Name: G.I. Jonesy
Posts: 2441
About a year ago, I began crusading for Vampire rights. I first went to Mexico, a Vampire strong-hold. I dealt with accommodating Vampire's and opportunistic humans. Shortly thereafter, HBO made a mockery of the Vampire endeavor, and in doing so, they made a mockery of all civil-rights endeavors. If HBO thinks persecution is a joke, maybe it is time I canceled my subscription. Vampires have been misrepresented by the liberal media for many millenia.

Point A: The media makes Vampire's out to be monsters, creatures of the night who threaten poor innocent humans (you know, humans, the one's who wage world wars). Maybe Vampire's do prefer the night, but many other creature's also favor the night, such as bats and owls.

The liberal media portrays Vampire's as idiots. They show films of Vampire's wandering into the sunlight, being killed by its rays. As if Vampire's are so dumb, they haven't figured out how to cover their bodies with clothing and sunglasses.

They claim Vampires want, nay need, to drink your blood for survival (thus killing you, or turning you into a Vampire). Modern science allows Vampires to easily purchase the blood they need, on a completely voluntary basis. Vampires pay top-dollar for quality blood, something you can't find from a Blood Donation center (which won't pay you a dime). Humans, on the contrary, slaughter by the billions (when they don't need to kill anything more than plants).

How often do you see video's of Vampire's sucking blood and biting necks? Now tell me, when was the last time a Vampire bit your neck? When was the last time a Vampire bit the neck of someone you know? The media, to put it plainly, is fraudulent. Worse yet, according to my research, the liberal media is controlled by anti-Vampire lobbyists.

It is perfectly clear what's going on here. Human-Vampire peace is a threat to corporate profits. We cannot allow corporations to facilitate murder, torture, or any other form of persecution. We must down-size corporate power, allowing all creature's to enjoy the same rights we humans enjoy (this includes skeletons, zombies, and of course, Vampire's).

I repeat: Greed must not be allowed to dictate law. Until Vampire rights are secured, Vampire's will continue their march, filing lawsuits where applicable.