Firstly, post 6000. n00bs.

Although none of you are actually interested, I would just like explain why the change of mind when it came to Sweden. There were 3 reasons why I decided to stay in London.

1.) All the english language jobs I applied to rejected me.
2.) I really like my job in London, and would like to stay there a bit longer.

And most importantly

3.) Girl, who appeared to be perfectly OK in every way while I was with her in SA, became more and more psychotic, and I had a growing fear of being stuck in any sort of accomodation with her while she had her merry way with me. When I decided to give her the bad news, she confirmed my suspicions of being certifiable and so I am quite happy with my decision.

I must look quite silly, but considering that I decided to cancel everything before making any serious arrangements, I am definitely getting better at this. (considering the past).

So instead of moving countries, I have a new dream! The place I am staying is rubbish, so I found another place to live, which is completely awesome. (I move in 2 days) In this new abode I am going to build a New PC.

The New PC
Although it's probably not going to be as awe inspiring as luKrek's choice of hardware, I pretty much want to build a killer PC for about £500 to £600.

The collective is smarter than the individual (Well sometimes) so I am asking you! Faithful readers! To suggest what I should buy.

In other news I went to Edinburgh to train a client last week, beautiful city, surprised me. Tonight I am going to see Lamb of God, even though I am sick, but should still be a good show. I am also stuck in a vortex of Xenas (plural of Xena) but that is another story.