So, link1n and ashr;

Both of you have said you would like to make an eswc fragmovie.
But as some people - including myself are really looking forward to this, this isn't really going all that fast:D

So, I came up with an idea...
There are 4 tournaments you could make a movie of now;
ESWC masters paris, ESWC finals, ESWC masters athens and gamegune.

What if both of you would pick 2 events and make a movie for that, and later put them together?
We'd get movies with both your styles, and it'd go a lot faster.

Or ofcourse, 2 other moviemakers could join in, and everyone would make a fragmovie of an event, and later edit it into one movie.

Ofcourse this will prove challenging for music choice, codec use motion blur use etc, you'd have to organize it well, but as you've both said you don't have much time, and this seems like a 'good' solution.



Basically I came up with this idea because you guys said you were busy:P