Schedule: Passed
As promised, I'm holding a vq3 Duel cup with a completely fresh map pool next sunday. The goal of this cup is to make more players familiar with maps that aren't played in usual tournaments.
The first edition of this cup will be held on the next Sunday (7th December), starting at 09:00 CDT and finishing in the evening. If you want to participate, just signup at the website now, and don't forget to check in shortly before the start. This cup is mostly for the European community, but every player can participate if he is willing to play on European servers.
Map pool:
megadm4-09 <-- new version! screen
pukka3tourney2 screen
pukka3tourney5 screen
cpm29 screen
cht3 screen
Note: For each round until the semi finals, maps are forced, which means that players can not choose maps themselves, but have to play the maps that are given for the specific round. Check the website for further rules and details.
GTV: games1.olympus.ru:27970
If you are a server admin and want to support this cup with a server, please contact me.
If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask them in the irc-channel: #q3revoluzzers
Website: http://q3revoluzzers.tourney.cc/



Demos of Final
Edited by cYmoZz at 09:59 CST, 16 February 2009 - 18911 Hits
Please, specify.