Name: G.I. Jonesy
Posts: 2441
I love WoW so much, I play it all the time. I run around for hours, automatically. The running isn't for fun, I do it to get somewhere. Sometimes it takes hours and hours of auto-running and getting auto-stuck on auto-terrain. Now that i'm thinking about it, that part isn't fun at all. Of course, once you get your mount, it doesn't matter. Like when you accidentally destroy your elite mount and then you have to spend another 1,000g to get a new one. Wait a second, that part isn't fun either. Ok, how about the part where you attack the creature, and you sit there while the sword auto-swings and sometimes hits and the thing dies or you die. Damnit... WoW can be fun, I swear. There are so many pretty colors. The spells twinkle. Gaining a level is like getting an erection. I feel so powerful, like some kind of powerful creature, when I smite thee weak level 2 creatures with my massive level 23 sword-cock. It takes two hands just to hold!

I remember when WoW was new. My brother got banned for creating a dancing stripper-bot right there by the auction house in Orgrimmar. All the tips went with him. Back then, you got to lvl 60 then you ran through the same instances over and over, with people bitching the whole time about rolling or not rolling... and they weren't talking about ecstacy. My character was a skeleton warlock. There was a spell where you could impregnate a monster, then when you kill it, a demon emerges. The demon did not care who summoned it, it would kill anything friend or foe. The most fun I had in WoW was going to a newbie lvl 10 village, summoning the indiscriminatory demon and setting it loose on my own horde newbie team-mates. I loved watching it kill all of them over and over and over again, as they tried to run and hide. These days, there are no newbies left. You can have almost the whole game world to yourself. It's kind of lonely really, just you and the robots...

On that note, i'd like to sing a song.

The robots in wow
are there for you

they'll never leave
like that cheap prostitute would do

they'll be there forever
or until subscriptions run dry

the robots in wow
are there for you.

Well WoW fans, it's time for me to go play WoW. See you all next time.