Event: ESWC'09
In the next edition of the Masters of Athens Special on DerQuaker.com you can learn more about the French playboy Pierre-Emeric "link1n" Portier and what he thinks about French quake scene and other topics.The interview was made two weeks ago and unfortunately due to the issue with his old sponsor, Team Millenium, he isn't going to attend the ESWC Masters of Athens. But fortunately we didn't talk only about the upcoming tournament and touched on some other topics.
Now you have been in the USA. Can you give a good answers on Rapha's "French food is bleh"? How you liked American food?Read the full interview in english on DerQuaker.com.
link1n: HAHAHA :D To be honest, we can't really give a good answer when you're traveling about a tournament. I mean you have no time to go in a great restaurant or something like that, so of course food is gonna be "blehh" and I'll say the same thing about American food, I mostly eat hamburgers. So yeah, American food is bleh and French food owns the planet! FROOOMAGGGEEE!
Edited by xou at 09:02 CDT, 15 October 2008 - 22083 Hits