Press release:
Today BSkyB, STAR and DIRECTV ended their Championship Gaming Series® (CGS) joint venture.
While the concept was ahead of its time and we are extremely proud of what we’ve accomplished, it became increasingly clear as this ambitious project evolved, that profitability was too far in the future for us to sustain operations in the interim.
Our goal was to be ahead of the curve in the e-sports space, and conceived of CGS as a true sports league. We invested wholeheartedly in the venture and presented viewers with a top-notch production, but the economics just didn’t add up for us at this time.
Our only regret is that we will lose a team of creative and talented individuals who invested their hearts and souls into Championship Gaming Series. We recognize their achievements and thank them for their hard work and passion.
BSkyB, STAR and DIRECTV continue to be committed to the video games sector, which is an important part of many of our customers’ lives and a great source of entertainment.
Edited by Nicky at 08:55 CST, 19 November 2008 - 126572 Hits
Even if you hated the game choices, the fact that this league is shutting down can do NO GOOD at all. The media coverage and outside sponsorship it brought in was the biggest any league has ever seen, and now that its gone it only shows that this industry can't survive.
Any organization to ever base their operations in North America (except MLG) has folded. CPL, WSVG and now CGS... heres a lesson to learn: DONT HOLD EVENTS IN NORTH AMERICA.
If you want to survive, be like soccer: focus on Europe.