Name: G.I. Jonesy
Posts: 2441
We all know there's a recession/depression thing going on. It's depressing and recessiony. Could there be a silver lining on this modern Greek tragedy? I'd say the answer is yes. This economic conundrum can be helpful, to some. Esports might be one of the beneficiaries.

Let's look at how past depressions affected sports.

65 million years ago, the Dinosaur depression was reaching its peak. With all the dead dinosaurs around, other creatures, smaller creatures, found a great deal of sport in hording Dinosaur corpses.

During the 'Great Depression' (when children would happily eat human flesh to survive), it was difficult for parents to drive their children to sports practice. When you're driving cross-country in large, inefficient vehicles, it can be expensive. Flying or taking a train isn't much better. Through the magic of internets, all that money can go into your childrens mouths instead of thin-air.

When the Third Reich came into being, their extreme fascism destroyed the German economy. What emerged was the greatest sporting event in human history. Millions of Jews were killed, to the great glee of Germany. How else could the Germans have survived those difficult economic times? They have Jews and sports to thank.

For eSports, all you need is a single game, a computer and a decent internet connection. Everyone already has computers and decent connections. The recession/depression will not change that. Fact is, eSports is significantly cheaper. Professional eSports could also be cheaper. If people stop with the lan sillyness (expensivo), and go with what couldn't be cheaper, we could have legitimate professional sporting at a recession-proof price. This is not a commercial, it's the truth.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have a jump-rope competition to attend. These days, jump-ropes are like glow-sticks. Fuckin' trips you out when they do crazy tricks. All they have to do is spike everyone's drinks with X and jump-roping will be the next big thing.