One option is just to do what I've always done and get another headset, probably something along the lines of a Sennheiser PC161
However, another option which I think I would prefer is to buy some proper headphones along the lines of Sennheiser HD280's and solve the microphone problem another way
I've got absolutely no experience with mics outside of headsets, so if someone does a similar thing or can point me to a good model or brand I would appreciate it
I was thinking just something that would clip onto my shirt? I want to avoid those desktop mics if possible.
(Any suggestions for the actual headphones are welcome too, unfortunately I'll probably be using them outside of home so I can't really go open phones, which is why I was looking at the HD280's)
Edited by meez at 21:48 CDT, 24 October 2008 - 4233 Hits