Event: QNC'08

Registrations are still open: signed nations
- as you might know, the admin work is a time consuming thing; please, follow the schedule and rules to help me run the tourney smoothly
-the captains are obliged to send me the screenshots right after the match is over (I had to take the screenshots -all of them- by myself last year and I won't do it again)
-demos will be available on the QuakeQuickCup.com web site
-use the same country tag and nickname for the whole tourney (no mood colored tags; no pet names)
-be present on the IRC channel #quakequickcup for better communication
-once the match has been scheduled (when both teams agreed on a certain date), it cannot be postponed due to absence (unless you use your Wild card) - remember you can have up to four substitutes in your team; excuses won't work
-please check your team details and send me the missing information evetually
-this tourney is sponsored by asus.com
Edited by Legie at 19:48 CST, 5 November 2008 - 7950 Hits
so there are going to be prices?