Name: G.I. Jonesy
Posts: 2441
Is there enough cursing? If we look at recent interviews, we find a shocking lack of curse-words. Here's a quote from a recent Fox interview, "Firstly what do you think about strenx? You played against him and you watched him. Do you know he was that good? I saw his game at French ESWC 2008 qualifier and little bit online. He is probably one of the best aimer in the world right now. I don't know why he didn't play so well in San Jose but... I mean he was good. Top 2 is a good achievement.". As you can see, no cursing. Is it an epidemic, or a short-term flu? Let us examine recent news: "ESL Pro Series UK To Feature Duel Game", "FD CQ3 2v2: 3rd Round", "CPM TDM NationsCup: Week 1"... not a single curse word. I'd say there's a fucking problem.

What kind of bloody cunt fuck wants no cursing? Some shithole religious assfuck? Fuck them, those fucks are wrong. They think kids give a fucking fuck about cursing? Only dipshit adults give a nuts fuck. Sports need more cursing, because cursing is healthy. 12 out of 10 scientific studies prove conclusively, cursing is good for the psyche.

When some fuckfuck said 'shit', everyone loved it. Why do people now act like we're in some kind of hetero-only church choir? Fuck all that straight shit. We need at least 1% gayness, to be any fucking decent. And 1% gayness means 20% cursing. I'm sick of all this bullshit, where there is no cursing. I don't wish all religions would die a horrible, torturous, painful death for no good reason. God and religion are two separate things. If God didn't like cursing, God would not bless me every day with the magical ability to curse your fucking brains out.

So where the fuck is the cursing? Why am I the only mother-fucker doing his mother-fucking duty? Duty-free? Fuck no, not if it means no cursing. Back in the old days, when dinosaurs ruled the Earth, gamers used to fucking curse. They worshiped Satan and only cared about killing every fuck in sight. Demon fucking rules, not pro-rules. 30 seconds on the fucking megahealth, or how about, you don't get the megahealth, sAtan fucking eats your fucking skull while you scream in pain.

I don't work for the government, no matter what anyone tells you.