First article posted here at ESR about America's Army. One of the fastest growing games with a community that is growing a lot lately.
Hopefully I will be able to inform all you readers a few times per week with everything interesting that happened in the AA scene. With AA3, the new version, on it's way, you will probably read a lot more in the future.

This first one is about the first community organized LAN for Europe supported by GameVibes. Several teams have already confirmed attending the event, and from what it looks it's going to be a great success.

General information:
Date: 4th and 5th of April
Location: The Outpost, Antwerp, Belgium
Fee: € 50 per player / € 5 per spectater
Prizes: Total prizepot of € 1700 so far, only from the fees with 16 teams attending!

The LAN will be non-byoc, so you don't have to worry about bringing your PC. There are 32 PC's available at the Outpost and the organization is aiming at 24 teams to be attending this LAN.
Teams will play in a 4on4 format with, as you can imagine, breaks in between the matches. 8 teams will be playing at once.
At the moment the organization is in contact with several companies to be sponsoring the event. If you are interesting or you know someone who would be interested, please don't hesitate and mail to

Payment information:
Payments are to be made directly to Gamevibes, a trusted organization with a history of organizing LANs. We would prefer it if payments were made at once by your whole team. When sending your payment please write your names and team name in the bank transfer comments/notes.

Bank account information:
IBAN: BE18 7330 5121 9565
Gamevibes BVBA

Useful links:
FragOut news
Website of the event