Another week passed really fast, I was able to damage another car during it, and what is important, we are here with some updates and info about the Quake Nations Cup.
Quake Live hits us really directly and we were able to watch really impressive games on Monday. Same it was for Quake 3 competitions and its "bloody Sunday". Quake World is starting basic groups along with Quake 4. And what does Quake 2 says about it?
Malice is also started interviews marathon with Quake Live captains and you will be able to
check them here.
QuakeWorld is starting
Basic Groups by its first week on this Sunday.
The tourney will be opened at 13:00 CDT by match
Czech Republic -vs- Germany
. Defenders of QNC QW title, team
Finland will fight with
Poland and the schedule will continue by another two games one hour later.
Denmark will face
Netherlands and
Hungary play against
Quake 2 NDML was cancelled and nobody gives me note, that they wants to play.
Quake 3 got
Week 4 Matches ready and scheduled, you can place some bets as well.
GTVs are ready and operational. Admins take all the stuff easy and there will be ShoutCasted game in CzEnglish!
Quake 4 Nations Cup will be open tomorrow by the game

Czech Quake -vs- Sweden

. We are really looking forward to it.
Sweden is defending champion and we want to show them, how we improved our skills (especially talkative) before this season. Week 1 & Week 2 Games.
Quake Live started Week 1 and we were witnesses of really amazing games.
You can check the results on this page and here are Week 2 games that are right now scheduling. I would like to pick up simply amazing game
United Kingdom -vs- Poland
where 3 maps and 2 sudden deaths push team Poland B to basic groups of Quake Nations Cup.
CzechQuake is trying to do European Quake LAN in

Rymarov. You might find it in
recent news about this action. Quake 3, Quake 4 and QuakeWorld will be played for sure, and I would like to ask you to check your schedules, diaries and ask personal assistants if you have time to come to LanCraft on 10th April and force
our powers.
ShoutCast recordings of all games will be available on Czech Quake really soon. As well as special surprise I mentioned before.
Demos if available, will be added to QuakeLive Beta Forums.
Special thanks to the captains of Quake Live National Teams, that are really great in scheduling games and communication with admins.
Stay Tuned and Have Fun
QuakeWorld :::
Quake 2 :::
Quake 3 :::
Quake 4 :::
Quake Live