike me
[12:14:am] <ka> SK-Xodius> im one of the top rated ESR users
[12:14:am] <12adventTM> *like
[12:14:am] <ka> haha
[12:14:am] <ka> hahahah
[12:14:am] <ban`happy> no shit right
[12:14:am] <ban`happy> ahah
[12:14:am] <12adventTM> I don't even know some of them
[12:14:am] <12adventTM> and they're still FRIENDS with me
[12:14:am] <ka> tahts fucking funny
[12:14:am] <12adventTM> I'm SO popular
[12:14:am] <ka> !promote
[12:14:am] -echbot1:#truecarnage- 5Please !add up in10 #truecarnage !!!5 1 more person needed!
[12:14:am] <ilikeayall> howhahahahow
[12:14:am] <SK-Xodius> now you're acting like a fool
[12:14:am] <SK-Xodius> lololo
[12:14:am] <12adventTM> no
[12:15:am] <12adventTM> I'm making a point
[12:15:am] <DX-Chain> ONE MORE FAG FOR CTF PLZ
[12:15:am] <SK-Xodius> a point you have friends on facebook you dont know?
[12:15:am] <12adventTM> ...
[12:15:am] <SK-Xodius> what an amazing point
[12:15:am] <12adventTM> oh my fucking god
[12:15:am] <SK-Xodius> LOL
[12:15:am] <12adventTM> someone please spoon-feed this poor toddler