The semi finals are now over! The final and the match for the 3rd rank will be as following (schedule will be added ASAP):
Final: kgb & walter versus bLt & griffin
Bronze final: plague & whaz versus cha0ticz & hoens
All matches are broadcasted on GTV and some may get a shoutcasting coverage, it will be known at game time. Again, the MVDs will be available shortly after the matches on
Semi finals:
- kgb & walter 2-0 plague & whaz (demos: ospdm6, q3dm7 - VODs/Audios)
- bLt & griffin 2-1 cha0ticz & hoens (demos: ospdm6, q3dm7, pro-q3dm6)
Quarter finals:
- kgb & walter 2-0 chance & palarity (demos: ospdm6, pro-q3dm6)
- cha0ticz & hoens 2-0 icel0re & 2 (demos: pro-q3dm6, ospdm6)
- plague & whaz 2-0 carnage & relic (demos: pro-q3dm6, q3dm7)
- bLt & Griffin 2-0 chief & spec1e (demos: ospdm6, q3dm7)
Round 2:
- bLt & griffin > mouzterbaiter & sun9 (no demos)
- specie & chief > Phatty2phat & Vibrance (no demos)
- plague & whaz > nirvana & switch (demos: pro-q3dm6, ospdm6)
- chance & palarity > butcher & w0nk0 (demos: pro-q3dm6, q3dm7)
- kgb & walter > Nomadic & Gillz (demos: pro-q3dm6, ospdm6)
- carnage & relic > forge & darko (demos: pro-q3dm6, q3dm7)
- icel0re & 2 > gibz & demex (demos: q3dm7, pro-q3dm6)
- cha0ticz & hoens > dkt & rapha (demos: pro-q3dm6, ospdm6, q3dm7)
More infos:
Website -
Bracket -