Tho it's all in french, it is pretty much easy to understand.
You just click the link above, create your Character and fight vs mine. After that you can go to your "restroom" (which will be available under http://YOURNICK.labrute.fr/cellule/) and start fighting again versus other guys. At first you can fight 6 times, after that 3 times a day. With every fight you do you earn at least 1 EXP (2 EXP when victorious). Later on you get weapons and critters who help you defeating your opponent.
It's a nice time filler when you're bored at work or so. :P
EDIT: You can invite/challenge others by sending them YOUR link (http://YOURNICK.labrute.fr/)
- Attached Image: 67457-la-brute.jpg (12 Nov 2008, 246KB, 75 downloads)
Edited by unHuman at 07:16 CST, 12 November 2008 - 2729 Hits